What does over-processed hair look like?


Can anyone describe to me the look and texture of over-processed hair? What about underprocessed hair. I have one section on the left side of my head that just looks really strange.
It's gets so tangled and kind of reminds me the hair on a dolls head after its been played with to much. :perplexed
I think overprocessed hair is super straight. Depending on the level of damage it may look slightly crinkled or frazzled, it will definitely have no elasticity so if you grab a hair and pull it it wont stretch at all it'll just break.

Underprocessed hair isn't necessarily a problem it's "texlaxed" it might be a problem if it's underprocessed and the rest is normally processed tho because the difference between the texture can cause a problem. This hair may appear wavy and for roots you'll notice the distinction between the touched up hair and the rest.

Your hair sounds overprocessed to me I think that can happen when it's too dry from too much heat, I dont just apply the term overprocessed to over-relaxing tho. It can be caused by over processing styles too. hth
I met a lady at work whose hair was breaking and falling to the floor while I was talking to her. Her hair also looked really dry and lifeless. Her hair was definitely over processed.

Usually, I think of over processed hair as relaxed hair that is really straight and thin.
I guess mine is underprocessed then. It is really dry and super springy. It shrivels up to my earlobe but the actual length is just past my shoulder. At least I hope it is underprocessed and therefore correctable. Thanks for the input ladies.