What does marriage minded mean?

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
...to you.

I was asked and listening to my answer...yeah, I don't think I have a clear understanding. What does a marriage minded person do that's different from someone who is committed?
Dating with the purpose of getting married? Do you miss out on the "journey" by being so focused on marriage?

G'morning :)
Good morning. :)

For me, it also involves considering your SO in decisions and choices made. There is no longer "me" or "I" but "us" and "we". Their input is sought before anything is finalized.

Marriage-minded actions may include not only shopping for rings and venues, but having full disclosure of finances, setting up joint accounts and retirement plans, researching neighborhoods to raise a family, planning a course of action of where and how "we" intend to get to Plan A, B, C, etc.

Another important aspect I noted is that friends are "our friends", not yours and mine, especially with respect to the opposite sex. It is in my humblest opinion that a marriage-minded individual won't encourage those types of separate friendships.
Not living together, purchasing a home together, or having a child together without marriage. Not dating for years. Looking forward to and valuing marriage. Moving on quickly when you realize that he/she is not the one because you don't want to waste your or their time. Being aware of time, your ages, etc. and acting accordingly.
Agree completely with the previous two ladies.

The number one key to being marriage minded is only investing time and energy in men who are ALSO marriage minded. Many women claim that they are marriage minded but their actions tell a completely different story.

You make a good point about some women! I think people EXPECT to be marriage minded so without 'testing' it we really don't know. As I type this now, I would HONESTLY enjoy keeping my condo and or another place to live even if I were married.
Marriage minded action? Not so much but I swear I'm ready lol

Doing something that's not conducive to a healthy marriage is that the same as not being ready to be married at all? There are people in marriages that don't have healthy behaviors...why did they get married at all? If all married people were really marriage minded, would the divorce rate be high?
Wow thank OP I never actually tried to put this in words before lol. My take on it involves 1) Only entertaining men with husband potential. 2)The relationship is working towards the goal of tying the knot if everything goes well. 3)The man you are dating treats you as a potential future wife and vice versa while you critique the relationship as such. 4) Possibly having a limit for how long you'll stay in the relationship without a ring.

I think when your just having fun and dating you allow yourself to look past some bad qualities while focusing on superficial qualities (looks, sense of humor, physical chemistry).

When your marriage minded you have to be more aware of the person's character and potential as a FH and have more self awareness of what you want/need your FH to be. So any guy your dating has to satisfy superficial qualities and FH potential qualities (maturity, intelligence, professional potential, religious/political ideals, etc) just to be able to stay your SO.
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In a relationship with marriage being seen as the end point. The man is courting you with that purpose and the purpose is discussed and known between the both parities.

Now marriage may not happen because during the courting period you may find that you are not compatible and that's alright.

Marriage minded is the opposite to casual dating to me. I don't date casually.