What do you wish your MIL taught your SO/DH before he met you?


Well-Known Member
Dh can not fold clothes or pack a suitcase to save his life. He just smashes it all in there. He's too stubborn to learn now...so I blame his mom.:lachen::blush:
about the 'female friends' rule.....i don't like em

pick up after himself, he does not have a maid

the car, bike club and bike do not come before the wife and the house

a happy wife = a happy life
WEll my SO cleans and he is pretty much the only one that does the dishes :) And he ALWAYS puts the seat down! Jeezz I love him lol. Now, what drives me insane is when we are walking he doesn't remember that he should be on the outside and sometimes he walks ahead of me! that irritates me! Am I wrong for letting this get to me?
WEll my SO cleans and he is pretty much the only one that does the dishes :) And he ALWAYS puts the seat down! Jeezz I love him lol. Now, what drives me insane is when we are walking he doesn't remember that he should be on the outside and sometimes he walks ahead of me! that irritates me! Am I wrong for letting this get to me?

You are not wrong for this. My SO does it too, and I don't like it. I will sometimes say "ladies first" and smile as I tap his shoulder to let him know its not cool to walk ahead and go through doors ahead of me. He says his arms are short so he has to go in the door and hold it for me....they are not short though, that's just his excuse for forgetting to be a gentleman:rolleyes:
You should have taught your son how to keep a clean house and to pay bills on time! :whip: How DARE you make excuses for him! Better yet, why do you STILL clean up after him? :mad: And why didn't you teach him about tithes and offerings too? Sheesh, why do I have to be mommy all over again?
You should have taught your son how to keep a clean house and to pay bills on time! :whip: How DARE you make excuses for him! Better yet, why do you STILL clean up after him? :mad: And why didn't you teach him about tithes and offerings too? Sheesh, why do I have to be mommy all over again?

Wow that one sounds like you are speaking directly to your MIL lol
To chew with his mouth "CLOSED" all the way and DO NOT smack!!!!!

It irritates me so much --- I cant even eat at the same table with him sometimes!
Charlotte, I agree with the "chew with his mouth closed". Ugghhh!

I wish she taught him out to cook. When he puts food in the MICROWAVE he's asking me how many minutes he should leave it in there. *SMH*
this is funny and i'm bumping this! i wish she would have taught him to clean up his bear hair all over of the doggon bathroom and to rake his plate!
That disagreements are a normal part of a relationship and that active communication is the key to reaching a consensus or at least some understanding. Going off to sulk in a corner isn't a mature option; at the very least say that now is not the best time to talk.
How to communicate, so I don't feel like it's pulling teeth out of his mouth to get him to talk.....other than that, he's good!
That straightening up doesn't = cleaning.
To clean up behind himself.
Not to lick and suck his fingers clean after a meal.
Not to pick his teeth after a meal.
Not to sleep with his mouth open.
Some grammar.
Not to stuff his mouth absolutely full when he eats. This man takes the HUGEST bites I have EVER, EVER seen a human take. I think cows might take more reasonably sized bites.

Ok, I'm done.
How to COOK!!! I'm tired of cooking every other day. Also, put the toilet seat down.:wallbash: I love him dearly but this urks my nerve.:yep: