what do you use to pre poo?


New Member
what do you use to pre poo?

do you make a concoction?
or a special shampoo?
do you use a dryer or heat cap?
how long do you leave it on?
I ALWAYS do a pre shampoo treatment of some kind. Most times I use a mixture of the following oils: jojoba, castor, olive, wheat germ with 2 tsp of honey. I warm this up and apply to dry hair making sure to saturate my ends. I put on my plastic cap and cover with a towel. I leave this on for a minimum of 30 mins and shampoo. This past Friday I added 1/4 cup of cocnut milk to this mixture and left it on for a hour.

Last month I experimented with GPB as a pre shampoo treatment and that worked pretty good to.
I'm going to start using my Glover's as a pre-poo so I don't let it go to waste. I wanted to apply it to my hair during the week but I don't want people smelling that from my hair at work. They might think I personally smell like that. :D
what do you use to pre poo? Either plain EVOO, my homemade Hair mask, or EVOO and conditioner or deep conditioner.

do you make a concoction? Some times I use my homemade hair mask.
-1 overripe banana
-1/4 cup EVOO
-1/4 cup conditioner
-1/4 cup deep conditioner
mix together in a blender on "liquify" or similar for 1-2 minutes. Pour over hair and massage in. Leave on for at least one hour. Rinse, shampoo, condition, etc.

or a special shampoo? No special shampoo, just the regular stuff.
do you use a dryer or heat cap? Soft Bonnet Dryer by Vidal Sassoon.

how long do you leave it on? At least one hour but mostly two hours.
Poohbear said:
I'm going to start using my Glover's as a pre-poo so I don't let it go to waste. I wanted to apply it to my hair during the week but I don't want people smelling that from my hair at work. They might think I personally smell like that. :D

lol:lachen: i am the same way, scared to try products because of the lingering smell!!!

thanks ladies:D
I am using Aubrey's GPB now...my hair feels good

Burts Bees Avacado treatment (15 mins b4 washing hair)
Hot oil treatment: Jojoba oil by Queen Helene
senimoni said:
What does honey do for the hair?

Honey is a natural humectant. It draws moisture into the hair and helps to increase shine. I also notice it helps to promote "curls" If I could, I would just bring the honey to the shower and add it to my conditioner, but since I can't, I just prepoo with it.
i always do a pre-poo and i LOVE to make concoctions...im like a mad scientist over here :D

the latest is aloe vera cholesterol + cholesterol hot oil tx + honey + jojoba oil....all warmed up and slathered on dry hair...then i sit around with a shower cap on and my hoodie...that warms it up real nice....
i use EVOO or EVOO+honey. i put in on my hair, put on a plastic cap and go do something else. love it! i'm going to have to try that coconut oil though.
DatJerseyDyme said:
Honey is a natural humectant. It draws moisture into the hair and helps to increase shine. I also notice it helps to promote "curls" If I could, I would just bring the honey to the shower and add it to my conditioner, but since I can't, I just prepoo with it.

Why can't you? You can keep one of the squirtable bottles in the shower for hair usage only, couldn't you? That's what I do.
It would be nice to do that, but I'm at school and my shower caddy is already full of stuff and there is NO room for anything else! I BARELY squeeze a small vial of evoo in it..and I do mean small!
I haven't done a pre-poo in a loooonngg time, but I used Burt's Bees Avocado Butter Pre-Shampoo Treatment mixed with warm EVOO. I apply it to my damp hair and then put a plastic cap over it for about 15 minutes.
coconut oil, honey, and whatever conditoner i'm using at the time. mix it up and let it sit. it always makes my hair feel great.
i use a mixture of coconut milk straight from the can and evoo.I put this mixture in a spray bottle and leave on for up to 40 minutes.I love it. :D gives my hair a new life...and i think it may have promoted some growth as well.
95% of the time I like to use coconut oil, sometimes I might use LeKare w/ my oils on dry hair. after I get everthing done my hair turns out GREAT :up: !
goldensugar23 said:
i use a mixture of coconut milk straight from the can and evoo.I put this mixture in a spray bottle and leave on for up to 40 minutes.I love it. :D gives my hair a new life...and i think it may have promoted some growth as well.

Coconut milk....how is this different than oil....as far as the effects.


Re: the Honey, just any regular honey will do?
I use Ginger Oil for my pre shampoo treatment and massage. It leaves my scalp tingling and warm. I never use it for hot oil treatments because it leaves my hair feeling dry. I also add honey to my hot oil treatments because it helps my hair to retain moisture, it is a very good humectant.
senimoni said:
Coconut milk....how is this different than oil....as far as the effects.


Re: the Honey, just any regular honey will do?
yep, any old honey....
My own mix of castor oil, coconut oil and honey. I LOVE this mixture, my hair is always sooo soft afterwards. I leave it on a couple hours or 15 min with heat, then shampoo and condition (usually just a regular conditioner, not an instant one).
In fact, I think I'm going to do one today. :grin:
I do pre-poo treatments about twice a week. I usually don't use shampoo to wash it out. The only time I use shampoo is if what I'm using leaves a residue or film. If it rinses clean, then I just apply my deep conditioner.
Lately, I've been applying Aubrey Organics GPB or Honeysuckle Rose conditioner or both to dry hair as my pre-treatment. I leave it on for an hour without heat but, if I'm in a hurry I'll use heat for about 15 minutes and then rinse. Then, I'll apply a deep conditioner for about another 15 minutes or so. This method seems to make combing my deep conditioner thru easier and my deep conditioner doesn't have to work as hard... My hair is softer and stays moisturized longer. I've also been able to extend my relaxer retouch to 12 weeks instead of 6-8 weeks by doing this.