What do you use to keep your hair UP?


Well-Known Member
I use those goody ouchless hair bands. Theyre made of fabric.
I bought some that look like these after I lost all my other bands


But theyre the thicker variety. Has anyone noticed a drying effect by using these? Im wondering if it could be the fabric and the thicker width of the ones Im using now. Or if its just me and shoddy practices somewhere else.

Anyway, what do you use to keep your hair up off your shoulders? Clips, bands, ...what else is there that does not cause damage?
I use those same bands, I haven't had any issues using them. I make sure I moisturize and oil very well before using them and I always change the location of the ponytail. I use satin scruchies as well for ponytails. For other updo's I use the following clips:

I just bought these, but I have not used them yet:

IIRC, someone used to soak them in oil or moisturizer before using them in her hair. If you find them drying, maybe that can help.
if i'm lazy i use an ouchless scunci hair band and make a big high bun out of that.

otherwise, i usually use bobby pins to keep my hair up. less snagging and no pulling.
I use bobby pins for my updos

I second that. Bobby pins are sooo extremely versatile, you'd be amazed at the styles that you can create with two or three bobby pins. Other products have nothing on the bobbypin when it comes to updos!:yep:
I mostly use good hair days pins. bobby/'barbie' pins only for fly aways. a year or so ago, i would use ouchless hair ties/bands. I would keep them in a ziplock baggy with 1-2 TBS of olive oil.

I mostly use good hair days pins. bobby/'barbie' pins only for fly aways. a year or so ago, i would use ouchless hair ties/bands. I would keep them in a ziplock baggy with 1-2 TBS of olive oil.


I co-sign on this one! I love these things. I can't use ponytail holders at all, no matter what they're soaked in! LOL These have been a lifesaver.
I've been using a cut section of a knee-hi stocking, it's working much better than any of the ouchless bands I have. I see no hair strands when I take it off at night. I'm so happy I have enough hair again to catch up into a ponytail. YAY! (phony-pony is added for viewing pleasure)