diamondlady said:
Thanks for your reinforcement of what I already thought.

I really wondered if I was paranoid or imagining something but when I asked her about it she pretended not to know what I was talking about.

I think I WILL cross her off my friends list and toss the products.

Girl cross her off your friends list and KEEP the products (if they have good ingredients)!!!!!
Shoot, no need to miss out on some free hair stuff!:look:
I would definitely toss her butt. AND I'd be leary about the hair products. Not saying that she did anything to them.... but who knows what's going through her mind.
jasmin said:
Wow, does she post here. Very nice products

Anyway you could probably get all of those products except Kenra intensive emollient treatment. They don't make that product by Kenra anymore. It was one of my staples.:mad:

This girl is jealous for some reason. Maybe all she has is the hair thing. It's sad. Good people/friends don't deserve to be treated this way.

I agree that the products are good ones I've heard of everything except the Goldwell Definition Repair Serum. I doubt that she posts here. She said that hair boards were stupid. They were like dating on-line, she said "you can't trust those people and who has that kind of time to waste on a computer, somebody with a nothing life that's who". This is one of the examples of the negative things she says in front of other people when I bring up a subject.
diamondlady said:
I agree that the products are good ones I've heard of everything except the Goldwell Definition Repair Serum. I doubt that she posts here. She said that hair boards were stupid. They were like dating on-line, she said "you can't trust those people and who has that kind of time to waste on a computer, somebody with a nothing life that's who". This is one of the examples of the negative things she says in front of other people when I bring up a subject.

I wouldn't trust that either. That maybe to deter you from going onto the hair boards. Furthermore, I would not use the products. When people are envious there is no telling what lenghts they will go to. I would kick her to the curb.

Any idea what her hair type is or is she's natural or relaxed? :)
Yeah I wouldn't trust a word out of her mouth. I wouldn't put it past her to go on the boards. She seems to front a lot.
BrownSkin2 said:
That maybe to deter you from going onto the hair boards

jasmin said:
I wouldn't put it past her to go on the boards. She seems to front a lot.

BrownSkin2 and Jasmin, I was thinking the same thing. A lot of the things she comes up with sounds like what I get from the forum. I just said that you can get a lot of good information from hair boards and she went off on a little superiority trip. She wears her hair up 90% of the time.(sound familiar) When the subject of hair comes up around our other two friends, she takes it down and tosses it around (white girl toss) and we sit there with our mouths open because it is truly beautiful. I'm really not hating on her because her hair is very beautiful, very thick, and I guess we may tell her that too often.

I 'm not sure what her type is but I would guess 4B. She said she has no idea what kind of relaxer her stylist uses only that it is a no-lye and she said she was trying not get relaxed too often (again, sound familiar) I'm not sure I believe she doesn't know what kind of relaxer her stylist uses, if I had hair to my waist I would know everything that was being done to it, Shoot I don't have hair to my waist and I know everything my stylist puts on it and I watch her like a hawk.
I totally agree with everybodys response. First of all, I am not sure of what age group we are talking about but this young lady is very insecure and is using you to test her own vuneralbilities and puts on an "act" when she is in front of other people. She also displays herself as the product of a spoiled child but obviously has to rely on other people to validate her. She is completly lost without this. Cut her loose fast!! Thank her and move on...you don't need it. She still has a lot of growing up to do. Let her hide behind her hair instead of you. When she finds out who the person is behind the hair then maybe she will realize that beauty is from within. :ohwell:
prettypuff1 said:
Any friend who treats you like that when others are around, she isnt your friend...

I agree with prettypuff. And you know you can get all kind of product recommendation here. Feel free to ask.
Choklatekiss79 said:
All the info and tips you need about haircare and products are right here on LHCF!!!!:D

I agree you have love and support and wonderful advice right here. Forget about her hair, her tips and her second hand products.
With friends like that you don't need no enemies :nono: From what I read seems to me that she's jealous of the fact that your married and she's not...and being *sugary* in private she would have no reason to ask you about the things your husband buys for you and trips the two of you take unless she has designs on your man....Leave her and her used products ALONE and STOP talking about your husband with her. :naughty: