What do you think this guy was up to?


Well-Known Member
I ran into a guy from high school the other day, and we talked for a minute. This is a guy who had a crush on me, but I don't remember any of our conversations from back then. While we were talking, he said there was a particular restaurant that he wanted try and he wanted someone to go with. He asked me for my number, and I gave it to him. He then started texting me for the next few days--nonsense like "Good Morning" and "How are you?" Maybe that's not really nonsense, but I was annoyed because the texts seemed pointless.

One day, I finally had time to text for a while, and he asked me what I was doing Saturday, that he wanted to go for a walk with me :perplexed. I'm thinking "I know this mf isn't asking me to go for a walk." I say walk where? He asked me if I liked going to the park. (The parks where I live are usually deserted or occupied by homeless men, unless it's summertime. I'm sure he knows this). I said no, feeling annoyed again. (I'm not going for a walk in the cold park with a guy who is almost a complete stranger). I asked him whatever happened with that restaurant that he wanted to go to. He said "there are many choices." :huh: He then suggested that we meet in a hotel lobby. I told him no, and suggested a place in the local open air mall. It's very busy and popular during happy hour. Well, he agreed, but then called me later, leaving a message, saying "We should talk about this. I'll call you back later." I haven't heard from him since.

Now, I haven't dated in a very long time, and I don't know what's normal anymore. Is it my imagination, or are men trying to skip steps and be cheap? Or am I doing something wrong?
that sounds weird. why meet in a hotel lobby? is he staying in a hotel? if its cold where you are i understand why a walk in a park. i enjoy parks personally, but i dont know your area, so if you are saying they are deserted and its cold, i understand your hesitation. idk, i'd probably just brush it off as weirdo and keep it moving. i'm sure you'll get a hey stranger text around september during cuffing season lol.
I don't know where he lives, but I don't think he was staying in that hotel. I was thinking what do I look like driving downtown at night to meet a guy in a hotel lobby? I don't know why he would think that was okay. I'm wondering what his initial motives were.
I don't know where he lives, but I don't think he was staying in that hotel. I was thinking what do I look like driving downtown at night to meet a guy in a hotel lobby? I don't know why he would think that was okay. I'm wondering what his initial motives were.

The hotel is probably close to the homeless shelter he lives in. :look:
He's hiding something.
Somethin in the milk ain't clean. Trust your gut and block him if you have an Android phone. If you have an apple I'm sure they have a similar feature.
Hotel lobby ---if his married behind was going to have to feed you he wanted to have easy access to make it worth his time.

Park ---he started thinking he might not get any and decided to feel you out in a park first. Then if everything seems to go his way he could take it to the next level...dinner then hotel.

When men have women they are cheating on, and they want to touch and go, they dont like to waste time with formalities. The only problem is they like to prey on women looking for real relationships. So they have to act the part in some way or another. The smarter cheaters just hunt women who want the same things...touch and go. My goodness...sometimes I wish I never had the male friends I had...they told me all the truths I needed but it becomes so depressing at times.
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Have you ever seen one of those horror movies where a white family lives in a house that they KNOW is haunted?

First, they see unexplained shadows on the wall and they're intrigued.

Then they hear strange noises coming from the attic and they go to investigate and get a lamp thrown at them outta nowhere.

Then the ghosts write "GET OUT" (in the King's English, mind you) in the steam on their bathroom mirror, and the family asks each other "what does it all mean"?

Then there's the big showdown, where the family realizes they would have been wise to pack up and move out when they saw the first signs of trouble.

Don't be that white family. Come down from the attic. No closure needed. Don't worry about what's old dude is up to. Just move on before this becomes a haunting experience.
ChasingBliss Right! That's why he mentioned the restaurant. Like dangling a carrot. Men know women like being taken out on dates, out to dinner, to the movies, etc. Actions speak louder than words. He mentioned the restaurant (words) but has yet to ask you out (actions). That's why it's good for women to take good care of themselves and take themselves out to dinner to nice restaurants and to the movies, etc. so they don't get too excited about the mere mention of going out.
What's wrong with men these days. I had a slightly similar situation with a man asking me to go for a walk. He wanted to walk on the lake cause it was nice out that day. Mind you this is a 40 year old man talking about walking. I told him no to the walk but we could meet for drinks, do the happy hour thing. We made plans to meet somewhere and this fool ends up cancelling. Lame...
Have you ever seen one of those horror movies where a white family lives in a house that they KNOW is haunted?

First, they see unexplained shadows on the wall and they're intrigued.

Then they hear strange noises coming from the attic and they go to investigate and get a lamp thrown at them outta nowhere.

Then the ghosts write "GET OUT" (in the King's English, mind you) in the steam on their bathroom mirror, and the family asks each other "what does it all mean"?

Then there's the big showdown, where the family realizes they would have been wise to pack up and move out when they saw the first signs of trouble.

Don't be that white family. Come down from the attic. No closure needed. Don't worry about what's old dude is up to. Just move on before this becomes a haunting experience.

This was so funny. I read this in the voice of those direct tv commercials..."Don't wake up in a roadside ditch"
@ChasingBliss Right! That's why he mentioned the restaurant. Like dangling a carrot. Men know women like being taken out on dates, out to dinner, to the movies, etc. Actions speak louder than words. He mentioned the restaurant (words) but has yet to ask you out (actions). That's why it's good for women to take good care of themselves and take themselves out to dinner to nice restaurants and to the movies, etc. so they don't get too excited about the mere mention of going out.

Yup, it's all game. From what I'm hearing these days, men do not like to part with their money (that they'd rather not spend in the first place) without knowing they are getting something in return almost immediately. The only way they tend to do this is when they KNOW they are sticking around to make you their's...then they have all the time and money in the world to spend on/with you. Cus the goal is to land and keep you...usually. Then you have those who just like to play and spend and turn up and play and spend then bounce...
So he’s either broke, married, a criminal, homeless, a horror man…all bad things. :lol: Yeah, I’m going to leave this situation alone. I don’t know what made him think I’d go for any of that. I go out a lot and out to eat on a regular basis, usually with a group, and thought I’d met another person who likes to go out. Turns out he was a big fake. Oh, well…

:lachen: @ CaraWalker. I don't want to pretend this never happened. I want to remember this foolishness for when I finally meet a decent man.
I've been coaching my nieces not to entertain men who text. If they can't be bothered to talk to you or take you on a date to talk, don't waste your time.

DH's friend said he was doing a lot of Dutch dates a while back and women were going for it. I'm guessing he is married or broke. He can't take you to a mall because his wife will see him...or maybe you will ask him to buy you something. Either way, block his number.
He was pulling a bait and switch. Tell you about the nice restaurant to make you think it'd be a date .... except he never officially asked you out there. Instead he's talking free walks in desserted parks and quickies in hotel lobbies. Hell no.
He's a _____(fill in the blank). No need to figure it out. Whatever IT may be, tell yourself you have neither the time or inclination to waste another second on him.
Probably attached and also a douchebag.

There are plenty of men that date women in a good way. Male and female gameplayers/timewasters will always be around too. Don't try to understand them.
Pat Mahurr said:
Have you ever seen one of those horror movies where a white family lives in a house that they KNOW is haunted?

First, they see unexplained shadows on the wall and they're intrigued.

Then they hear strange noises coming from the attic and they go to investigate and get a lamp thrown at them outta nowhere.

Then the ghosts write "GET OUT" (in the King's English, mind you) in the steam on their bathroom mirror, and the family asks each other "what does it all mean"?

Then there's the big showdown, where the family realizes they would have been wise to pack up and move out when they saw the first signs of trouble.

Don't be that white family. Come down from the attic. No closure needed. Don't worry about what's old dude is up to. Just move on before this becomes a haunting experience.

Great analogy Pat. OP, don't even bother thinking about it. This dude is whack.