what do you think caused this bald spot?


Well-Known Member
Should I go to the doc about it? I've been battling with my hair lately. I used up an old box of henna and my hair started shedding and breaking like crazy. It got so dry it felt like straw. A few days ago I noticed the bald patch when I tried to part my hair down the middle and its gotten bigger. I don't have any patches anywhere else just right there for the most part and its kind of tender. Could it be stress? Or from the shedding and breakage? A medical condition? Its all I can think about and I am not sure how this happened as I take pretty good care of my hair. Its stressing me out.

I'm so paranoid. Idk what to do. Help!
WELL DAMN i can't remove my pic WTF, thanks for viewing and not responding everyone. Makes me feel real good. I'll be sure to keep my hair pics to myself and for my blog.
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got it. 514 views and two people help. Thanks guys I love you too. I think I should stay away from this hair board no one helps me on here EVER.
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@Geminigirl. What did you mix your henna with? I remember getting a bald spot from using henna and too much lemon juice. I didn't do anything about it, I just stopped using henna for a while and let it fill back in. If you're anxious about it maybe you should go see the dr just be sure. I used reshma henna for hair btw. never used that crap again.

ETA: Upon seeing your picture I'll have to say my bald spot was about that same size. I would suggest messaging it but since that spot is sensitive, I'd go a little easy on it.
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I am just now getting my moisture back in balance. I only used hot water and mehandi powder let it sit until I used it the next day. I am done with henna for now. I guess I'm out of practice with. I used to get great results but this whole thing turned me off.

I think I will cause I'm scared. Sometimes of feels like my whole scalp is kind of burning or tingling. Especially on my bald spot.

I used jamila I think. I didn't check to see if it was expired or if it does. It was sent to me like last year and I finally used it.
Ok ill try massage. I just plop oil on it and hope for the best. Ugh if this was from henna why have you forsaken me?!?
You been stressed lately?

I still have my bald spot and just gave up & attributed it to stress. When you use different products then its hard to figure out what it is.
I can see why you're scared, you might be having a reaction. Maybe you should clarify your hair. Just shampoo it until you hear it squeaks. That might help with the itching. I know you just got your moisture back, but it'll be worth it.
Its not all the way back my hair still feels weird. I also used a shikaki poo bar which I thought would help take it out as well as commercial poo, but I don't have a clarifying poo, I do have bentonite clay. I hated the last time I tried that but its worth a try to make sure that's out of my hair. I've just been trying to rinse daily and cowash.

Ill try the clay tonight or today. Depends on if I leave the house today.
Thanks so much for responding. I hate making threads cause no one usually helps me but I really apppreciate your advice. I've been doing this hair thing for awhile but I still need advice sometimes. I didn't think to clarify so ill try that.
Gibsongal I forgot to add that after my henna treatment I used silk elements moist treatment. Reading another henna setback thread she thinks this messed her up I also shampood quite a bit which also messed me up. Anyways about a week after I henna my hair I washed and their was still henna in there. Do you think this could have dried my hair from being on it so long and caused it to break in that spot? I'm scared to clarify now!
Maybe ill just let the clay sit ob there for like 30 minutes instead of an hour and then follow up with that aloe pre poo. That helped my hair regain some balance.
got it. 514 views and two people help. Thanks guys I love you too. I think I should stay away from this hair board no one helps me on here EVER.

I can't see your pics, so I can't comment on that :( Also, don't forget that there are probably 1000s of folks viewing LHCF that don't have actual paid accounts who cannot post...

Maybe some people don't have an idea. :nono:

Anyway, I say go to the doctor. You may be having an allergic reaction and they could give you something for it, if that's the case. I'm not going to try to diagnose your issue because I'm not a doctor.

For now, I'd stay away from anything too harsh. Make sure you are very gentle with your hair and scalp and rinse all the products out very well, so you don't risk further irritation.

I hope you figure it out :)
I think its the henna that dried your hair out and as you said there was still some in there. Clarifying may dry your hair out so if you clarify dilute the shampoo & follow up with a DC. I suggest aowc cause its natural and your scalp sounds irritated. Don't scratch & massage. Up your vitamins and try to stop stressing. You are so adorable. :) I remember your pics in the every day hair thread. Keep smiling girlie & keep making threads if need be. Oh jbco is good for irritated scalps as well.
it sounds like you are having a reaction. i just saw this post, so i didn't get to see your picture. you need to make an appt asap or go to urgent care.
Geminigirl...I hate this has happened to you, however be very careful about the bentonite clay. It can be drying as well. Massaging, using diluted sulfate free shampoo are good suggestions, however please see your Dermatologist. I did not see the post or the pic, however I understand how you feel and hope this is resoloved soon. HUGS!!! Keep us updated.
I don't have much more to add, but I will be praying for you. I vote that you see a dermatologist a.s.a.p.
I agree that you should see a doctor. You can diy to treat breakage but if you have a bald spot that can fall outside the scope of diy. You might be having an allergic reaction to something, or it could be a form of alopecia but you'll need a derm to diagnose that.
Sorry that this is happening to you :(
I've never used henna before so I don't have anything to say about that but I've been living with likely permanent traction alopecia so I know how damaging to one's psyche it is to have a bald spot. I also vote that you go see a dermatologist.

In the meantime, here's this recipe that Nonie made to completely fill in her bald spots. Maybe it'll work for you :)

This recipe is what grew my bald spots in:

1. Thyme essential oil - 2 drops
2. Atlas cedarwood essential oil - 2 drops
3. Lavender essential oil -3 drops
4. Rosemary essential oil -3 drops
5. Jojoba oil - ½ teaspoon
6. Grapeseed oil - 4 teaspoons

Add the first four ingredients into a small glass jar. Mix well. Now add the remaining two ingredients. Mix thoroughly.

Massage this mixture into your scalp for at least two minutes every night. Wrap your head in a warm towel after treatment, or wear a plastic cap for the night.

Some rinse the scalp in the morning, but I didn't.

Yeah, Henna can be super drying. I always apply on Heavily Cowashed hair and I use up at least a bottle of VO5 or Suave getting that mess out.

You have to Rinse for an eternity and when you think it's all out, Rinse some more. I usually rinse 1st (alot) with Plain Water. Apply Cheapy Conditioner allow it to sit awhile to loosen up the henna and Rinse.

Then I just VO5/Suave the heck out of it until I have no traces of Henna/Indigo left.

I do Indigo too, so I know I can easily go through 1-2 bottles of Conditioner during the Henna/Indigo process. And I use ACV to mix my Henna so I have to be extra Careful.

After that intense Cowashing Session, I steam with a Thick Moisturizing DC'er.

If I were you, I'd cowash the heck out of my hair with something moisturizing and do Oil Rinses and Oil Soaks. I'd probably soak my hair in EVOO.

And Baggy to put that moisture back in.

I'd say a combo of the Henna (and some still being left in there by accident) along with Shampooing/Clarifying, definitely dried out your hair. I agree with the other poster, I would not use the clay.

I'd focus on Moisture. And Babying that Spot until it fills in.

well thanks for replying. I was really feeling some type of way especially seeing others getting help and i needed some too.

Too late I used the clay i left on for about 20 minutes and my hair started shedding and breaking again! JFG! it doesn't feel like straw though. I will call my doc tomorrow and hopefully I can get in soon to get a referral to a derm. For the time being I will probably wig it up again cause my hair has me officially depressed.

I always seem to go through times where my hair is thriving and then I do something and have a major setback like this. Something is just off with my scalp and I know it. It kinda feels like the sensation you get when a relaxer starts to burn.

Although I have used new products lately it was just new conditioners and I don't think they caused this. If anything they would have just not worked, slightly dried my hair, or worked. Not made my hair shed and break. This all took a turn for the worse when I used the henna and did all that shampooing I guess. The condtioners I tried where Tressemme Flawless Curls and Silk Elements regular moisturizing conditioner not sure of the name off top. Other than that. I haven't really used anything that should have my scalp feeling weird like this. I am so stressed right now and wish I would have just went ahead and called the doc today. I'll call first thing in the morning if they don't see me right away I will probably just go ahead and switch doctors cause my doctor's office sucks. I was terribly sick this past week and when I called them they were talking about seeing me this coming Tuesday? QUE? Anyways thanks you guys! I hope i can get this under control before I lose a lot of length or have so much damage I have to chop.
it sounds like you are having a reaction. i just saw this post, so i didn't get to see your picture. you need to make an appt asap or go to urgent care.

actually your right. I think I will do this tomorrow. Just go to express care cause that would probably be quicker then trying to get in with my doc. Great idea and that takes some of the stress off for now.
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Just stopping in to say hope everything works out and a doctor sounds like a good first step and try to keep ur reggie simple, as few products as possible. good luck, keep us updated.

I was lurking at work & saw your post.:look: Had to wait until I got home to respond.

How's your Scalp? Is it itching?

yea it's itching a little but moreso a burning sensation. I think I was indenial because I take good care of my hair. I just didn't want to go to the doc, but I just am going to do it. I think i am having an allergic reaction to SOMETHING.

I just noticed that where it's burning the most is where my hair broke off the most. Around my edges and the bald spot but it burns all over. I'll post the pic again.

All I know is after I get my scalp back in order I am hiding my hair for awhile cause i am a little depressed at the state it's in. My perimeter is all broke the hell off.
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:bighug: Your Hair looks nice & healthy. Do you have anything soothing you can put on that spot?

Whenever my scalp is sore, I pull out my Vatika Frosting. For me, it's very soothing and my 'go to' for sore scalp.

I know it doesn't help much, but I'm sure you'll be back on track in no time.:sad:
thank you. i need hugs! I'm so sad. My hair was thriving soooo...ugh I hate that this happened. Now that I am out of TX finding Indian products is not going to happen. I have coconut oil, JBCO, and EVOO on deck right now. Oh and Amla and Jasmine. Maybe put some Amla on there?

After I washed today I put some JBCO on there.