what do you think caused this bald spot?

Geminigirl : Girl, this sounds like an allergic reaction to me. I have no idea how to treat it.

Have you ever tried oil of oregano? It's a natural oil, but anti-fungal and anti-bacterial and although it is a little peppery and has a tingling sensation to it, it might help to rub a little in until you can pamper your scalp and diagnose the cause of the reaction. After the tingle goes away, it's very soothing. I get mine from GNC and use it whenever I have some type of skin disorder, infection or even blemishes/acne and it works great for me. You can also get it online.

OT: you can take it orally as well for a multitude of purposes.

The Cure is In the Cupboard
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Geminigirl : Girl, this sounds like an allergic reaction to me. I have no idea how to treat it. Have you ever tried oil of oregano? It's a natural oil, but anti-fungal and anti-bacterial and although it is a little peppery and has a tingling sensation to it, it might help to rub a little in until you can pamper your scalp and diagnose the cause of the reaction. After the tingle goes away, it's very soothing. I get mine from GNC and use it whenever I have some type of skin disorder, infection or even blemishes/acne and it works great for me. You can also get it online. OT: you can take it orally as well for a multitude of purposes.

Oh yeah I have some tea tree oil too. I think I will try that. I haven't tried the oil you mentioned but tea tree oil is an anti-fungal too. I think I will try that and see if that helps soothe it a little bit.
Oh yeah I have some tea tree oil too. I think I will try that. I haven't tried the oil you mentioned but tea tree oil is an anti-fungal too. I think I will try that and see if that helps soothe it a little bit.

I use tea tree, but like Oil of Oregano a little better:yep: Good luck, sis!
I'll have to see if my library carries that book. It has good stuff in it?

It definitely works for me. I use it for EVERYTHING. The book pushes a specific brand, but the one at GNC works well for me. Ain't cheap, though. :look: When I feel a scratchy throat/cold coming on, I take some under my tongue 2x day. I think it keeps the virus at bay and under control enough for my body's defenses to take over, so it never gets out of control and as bad as it would be if I didn't take it. I have eczema when I eat bad stuff/have allergic reactions and it soothes that, helps heal/dry acne, cleanse cuts/abrasions, stop fungus infections, etc...I use it for just about everything. I give it to my kiddos, too. It's to the point now when I am trying to treat something and I don't have any experience with it, I try the oil of oregano first.:yep: It's like a little miracle oil. Better than tea tree imo bc you can take it internally.
Geminigirl. Hey girl, I'm just now getting back on. you doing alright? So glad to see you got a lot more responses. TTO still working?

yes actually. my bald spot doesn't feel as tender and I don't feel that burning anymore. I hope I don't have a fungus up there. I am doing better. But I'll be doing my best once I talk to the doctors.

It definitely works for me. I use it for EVERYTHING. The book pushes a specific brand, but the one at GNC works well for me. Ain't cheap, though. :look: When I feel a scratchy throat/cold coming on, I take some under my tongue 2x day. I think it keeps the virus at bay and under control enough for my body's defenses to take over, so it never gets out of control and as bad as it would be if I didn't take it. I have eczema when I eat bad stuff/have allergic reactions and it soothes that, helps heal/dry acne, cleanse cuts/abrasions, stop fungus infections, etc...I use it for just about everything. I give it to my kiddos, too. It's to the point now when I am trying to treat something and I don't have any experience with it, I try the oil of oregano first.:yep: It's like a little miracle oil. Better than tea tree imo bc you can take it internally.

Oh ok well if it's too expensive it may just have to wait til like next month. i could have used that this past weekend. I caught something like I've never had before. I thought I was going to die, not really, but it was the worst cold/virus I've had in a LONG time. Like years. I had no medicine and green tea and black tea was just making it worse. I didn't get better until about two days later when I drank some theraflu.I am just now feeling like myself again. I'll def have to do some research and scoop some of this up cause I prefer natural remedies.
Like FindingMe said, tea tree is helpful, also witch hazel on a cotton ball to the affected area is good. It is an anti-inflammatory. You could also try sea breeze for sensitive skin so that you won't have to deal with a burn from the original. You can try these until you get to a doctor. I hope you get better!
Geminigirl said:
got it. 514 views and two people help. Thanks guys I love you too. I think I should stay away from this hair board no one helps me on here EVER.

Missy, I can't see your pics but I know for sure you need to RELAX. You're super stressed and it shows. Stress is a major cause of hair loss. So seriously, chill.

I was struggling with the same issue and it did get better when I went to a dermatologist. I waited a long time and I suggest you get your blood work and a referral ASAP. What if it's a thyroid issue and not a reaction to something topical? You need to know for your own health and for peace of mind.

Not knocking anyone home remedies, I've seen enough threads on here to know people have had good results with castor oil and peppermint oil, but IMO it sounds like you're describing that warm, itchy feeling that might be a sign of follicles dying. I'm no doctor and I don't know what it is, but you should do a search and you'll see other women describe those symptoms. Find out what they did. Not everyone checks the board daily and some ladies won't repeat the same advice twice, so please search this board, there is a wealth of knowledge on this topic.

I wish you the best of luck. You're not
@Geminigirl, have you considered that the cause might be diet related? Hennaing your hair can cause dryness and breakage, but not bald spots. My recommendation is to go see your doctor and have a complete blood work done to see if you have any vitamin and mineral deficiencies......or as one poster stated, it could be a thyroid issue or something else, you will never know until you visit your doctor.

I understand your pain, i am still trying to nurse my hair back to health.....my issue was an iron deficiency and now that i am eating healthier and taking the necessary vitamin and mineral my hair is growing back slowly but surely.

See your doctor first and then start from there........
Plz chk w a derm stat just to be safe. Btw side note:ppl may not respond because they don't have the answer. (plz forgive any typos im on my phone. Take care and I hope it gets better
Hey lady! I have never used henna but from what I have read on here, it can be very drying. I have a friend that used it on her natural hair and broke her hair off. I would urge you to see a dermatologist to really find out why the bald spot is there. Meanwhile up your moisture game and opt for low maintenance.
Well I just seen the doctor and she said my scalp looks great and my hair healthy. Even where my hair broke off at the hairs look ok. She said my scalp looks fantastic though. She described thyroid symptoms I don't have. She thinks it could be a combination of stress and a reaction to the henna. It doesn't look like fungus or bacteria so that's good. I'm going to see my PCP and get blood work done just in case to.
Glad you went to the Dermatologist and it was determined your scalp and hair are healthy. Your PCP will be able to rule out other underlying problems that you may not be aware of.
Well I just seen the doctor and she said my scalp looks great and my hair healthy. Even where my hair broke off at the hairs look ok. She said my scalp looks fantastic though. She described thyroid symptoms I don't have. She thinks it could be a combination of stress and a reaction to the henna. It doesn't look like fungus or bacteria so that's good. I'm going to see my PCP and get blood work done just in case to.

Geminigirl: That's a relief...I know you were stressed out. Henna can be very drying. I am about to stop using it for that reason.
Yea imagine it sitting on your hair for a week. I am now sold on the fact that it caused the balding. I've been stressed before and ne er went bald. I could see shedding but bald...nah
Geminigirl: Glad to hear the good news! Please keep us posted on how things work out with PCP. I'll keep you on my prayer list.

As for stress and losing hair, I am the poster child for it. In the past, I've had bald spots from stress. When I washed my hair recently, I wondered why it wasn't thriving under my wig. I then realized that I've been under a tremendous amount of stress. After you get your final report from the PCP, I'd recommend that you find a healthy way to address the stress in your life.
Please keep in mind that people are probably not signaling you out. The time in between all three of your responses were only 5 minutes and only 2 minutes when you got upset and removed your photo. There are ladies on here that have helped me numerous times and I'm a newbie. They want to help anyway they can in order for us to be success in our HHJ. Don't get upset when they don't respond as soon as you want them to but those that want to help will. I've learned so much from these ladies. I believe that there is a great deal of them that ENJOYS helping us. They are on this forum everyday wanting to offer advice. At the end of the day, I'd rather have a couple ladies give me GREAT advice with 5000 views any day.
Stop stressing because this will only make your situation worse. Go see a Dermatologist at your earliest and start nurturing that spot then come back on her and tell us about the progress.

Remember, joy comes in the morning! :bighug:
Just wanted to add a bit......

Did you know that stress related alopecia can (and often does) occur 3 months AFTER the initial trigger?

It happened to me so I know what I'm talking about and have experienced many of the symptoms you listed; itching/burning sensations of the scalp and hair fall.

I mention this because many people don't realize that what seems like a sudden symptom like hair loss isn't necessarily caused by something that occurred today or weeks ago but something that occurred MONTHS ago.

So - if this is caused by stress, my suggestion would be to begin finding ways to remedy stress triggers in your life as much as possible whether it be going for walks, working out, picking up a hobby, meditation, etc.

Humans are such complicated creatures.

I'm sorry this happened to you and hope you see improvement soon. :yep:
Just wanted to add a bit......

Did you know that stress related alopecia can (and often does) occur 3 months AFTER the initial trigger?

It happened to me so I know what I'm talking about and have experienced many of the symptoms you listed; itching/burning sensations of the scalp and hair fall.

I mention this because many people don't realize that what seems like a sudden symptom like hair loss isn't necessarily caused by something that occurred today or weeks ago but something that occurred MONTHS ago.

So - if this is caused by stress, my suggestion would be to begin finding ways to remedy stress triggers in your life as much as possible whether it be going for walks, working out, picking up a hobby, meditation, etc.

Humans are such complicated creatures.

I'm sorry this happened to you and hope you see improvement soon. :yep:

Cosigning this completely. The same happened to me a few years ago. It takes some time for your follicles to show the shock to your system.
I lost alot of hair when I found out my daughter suffered developmental delays after getting a vaccination. It was about four months after the initial stress/news. I combed most of it out in a few days...it's like it all just bailed all at the same time. I figured I wouldn't even stress over it, cause I can make my hair into whatever I want it to be anyway, and the more I stress the more it will fall out.
I lost alot of hair when I found out my daughter suffered developmental delays after getting a vaccination. It was about four months after the initial stress/news. I combed most of it out in a few days...it's like it all just bailed all at the same time. I figured I wouldn't even stress over it, cause I can make my hair into whatever I want it to be anyway, and the more I stress the more it will fall out.

PerfectPonytails its funny that you mention that because I was talking with someone about the dangers of vaccinations. My best friends boyfriend received a vaccination when he was younger and it had a horrible affect on his left eyesight and walk. Now he is 25 but he is forever physically scarred by it. Can you explain your daughters situation a bit more and how you all knew the developmental delays were related to the vaccination?
At 18 months she spoke, played with her twin sister, talked and danced and after a vaccination at about 20 months, she stopped talking, stopped eye contact and just sat around an a daze. So she had a developmental regression and lost alot of capabilities.she gets 15 hours of therapy.