What do you think about these styles?

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What do think of this style for me? I know I never post my face but just so you know my face shape is most similar to Monica, (the high cheek bones and pointy chin) so that is why I look to her for short hair styles.





It's basically all the same style, slightly different lengths. Does anyone know if the back of her head is shaved? Does this cut require color do you think? I am thinking that is what makes it look cute. Do you think that is too drastic to go from shoulder length to this? What do you think the maintenance factor is on a style like this? I read in a magazine that she just wraps her hair every night at this length and puts a little oil on it. The magazine actually has better pictures and more styling options for this length. I imagine the grow out on this will look really ugly. Opinions? Advice? Suggestions?
i think you should pass on them...

if you're trying to grow your hair longer, i don't understand how cutting it THIS short is gonna help you reach your goal. i've never worn my hair this short, but the style i wore before mine started growing was WAY more work than longer hair. you can't just pull this back in a ponytail and go.

i saw the thread about your frustration with your hair. i didn't comment because everyone already gave such good advice. i went back and reread the thread, and unless you were trying to go natural, it just seemed to me that you waited too long to get a retouch. some people can go for months on end without one. some can't. if your progress is going the wrong way, that would be one of the things i would take a look at (how often to retouch).

whether to change the color would depend on your own coloring, which is hard for us to judge not knowing your skin tone. i don't know if the grow out of this would look ugly, but it will take SO long. so do you not want long hair anymore? i'm confused... /images/graemlins/confused.gif

if you have damage, cut that part off and decide how not to repeat what happened. i don't want to see you cut all your hair off and then regret it.

i said all that to say... "DON'T CUT YOUR HAIR!!" /images/graemlins/grin.gif


I have to agree with Adrienne on this one. That is a hard style to maintain. It requires a lot of work. I had that style back in '89 and it was difficult to maintain. If you like it, do it. But if you're trying to grow your hair out, that might be a bit too short. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
so do you not want long hair anymore?

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That's exactly it. I'm kind of giving up. If I cut off ALL the damaged hair I will be stuck with a hair length I hate (probably chin length). Either way I will be forced to start over and I have done nothing but start over since I started to grow my hair out. So I quit. Whether I cut it or let it grow I will regret it in one way or another. If I don't cut it, what other option do I have? I've tried braids, vitamins, salon visits, and protective styles. My hair is actually in worse condition now than it was before. So what do I do if not cut it?
I am sorry you are at a crossroad!

I also had the exact style in the late eighties and I became addicted to it! I loved it! /images/graemlins/grin.gif The only thing is I kept cutting it to keep it short to minimize style time. I would wash, condition, wrap, finger style, and go !

One stylist told me to try activator on the shorter ends mixed with gel to keep it behaving and child, I thought I was too cute /images/graemlins/cool.gif!

I know that you had braids and they were gorgeous, in fact you have inspired me to get some more put in! Did they not work for you[sorry, could not put question mark].

I guess I will stop typing and take my tail back to work /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Anywho, I hope you can maintain your hair but if not do what makes you happy /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

I think the gods agree with all of you who advised against the haircut. I called Vidal Sassoon and the stylist who was recommended to me is booked until March, (in the timeslot I want that is). I made an appointment for March 6th. I guess that gives me plenty of time to make up my mind.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I know that you had braids and they were gorgeous, in fact you have inspired me to get some more put in! Did they not work for you[sorry, could not put question mark].

[/ QUOTE ]

I hope this doesn't change your mind but it is the braids' fault I want to get a haircut. Braids don't agree with my hair. They looked nice and they were so fun and convenient for me but when I removed them my hair looked awful! It's just me though. Look what braids did for Robin, Faith and Adrienne.

I've experienced the frustration you are going through. Eventually I woke up and realized braids and relaxed hair just didn't work for me. Here I would have my braids in for 3 months, my hair would grow a great deal, but then I'd take them out and my hair was brittle, dry and the ends were breaking. At one point, I just began to believe God never meant for me to have long, healthy hair. I stumbled upon going natural by accident. If I correctly remember, my plan was to gradually cut off the relaxed ends and when they were completely gone to relax again. In October 2001, I cut the last of the relaxed ends off and never relaxed again. This was the best thing I could have done for myself because my hair has done a total 360. The future of brastrap hair which at one point looked very bleak is becoming a possiblity everyday. Trust me this is coming from someone who has had short, damaged ear length hair all her life up until 15 months ago. Look at it this way, if your hair is damaged and