What do you single ladies do to occupy your time?

Me and my SO basically broke up two days ago. It hurts so much. We were together for four years. The LONG holiday weekend is here and I do not know what to do with myself. All of my friends have BF's so I can't hang with them.

Anyways, what do you single ladies generally do to occupy yourselves?

Is it weird to go to a lounge/bar by yourself?
It's not weird to go by yourself, unless you'll feel uncomfortable. But if you're happy and want to chat with people, you should be fine.

Otherwise, hobbies are great. They don't have to be independent ones like reading, but there are group hobbies--like outdoors clubs, cyclists, etc. A friend of mine also found some things on meetup.com. Volunteering is good as well.
Me and my SO basically broke up two days ago. It hurts so much. We were together for four years. The LONG holiday weekend is here and I do not know what to do with myself. All of my friends have BF's so I can't hang with them.

Anyways, what do you single ladies generally do to occupy yourselves?

Is it weird to go to a lounge/bar by yourself?

Sorry about the breakup. :bighug:

Before this relationship, did you spend much time single? (I don't know how old you are.) If you haven't, I can see how it would be difficult.

Me, I frequently go to places by myself. I travel on the road a lot, so many times I have to eat alone in hotels or restaurants. But I sit at the bar and always end up meeting nice people and having very interesting conversations.

I also have a lot of hobbies and I'm in a variety of social groups. Does your city have a singles activity group? They probably have some kind of activity going on this weekend, I'm sure.

Everything else Nicola said is great too! :)
This is why it is important for a woman not to "lose herself" in a relationship. Or feel that she is not complete unless she has a man. (not that this applies to you specifically) but I've seen it happen to people in these situations and then they feel like they have no life without that person.

You had friends before the relationship. Hopefully during the relationship if you were not the type of women to dismiss your friends and act shady just because you have a man. If you are not like that....then your friends will be there AFTER the relationship is over.

Hang out with your girlfriends. Shopping. Laies night at the bars, clubs, other outings.

Hang out with family. I know I have the best time when I hang ot with my fam.

Get involved in things/hobbies/interests that you had before the relationship.

Spend sometime with yourself. SOme people are so afraid to be alone and feel like they always have to have people around. Learn how to enjoy life by yourself. Go read a good book. go to the museum. Go to an art show. Take a cooking class. A dance class. Go to a poerty reading.
Exercise. Clean your house from top to bottom with the music blasting ( I love this!)
Study something (easy for me cause I am still pursuing a degree). If not why not try to learn something new like a foreign language.
Go shopping. Get a message. get a mani and pedi.

I am sure the ladies here will be able to come with some more things to add to the list to do.
I am single and my time is always occupied. If anything I have to make time for people to fit in it.

Being single can be fun despite of what people think....you just need to learn how to have fun and enjoy YOU.
I should print that post out and give it to my friend. I think I wrote all of that with her in my mind.

I totally agree with finding a singles group or meetup.com like someone suggested of you are looking for something for this weekend in particular.