What do you say.....?


Well-Known Member
When you have a sew-in and people thinks it's your hair? :ohwell: I had kinky twist extentions for about 2.5 months. Before that I had an asymmetrical short cut ear length one side, chin length other...Now this sew in is sl. I came into work this morning and they were like "Your hair has grown!, Don't cut it again!, It's beautiful!, I need to get me some braids!", etc.
For now I just said thank you and I feel funny claimin hair that ain't mine. But I know at this job, as at any, there are some hatin females that will be "suspect", and throw in the "Is that your real hair?", "That aint your hair!" blah blah blah

I have this happen to me when I wear wigs. I don't feel comfortable claiming hair that isn't mine either. People say, "Oh, I like your hair." Sometimes I just say, "It's a wig." Lol and keep it pushing. Most people then respond, "Oh, well it is still nice."
When I used to wear weaves or half wigs I'd tell the truth. But I can understand why someone would feel it is unnecessary to do so.
I'd say it depends on how you feel. If you don't want to discuss it then do not. But if you don't mind, I'd tell. Hey it's your business. You have no obligation to tell others what is going on with your head :-)

BTW, the same thing happens to me at work too. Sometimes I explain and sometimes I don't, just depends on how I feel that day and who I'm talking to.
I wear wigs, weaves and braids all the time. At work people always comment my hair especially when I wigs or weaves saying my hair has grown. I quickly tell them it's a wig or weave what's the point of lying. Some people haven't seen my real hair in two years also one guy at my job who started after I started putting weaves & wigs asked me if I had any hair cuz I'm always wearing something on my head. People at my job were surprise when I wore my hair out in january. Just because I wear weaves, wigs and braids don't mean I don't have hair!:grin:
That really annoys me. ESP with the black women I work with. They are scalp examiners! I am like STOP BEING SO NOSEY and let me do me! They find comfort in knowig that it's not real.
It depends on who it is...if I am close to that person I will whisper and tell them it's not mine. But if its a random chick I say thank you. To me it's not lying its just saying THANKS for the compliment. If someone was direct and asked me whether it's my hair or not I will tell them the truth. I personally have never asked someone if it was their real hair or not. It's so intrusive!
Already gettin the looks and whispers...That's why I don't even bother to explain myself to ignorant people
Let 'em hate! They prob mad b/c they don't have the courage to rock a sew-in knowing they want one. I mean it's 2010 so many women wear weaves these days..it's not taboo. I am getting one on Friday. and I am looking forward to the compliments and judgments at work. Oh well my DH likes it and I love it!
A lot of people think my sew-in are mine, especially when I get it cut into a bob. I pretty much tell my friends and family it's a weave but other than that, if I'm not cool/close with you, I'm less inclined to explain to you about what goes on in my hair, and I'd rather just say "thanks" and KIM
Ugh that happened to me at work. I work in a rowdy garage full of crazy bus drivers and it was really loud.

I was in there just eating my subway sandwich when the loudest guy of them all looked at me and said...

" Dayummmmmmmmm your hair LONG AS HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

It got soooo quiet in there and every one was looking at me. I gave him a half smile, wrapped up my sandwich and got the heck outta there.
When people think its my real hair and they make a comment to me, I usually reply, "Yeah, I got that indian.(With a big grin)" They assume im saying im mixed with indian thus I have indian hair(long and soft smooth texture). But what I really mean is yes this is my natural wave indian hair in 22" length natural 1b color I bought from off of xyz website. lol Im not really lying, cause I told them it was indian hair, im just not saying No this is a big time weave I have on.
So this woman in my office is very outspoken borderline ghetto....why did I feel the need to let her know in advance that I am getting a full sew in tomorrow. This way, on Monday she would not overreact and put me on blast. She is the only one that would do this crap. Her response was: "Oh thank you for telling me b/c u know I would have been loud and ghetto about it and all up in your face!" SMH
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: Me and that girl would have to fight.

So this woman in my office is very outspoken borderline ghetto....why did I feel the need to let her know in advance that I am getting a full sew in tomorrow. This way, on Monday she would not overreact and put me on blast. She is the only one that would do this crap. Her response was: "Oh thank you for telling me b/c u know I would have been loud and ghetto about it and all up in your face!" SMH
Tell the truth. The place I work is filled with women wearing wigs, weaves, and half wigs so it's not taboo. But even outside of the dept, I'll tell anyone in a minute that it's not my real hair. I get a kick out of their surprised look. And lets me know that I don't look like a hot, steaming mess.
Ugh that happened to me at work. I work in a rowdy garage full of crazy bus drivers and it was really loud.

I was in there just eating my subway sandwich when the loudest guy of them all looked at me and said...

" Dayummmmmmmmm your hair LONG AS HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

It got soooo quiet in there and every one was looking at me. I gave him a half smile, wrapped up my sandwich and got the heck outta there.

:lachen::lachen::lachen:That's crazy...People don't know what to say sometimes, do they?!!!
When people think its my real hair and they make a comment to me, I usually reply, "Yeah, I got that indian.(With a big grin)" They assume im saying im mixed with indian thus I have indian hair(long and soft smooth texture). But what I really mean is yes this is my natural wave indian hair in 22" length natural 1b color I bought from off of xyz website. lol Im not really lying, cause I told them it was indian hair, im just not saying No this is a big time weave I have on.

:rofl: :rofl:
Tell the truth. The place I work is filled with women wearing wigs, weaves, and half wigs so it's not taboo. But even outside of the dept, I'll tell anyone in a minute that it's not my real hair. I get a kick out of their surprised look. And lets me know that I don't look like a hot, steaming mess.

I know! Where I work there's some women that wear phony ponys, weave, wigs, etc. BUT! their's looks a HAM. And I'm not tryna be mean but they wear the obviously synthetic hair that you get at any BSS for $10 or less..There's one girl who changes her bad wigs every week, is constantly throwin her head around and throwin the wig lopsided and she keep makin the comments to me "I thought Toni Braxton was in the building", "Where's your next concert", etc.
If it's friend/family.. I tell the truth "Girl this is a wig/weave". Others receive a "Thanks".. and I KIM