What do YOU pre-poo with?


New Member
What is everybody using to pre-poo with nowadays?

Please list your favorite products/combination of products that you like to pre-poo with :drunk:
Aloe vera gel, olive oil, EOs (rosemary, thyme, sage, peppermint) or DPR-11 mixed w/coconut oil on dry hair as a pre-poo.
Mixture of warmed coconut oil, jojoba oil, and Nature's Gate Hemp Conditioner on dry hair. I love how soft it makes my hair.
cheapie con with oil sometimes [using stuff up]
dcs i wasn't crazy about
aubrey organics dcs
A few drops of Peppermint Oil & Eucalyptus Oil mixed w/ conditioner & applied like a relaxer onto my scalp. Feels wonderful. Regular conditioner on my strands & ends. I pre-poo for 3-4 hours w/o heat.
Mixture of Silk Elements Hair Mayo and Proclaim shae butter and aloe con. Now that it's cold, I do this with 15-20 min heat, then let it marinate for 1-2 hrs:grin:
Amla oil only. This does my hair good, reeaal good. I don't think im ready to try out anything else.
tonight im going to pre poo with warm vatika frosting with aceite bomba oil on my scalp.
Coconut Oil! I saturate my hair in it over night. By the next day my hair is silky soft.
Castor oil slathered generously on wet hair and left on over night with a shower cap.