what do you miss the most about...


Active Member
being single (if you are in a relationship) or about being in a relationship (if you're single).

i'm single and i miss sex! :lachen: cuddling and feeling cared for by man about whom i care about as well. that's all i can think about for now. Lol
I''m in a relationship and sometimes I miss not arguing with someone all the time...I also miss not worrying about someone as much...or accounting for someone else's feelings when I say or do something...

But...that being said, I enjoy my relationship. :yep:
I'm in a relationship and the only thing I miss is flirting with other men. Boy did I have fun doing that.
Married and miss having time to myself. Love my husband and kid, but it was nice doing what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it.
I'm single and I miss waking up on a rainy sunday morning being spooned by a huge male body, feeling the warmth.

I don't miss the coloring, which is weird because I haven't for at least 3 weeks and I'm not even thinking about. Maybe I'm becoming fridgit...
married and I miss not having to answer to another person abt my whereabts ect. and I miss having sex for the first time with someone new
I'm in a relationship...
and i miss absolutely nothing. I was single for 5 years before my SO, so i lived my single life to the fullest. It was fun indeed. But i love and appreciate the situation i'm in right now!

although i do miss flirting
I am in a relationship and I don't miss anything. Maybe because I was without one for so long.

I love having someone care about where I am and checking to see if I am okay, even if its just a text, "you okay?"

I love having someone to be intimate with.

I love having someone to think about besides myself. It really warms my heart.

I love that he knows me so well and can tell when I am vulnerable and scared.

We flirt with each other too.
I don't miss anything about being single (except for not having to run to the bathroom to pass gas..). I am happy with my man.

Ladies who feel like you're missing the flirting. Do you think that might be a sign that you're still looking?
Not trying to start anything..I just think it's strange that you would still want to flirt with other men if you're attached...
I miss sex and I miss having someone to chat with when I come home.

All I've got is you guys now and that's no good. :rofl:

Just kidding.

I miss having more money in my pocket! Two incomes are always better than one.

I'm going to get a man soon.
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i miss the spontaneity and variety. when single i was always talking to a few different ppl.... if one got on my nerves, it was on to the next one. i also miss the selfishness of it all. i didn't have to consider nobody's wants or feelings but my own.

that was nice.
I don't miss being single. I was single for quite a while and never waited for a guy . . . mostly because I never expected to get married because I could not imagine finding someone who would fit me. Lots of little quirks . . . though I don't think I am difficult/

I require a certain amount of time by myself and get it. DH sees nothing wrong with alone time.

We have a HUGE bed. We spent good money on it because good sleep is important to us. I don't know when he gets out bed in the morning. We spend lots of time snuggling but we both accept and appreciate when its time to sleep, we retire to our side of the bed.

I did a lot before getting married. Traveling, school, work etc and so did he . . . So one of our things now is that we need to do all those fun things together.

We go out on dates and flirt with each other. I think its important to not forget what you were like before getting married.

BTW we don't have any children.
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I'm single and I miss waking up on a rainy sunday morning being spooned by a huge male body, feeling the warmth.

I don't miss the coloring, which is weird because I haven't for at least 3 weeks and I'm not even thinking about. Maybe I'm becoming fridgit...

I color alone, I'm good. Quick cleanup, nobody sweating all over me. Guaranteed a happy ending every time. No ninja expecting acrobatic tricks. Or complaining about me not waxing enough. Or complaining about my scarf and rollers. And I can even sleep in my face mask if I want to.
Ladies who feel like you're missing the flirting. Do you think that might be a sign that you're still looking?
Not trying to start anything..I just think it's strange that you would still want to flirt with other men if you're attached...

I don't think missing"flirting" is an indication that you don't want your current SO. Some people just like to flirt in general. Doesn't mean u want the men you're flirting with. Doesn't always mean u need the ego boost. Some women do it just to do it. Just like men. A form of social interaction. And when you're in a relationship...that kind of social interaction is inappropriate. So that maybe what they're missing
I color alone, I'm good. Quick cleanup, nobody sweating all over me. Guaranteed a happy ending every time. No ninja expecting acrobatic tricks. Or complaining about me not waxing enough. Or complaining about my scarf and rollers. And I can even sleep in my face mask if I want to.

Yeah, I can relate!
And I love sleeping alone.
No snoring, no sweating dude, just me and my cats, LOVELY!
I miss having the house to myself.

I miss being able to come and go as I please without someone calling and asking "where are you?" before preceeding to the real reason they called.

I miss not cooking (even if it's only a couple of times a wk) and just eating a frozen meal 7 days a week, if a want to.

I miss not having to hear how somebody else feels about my decisions.

I miss having the bed to myself.

I miss waking up in the morning by myself.

*sigh*...should I even be in a relationship? :look:
I'm single and I miss having a mutual connection with a man, knowing I care about him and he cares about me. I enjoy the freedom of being single but crushing on someone who doesn't feel the same way about me is not fun and being pursued by someone I'm not interested in isn't much better either.
I'm married and don't miss being single at all! I can relate to the flirting as one of the best things about being single though. For me, it has nothing to do with wanting to be with someone else or any dissatisfaction with my spouse. It's mainly about how exciting it was to think that your Prince Charming was just around the corner. When I was single, it felt like a roller coaster ride--one day, you're at the top of hill and everything's a rush. Also, it's definitely an ego boost when you flirt even if the dude is a toad you wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

Now that I'm married, we still flirt with each other and it's great...but you know how the story is going to end so there is not the thrill of suspense there like there is when you're single.
I miss having the bed to myself. My husband's snoring is horrible and my 2 month old grunts and moans when asleep... I don't want to move his crib in his room yet because he is still up every 3 hours to eat, but I may have to rather sooner than later lol
I'm in a relationship and I miss being by myself

EXACTLY! :lol:

I really didnt value my alone time enough when I was single.

Also I miss never having to clan up. I always kept everything clean so I never had to clean. Now with a husband and children....:nono: Thats a distant memory tat I truly miss.