What do you like about your hair?

i like that it's so much healthier now. i like that my hair has always been thick, i never appreciated that before. now i realize it's easier to make thick hair look thinner, than to make thin hair look thicker! i like that natural hair (for me) is low-maintenance. and i like my texture, it's fun! :D
I love the color, length, texture, feeling it against my back, I love it curly or straight (well not straight)
The thickness, I have 4a/b textured hair and it is very full. I am satisfied with the length(brastrap) but I would like it to be brastrap when it is curly, not just when it is straight.
Right now we're fighting, so I'm mad at my hair :mad:

But once I sleep on it, I'll remember I love the color and how soft it is...and that its pretty strong and elastic when I'm caring for it properly.
i like that i know its potential i like that my hair is straight up w/ me and tells me what it likes and doesnt like i like that it is versatile and that it can be worn nappy and happy or bone straight
I love that I can wear it curly or straight.

I love that it is healthy, finally.

I love that it is behaving and growing nicely.

I love that my hair is soft.
I love that it's healthy.

I love the color.

After many years of fighting it, I finally LOVE my texture and know how to work with it.

I love the response it elicits from DH when I take my bun down and swing my hair down in front of him.;) :grin:
I like that my hair is being really patient right now with me. After all I have done to it, it is still here and thick. I like that my hair grows consistently, not always really fast but consistent.
I like how black my hair naturally is, like jet black. and I have come to appreciate my extra thick hair now that i'm older
I like that it grows in pretty quickly.

I like that I have a full hairline...stops right above my eyebrows LOL!!

I like that its really soft and chestnut brown in color.
I like that my hair is jet black now. I like the fact that it's working with me, and we are both going towards a goal together. I like my natural texture. I love the fact that my hair is not giving me too much trouble during my transitioning stage. I love that it has been patient with me these past couple of years when I didn't know what to do.
camellia said:
I love that it's healthy.

I love the color.

After many years of fighting it, I finally LOVE my texture and know how to work with it.

I love the response it elicits from DH when I take my bun down and swing my hair down in front of him.;) :grin:

:grin: :grin: :p
~I love that it is extremely healthy, now!!! :yay: :yay:
~I love that SO loves to run his hands through it & gives it "passion tugs". :look: :grin: :grin:
I love the thickness of my hair

I love the way the curls pop out

I love the fact that it is healthier than it was

I love that my hair is chemical free

I love that it has regained it's elasticity and strength!
I love how thick and healthy it's gotten.

I love that I have a full ponytail.

I love the color & shine (thnx henna).

I love that it's the longest it's ever been, and that I can feel it on my back when I go dancing.
I love that my hair is finally growing and getting thicker:). I also love that I can take care of it and get it to look like I just stepped out of the salon. I am my own hairstylist;).
;) I like that it is healthy
getting thicker every day
I like that it is growing
I like that my hair is soft.
love that I can wear it curly or straight.
So easy to care for
I have saved money and time:) :)
:love: *I love the fact that it has always been naturally jet black.
:love: *I love the fact that it is thick (I used to complain about it when I was younger).
:love: *I love the fact that the elasticity has improved.
:love: I love that fact that I have learned to love the hair I have; I could be bald!
:love: *I love the fact that I found this forum so I
can take much better care of it! :kiss: