What do you ladies think?


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who is a braider/stylist who I have talked about before is this thread: My friend is an unenlightened hater!!. By the way, everytime I see her now she RAVES about my hair
. I have let her do my hair on occasion (before joining LHCF) and even though her specialty is those crazy stiff styles and braids, I tell her what I want and she's always done a good job.

I want to let her flat iron it for me (after I wash and deep condition it) for a special occasion next Saturday, but my DH says I shouldn't let her. He thinks she may be jealous and that I shouldn't let a "chickenhead" do my hair even though I have before. Now that I'm getting pickier and pickier about my hair, I'm really thinking about what he said.

What should I do?
What have you allowed her to do to your hair in the past? If you think she is going to burn your hair on purpose I wouldn't chance it.
I wouldn't! I know you worked to hard to gain your healthly locks.
If anything just get her to do a rollerset, especially if shes uses those irons.
I wouldn't! I know you worked to hard to gain your healthly locks.
If anything just get her to do a rollerset, especially if shes uses a stove.
Don't do it. If she hated like that before, I would not allow her to touch my hair, especially not with 500 flat iron
Better safe than sorry.
She has flat ironed it before and she's an excellent braider. This is the first time I've actually had second thoughts about her doing my hair.
I wouldn't take any chances asking a frienemy to do my inch-from-brastrap hair. If you're capable of straightening it yourself, you should. I'm just risk averse.

Curious: Did she flat iron it nicely before or after the nasty comments mentioned in your other post?
I don't know. Maybe nothing at all. Everytime we are around his family I have my fony pony on so my DH just wants to show me off. I may just do my usual bun and call it a day. He will just have to get over it.
I rarely post but I have been a lurker on here for a long time.
Your husband is right. NEVER let a "chickenhead" do your hair, I know this from experience.

I have a "friend" who does hair. (She also specializes in stiff styles and braids, etc.) So I decided to let her put some interlock braids in my hair. BIG MISTAKE. I have had interlocks plenty of times so I figured that no one can mess these up. I was so wrong. She had been complaining to me about 8 months prior that she has a big bald spot (that tingles) in the center of her head. I told her to lay off of the chemicals... she went natural.

Since I wear a bun 95% of the time (I am natural too) She was constantly asking me ... how long is your hair?

Long story short.. she did a lot of damage to my hair. My husband said that he thinks she did it on purpose. I kind of feel that way too. This was a while ago so needless to say my hair is fine now but save yourself the heartache Please.
If she was always good at flat-ironing, I'd let her do it, but I'd also threaten her as well (if you screw my hair up on purpose, I'll......). We can threaten our friends.