What do you do the same/different since joining?

Scarf at night
Never wash without conditioning after
Wide toothed combs
BRX Braid spray


EVERYTHING ELSE and I'm finally happy enough not to be afraid to leave the house without super straight hair. Thank you guys for getting me to this point!
Same: Relax with mild relaxer
Different: Stretch for twice as long

Same: Wet hair to cleanse everyday
Different: Use conditioner to cleanse more often than shampoo

Same: Still a moderate PJ
Different: I pay attention to the ingredients and research first.

Sleep with satin bonnet/scarf
No brushing
Use wide-tooth comb
DC 2x a week


Moisturizing 2x a day with moisturizer that works (let go of the Moisture Max)
No more getting a relaxer every 4 weeks
Using a shower comb
Carrying a small spray bottle filled with conditioner everywhere I go
Bunning daily
No trimming every 8 weeks just because "it's time"
Using conditioner not "meant" for black folks
DC 1x a week with protein
DC 1x a week with moisture
Paying close attention to my ends by adding extra moisturizer and sealing with oil
Only allow direct heat when I go to the salon every 6-8 weeks
Airdry using the scarf method
Sleep with satin pillowcase

I'll add more when I think of them.
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Grow hair - LOL

ALWAYS protect my hair at night
Use direct heat maybe once a month (but want to use it more)
Shampooing properly
Deep condition with moisture conditioner
Stretching until safe to relax without overlapping (about 14 weeks)
Umm..ok pretty much everything
i've changed lots of things - not much has remained the same except:
1. comb daily
2. still blowdry although experimenting with airdrying until it's almost dry then using the blowdryer

1. switched to sls free shampoo and more natural products
2. started using protein (ao gbp)
3. experimented with braidouts
4. prepoo with almond oil occasionally
5. experimenting with stretching (max has been 10 weeks, working towards 12)
6. no trimming after relaxers anymore (although i desperately need a trim as we speak)
7. bunning occasionally; considering getting braids as protective style for the remainder of the summer
8. added deep conditioning (used to do this only at the salon)
9. going to the salon less (just for relaxers)
10. tried to "dust" my ends (didn't work out too well, i need a trim)
11. less heat - only when i wash, no more flat iron

i think that's it. my goal is to be bsl by the end of the year. hoping the braids will get me over the hump! the picture in my avi is when i started and i think i've grown a couple inches; i can never tell but have had comments about my hair getting longer. will post new picture at the end of the summer.

thanks lhcf!

`poo 1x/week
`flat iron 1x/week
`wrap every night with a satin scarf
`relax based on amount of NG (not by # of weeks post)

`co-wash 1x/wk
`always airdry
`moisturize n seal each night
`dc w/protein n moisture
`use shower comb 2 detangle
`ACV rinse after each wash
`protective styles
`OBSESS ABOUT MY HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:grin::grin::grin:
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I still shampoo once a week
I still rollerset

I cowash 2 times a week
I DC after EVERY wash
I don't use a brush
I don't use gel (I like Jam tho)
I wear a satin bonnet/scarf at night

I stretch my relaxers to 12/13 weeks ( I used to relax every 4 weeks)
I wash and DC 2x/ week
I stopped using curling irons
I use an actual moisturizer instead of grease
I use what works for my hair instead of limiting myself to the ethnic hair care section
I comb minimally
I use heat protectant when I flat iron

I basically do everything differently
-Co Washing
-Washing 2x a week
-Keep ends neatly trimmed
-Sleeping with scarf

-Lye Relaxer (use to use no lye)
-Limit Heat (used to wash blowdry and iron every oer day)
-Informed about choosing products not just by the front of the package
-Use heat protectant
-Better quality salon products
-I do it myself. Everything.

And so much more is different. I feel so empowered now.
I tie my hair up with the same ole' hair tie at night.
I bunned/protective styled my hair frequently.

I hardly flatiron/blowdry my hair.
I use gentle shampoo and don't put it all the way to my length.
I practice an ayurvedic regime (henna, kalpi tone, amla, brahmi, aritha).
I moisturize and seal my hair twice a day.
I relax my hair every 3 months (or longer).

stretching relaxers at least 2 months


stopped trimming every relaxer
started deep conditioning at home (used to only do it at salon)
stopped using henna( I want to start again though, I stopped because our hairdressers said it was bad mixed with the relaxer, if i can convince my mom that's not true, I'll start again) :wallbash:
stopped blowdrying and flat ironing
wash my hair more often (i washed once a month before, if that)
less shampoo
natural and salon products as opposed to to ethnic section products
no more pink oil!
paying attention to my ends
don't wear my hair out much anymore
introduced myself to protein
satin scarf at night instead of cotton scarf
My hair must be real strong to have put up with the neglect over the years. I really hate having to do anything to my hair, but I'm now resolved to it.

I DC; never have before
I have a regi and products that work well with my hair
I moisturize between washes
I use protein to strenghten my strands
I protect and reduce manipulation of my ends
Heat use to be an option even though I didn't use it but 1 every 3 months, now heat is not an option. My hair no likey...

ETA: Cowashing! I LOVE LOVE LOVE cowashing.....!!!!
And no cones in my hair products b/c harsh shampoos set me back on any moisture progress progress
I have learned the fine art of a good braidout so that I don't have to wear a boring bun all the time. If I'm gonna grow my hair, I'm gonna wear it, dagnabit! :)
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DC'ing on a regular basis and with heat
Sleeping with a satin scarf or bonnet
Stretching my relaxers more(used to be every 4 to 5 weeks)
Moisturizing daily(this has made a real difference in my hair)
Using a leave-in
Generally paying attention to what products I use on my hair and just finally taking care of it!
I'm sure there's more, I practically do everything different.
- I still comb
- I still DC

- more frequent cowashing
- no shampoo
- rotating moisture & protein DCS (I thought all DCs were the same)
- Moisturize my hair every day/every other day
- Try different styling methods that dont require heat

I never was a big on flat ironing..most of my childhood i went months without a flat iron touching my head but as soon as I hit college it went all down hill. I flat ironed every other day, relaxed my hair with weave glue still in my hair & never moisturized..Dear Hair, I deserve to be bald.
I do everything differently. I actually take care of my hair instead of abusing it and braiding it and weaving it up. I do not wear any fake hair because I want to see if I can grow my own hair by just good taking care of my hair. So far so good with the help of LHCF.