What do you do if your SO other wants it every night?


Well-Known Member
You give it to them and make yourself get into the mood or you don't give in and he/she will wait until you ready? And if you don't give in do they behave differently?
Thank the good Lord for sending me a man with excellent stamina and sex drive that matches my own! :grin:

This is assuming that it's good and we are both equally satisfied. :look:

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I've never said no, outside of the usual monthly reason. I can work myself up pretty easily, and even when I am not all the way into it I don't ever regret having given in.
Do it if I want to and don't do it if I don't want to.

Sometimes I can be "talked" into it.
If you truly don't want to and don't even feel like being seduced into it, then don't.

If you're neutral and don't mind being seduced, then let it happen.

Cavaet: If you're denying him and/or don't feel like having sex with him more than 50% of the time, then it might be time to take a deeper look into things. There could be underlying issues not being addressed to make you feel that way (not saying there is, just throwing it out there).
Wouldn't bother me, when things are poppin and going right in the relationship I am all for it. Now if a ninja wants to get simple and thinks he can still get the goods on a regular and out relationship is in a slump then Houston we have a problem.
I have no idea, but I wish I knew because I'm in that situation right now.

At first everyday was fun. But now, almost 3 years later, everyday is waaaaay too much. My body is perfectly happy with once or twice a week. I feel so bad because when I tell him no, it's like someone killed his dog. Lol.
i could not do everyday. i need recuperation time, physically. right now bf and i pretty much see each other on weekends, and we are together we more or less have sex each day. i have yet to effectively distract him with something shiny :lol: having sex everrrrrry time is only ok bc we dont see each other all the time. if we saw each other everyday i would need for him to go have a seat.
i am so thankful that my husband can take a "no lol...but, i do sometimes give in and vice versa
Just throwing some things out there to the OP and other ladies who are feeling a decrease in their desire.......

Hormonal birth control can cause issues with a woman's libido. So, if there are no major issues btw you and your husband or life stressors that you can pinpoint, then BC could be an issue.
I haven't read all the responses yet but I will....

I would put it on him every night because I want it every night....my sex drive is bananas!!!! And since I'm on #teambi during the times of the month that I can't break him off we'll have a chick on deck to mixx with....


Well, I want it every night so... :look:

. . .and morning :look:

We did it last night and this morning too. :lol:

Alright!!!! (to all three quotes!) I'm a nympho...

I have no idea, but I wish I knew because I'm in that situation right now.

At first everyday was fun. But now, almost 3 years later, everyday is waaaaay too much. My body is perfectly happy with once or twice a week. I feel so bad because when I tell him no, it's like someone killed his dog. Lol.

:lachen:wow....but yeah that used to piss me off when my ex-husband (he was my bf then) would tell me no....but he admitted years later that it was due to him being insecure sexually and being threatened by my sexuality and my high sex drive.

on to the next....LMAO!

Me and Relle Smith gets busy!!!!
I would thank the good Lord for listening to my check list and then put in that work. :yep:

My DH is 6 years younger than me :lick: and we both have the same drive (overdrive)...so we are good!

Besides...it's hard to say no to a man who walked that walk and wasn't just talk.