What do you do for fun?

I like having fun. I'm a goofball at heart. But I'm kinda a home body. I'll stay at home and watch my favorite movies over and over again. I love reading! I took a 5 year break from reading anything educational (besides the Bible) after I finished grad school (just romance novels and fluff-though I stay away from Zane etc).

I love getting dressed up and going places (like really dressy), the theater, dates with DH. I also like stuff like karaoke with my girlfirends.

I love to shop...by myself. I really dont like having to wait for people or go in stores im not interested in (also dont like the pressure of being waited for).

My most recent hobby: makeup! I have decided to explore full makeup and I am loving it! Watching videos, going on websites, and practicing on myself and friends.
Do we have FUN???? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Very much so. Our lives are not dull, just because we are Christians. :look:


I'm sorry Little Summer :love2: I was just teasing regarding that question.

I enjoy being with my family and friends....

I dance ... A LOT! :reddancer: I love music and dancing; it's actually in our family's bloodline. From Classical music to Jazz and most definitely we all love our Christian music. I'm mostly worship and contemporary Christian genre.

My friends and I attend lots of Dance events, theater, music. However, I personally do not go to movie theaters. I love movies, but I do not like going to the movies. I don't like the atmosphere. I'd rather watch a DVD with family/friends at home or their homes. That's just me.

We go to many restaurants...Middle Eastern and Indian Foods are among our favorites. When I'm in Maryland, we visit the DC and Virginia Middle Eastern Restaurants. There's also a place in Maryland called Teavolve which is very nice. We love Tea and Coffee, so we spend a lot of time visiting different places that specialize in them.

Of course there are numerous Church activities that we attend, and we truly enjoy being in the presence of those of 'like precious faith', those who love Jesus. I love my Church, My Pastors, and My Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

Even without these places, because we're with the people we love, it's just enjoyoing life together. There's no better fun than that. :yep:

Little Summer, may I ask you a question:

What lead you to ask, 'IF' we had fun?

I'm just curious, Angel... :love3:
I like having fun. I'm a goofball at heart. But I'm kinda a home body. I'll stay at home and watch my favorite movies over and over again. I love reading! I took a 5 year break from reading anything educational (besides the Bible) after I finished grad school (just romance novels and fluff-though I stay away from Zane etc).

I love getting dressed up and going places (like really dressy), the theater, dates with DH. I also like stuff like karaoke with my girlfirends.

I love to shop...by myself. I really dont like having to wait for people or go in stores im not interested in (also dont like the pressure of being waited for).

My most recent hobby: makeup! I have decided to explore full makeup and I am loving it! Watching videos, going on websites, and practicing on myself and friends.

Coily.... I fit into your entire post... For real! :yep:
I'm silly at heart too! Just ask DD. she is constantly :rolleyes: to me and DH cuz we always laughing. We actually go out of our way to make her :rolleyes: at us.

I'm constantly dancing and singing. Usually in my car where I have a captive audience (DD)

I love to travel and see new places.

Shopping, whether it be thrifting or at the mall.

Eating out with my family and friends.
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Yes I have fun.....:look:

I lovvee going out to eat, skating, bowling, hanging with my friends. I don't mean to sound cliche, but church is really fun for me too. I enjoy fellowshipping :yep:
Do we have FUN???? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Very much so. Our lives are not dull, just because we are Christians. :look:


I'm sorry Little Summer :love2: I was just teasing regarding that question.

Little Summer, may I ask you a question:

What lead you to ask, 'IF' we had fun?

I'm just curious, Angel... :love3:

Shimmie... I've been trying to clean my life up. and its not fun to me anymore lately :ohwell:
I'm pmsing so I'm not going to go further but it seems like the more I do to stay out of trouble, the less I enjoy myself.
I totally understand what you mean. There was a time in my life where I partook in some unsavory activities that equaled fun for the world but sin/inappropriate for my Christian walk. I wondered what I would do to replace it.

Basically I love dancing...but not in a holy way lol. So I loved going to the club with my girls shaking my groove thang. (Not in a nice family friendly way either...Im talking pop lock and drop it dancing). But when I started to feel convicted about the provocative dancing AND the HORRIBLE lyrics that I was shaking it to...I had to give it up. And I really felt bereft because me and my girls had been clubbing together for years on the regular.
What it really took was effort to find other things to do...expand my horizons. Those girls were not saved so I had to inform them of my decision (which didnt stop them from going) and try to stay in the "loop" while absent during most of the "fun". It took a while to adjust but in the end I felt better about staying true to my convictions and they respected me more for it. Now when Im in town, we go to Karaoke, shopping, movies, etc.
Oh! And I had to make new friends too...CHristian ones who were bout that life! lol. So we make it our business to do fun (clean) stuff. And when you have a real friend...yall can do just about anything and it'll be fun!
Trivia night
I love football so Sports bars for football games
hobby classes (cooking, dancing, crafts etc)
The list goes on...

At first it may seem like theres NOTHING fun to do...very restrictive...but after a while you WILL NOT miss it. I promise. God will help you with this. He did with me. I dont even miss it. (I tried to go to the club last year and I couldnt even get comfortable! It was no longer ME).
Shimmie... I've been trying to clean my life up. and its not fun to me anymore lately :ohwell:
I'm pmsing so I'm not going to go further but it seems like the more I do to stay out of trouble, the less I enjoy myself.

Awwww Sweetheart.... :bighug:

I hope my question didn't sound strong.

You and I share something in common, 'The Arts'. :yep:

Little Summer, you have a beautiful gift for music, singing and dancing.

I love dancing and you already know how it is or can be in the Arts... a whole lot of stuff. However, I chose to make the difference.

I'm with other Christians who refuse to compromise our relationship with the Lord, by following the others. There's no hoochie coo, hot dropping, clubbing, instead we dance for the love of the Arts, and we keep it clean. I don't go to clubs, I never could get with that atmosphere. My dance classes and family events, give me plenty of opportunity to dance and enjoy being with family and friends. In Church, I've very still, though; I'm very reserved, but that's only because I want to be still and absorb the presence of worship and the Lord. I find peace in that. I just like being still in the presence of the Lord.

Loved one, the very fact that you want to change, it the very essence that you love God so much, that you want to please Him. Please know that by this, you have indeed.... you have indeed pleased God's heart. The two of you will flow together and what you do, will give him more glory as you move on with Him.

These are not just words, it's for real, Angel... it's for real. Don't be discouraged, your heart is in the right place and God is well pleased.

Yes.... He is.

I love being with my family. Spending time with my kids and watching them laugh, giggle and play makes me happy. The other day my husband and I took the kids to a farm that has all sort of fun, fall activities this time of year. When my hubby and I get a chance we have "date weekends". We leave the kids with my parents, go out to eat some place nice and spend the night at a hotel. I looooove to shop for my kids, my husband, myself and stuff for our home. I like to surf the internet, read and my guilty pleasure is reality tv. I can't get enough of Dancing With The Stars this season. When I get a free weekend I may meet up with a friend for lunch. She is the funniest person I know. In general, I just enjoy my life (even though my kids run me ragged most days).
We love to go hiking in the mountains. We are situated about 1.5 hours from the nearest mountains and waterfalls and 3 hours from the beach. We do a lot of outdoor activities.

I play flag football (co-ed), disc golf, watch movies, spa, shopping, concerts, sporting events, spend time with family, swimming, rollerblading, jet skiing, etc. I'm married so it's different from being a single Christian I suppose. There's always something to do or someone who wants to do something.

Think about it this way. God still wants us to enjoy our lives and there are TONS of things to do that are still pleasing to God.
Summer I understand how u feel. I no longer find the old stuff (drinking, smoking, clubbing, acting ratchet, etc) fun anymore and I thank God for that! But sadly this was the only ways I knew to have "fun" so now I have to reteach myself on what real fun truly is.

I recommend picking up a hobby. Starting a project. Joining a ministry at your church. Volunteering. These things are not only fun but make u feel good.

My scripture to stand on during this time of transition: God keeps such people so busy enjoying life that they take no time to brood over the past. (Ecclesiastes 5:20 NLT)

Stay prayerful, make new friends (I'm working on this as well lol) with like minded people and soon you'll start to develop a new ideal of fun :)