What do you do about broken off spots or hair shorter in places?

What do you do about breakage?

  • Blend in with rest of hair and pretend there's no problem

    Votes: 94 44.3%
  • Get it slowly trimmed til it's even with rest of hair

    Votes: 45 21.2%
  • Use a growth aid to catch up

    Votes: 66 31.1%
  • Just cut it all off

    Votes: 7 3.3%

  • Total voters
I have a few broken areas in the front of my hair from when I got scalp burns form relaxing. I treat that area like I do the rest of my hair which is with care
and its been growing out rather nicely. The only way I would cut that area would be if I were to cut bangs. It would even things out but I dont want bangs so I'l just deal.
I have some broken areas in my crown so I got some scissors and cut off like 4 inches. Hopefully they got rid of some split ends.
I trim it myself if the ends are reallly raggedy. Then I always overmoisturize, and deep condition more frequently. My nape and edges have been really bad so when I relaxed, I didn't relax my nape or my edges at all. I'll relax them every other relaxer.
I give that area, extra massaging, extra oil, extra moisturizer and love. It is catching up, slowly but surely.

I do the same thing when in protective styles.
My right side had this broken off area in the back that is shorter then the rest of hair and also I have some patches in the front and through out. Looks like I am gonna have a setback when I finally get it trimmed. What do ya'll do about your broken off areas?

Gemini, I have the same problem on my left side, front and middle. :wallbash: I couldn't help cutting the thinned hairs to make it look uniform. I plan to bc; but to where I am not sure. I may just cut to NL or ear length, and then braid it to give my hair a break from the relaxer. Frankly, I don't want any breakage anywhere. :nono: And it's not a little; it's alot of breakage. :wallbash: And I just made a APL a few months ago. :sad: I was so excited to be there again. I bc'd in 06, and was praying that that was my last bc ever. Guess not! :wallbash:

I learned a lot along the way; hopefully, this won't happen again. :nono:

I'll post pics later. :sad:
My hair would break in the crown area of my hair when it got about 7 inches long. That area of my head is a different texture than the rest of my hair. It was always the area I would relax first, thus I had overprocessed it, also the area I would always put ponytails in. Since LHCF I know to put olive oil on my hair prior to relaxing, I dont' relax in the same area, I moisturise and baby that area. It is a small area and I am able to cover it with the rest of my hair. Last year I got scissor happy and wacked my hair down to Halle Berry status! When I joined LHCF in June I had broke it off in that area to about 1/2inch! I read the advice of the ladies here and now grown back and that one area is about 3 1/2" long and didn't cut my hair. It isn't noticeable when I wear my hair down, and other than that small area, my hair is very healthy. Hope this helps
I gave it a good clip treated and weave the part that was broken off to blend in with my hair. Instead of perming every month like I usually I permed that part every other time I permed now that part is the longest part and it used to be the shortest. Thats why I stretch more now.
I decided I'm going to gradually cut until the broken parts match up. My length goals are officially on hold. I rather even healthy looking hair. Looking at these broken spots drive me crazy..
I made my own poll option and voted "other": use a growth aid on those areas to help it cathc up and in the mean time keep my hair bunned.

...been doing this for a couple of months now and I should be back on track in time for christmas. :yep:
It's not like a huge area ..lol but I mean I notice it cause when I straighten it it's poofy on the ends and shorter, or even when it's wet I can tell.

Layers don't sound like a bad idea though. I like layers anyways.
that is damage,
heat damage to be exact. trim it off.
Great thread OP right now my left side is severely thin and my nape has broken off reall bad. I'm just protective styling and nursing it back to health.
i have a section on the left side of my hair that's about 5 inches wide, and about an inch past APL. i have a similar section on the right, that's a bit less wide, and right at APL. but a good portion of the back of my hair is sitting a bit past shoulder length. i'd love to have blunt ends... but my hair doesn't look damaged-- just very uneven. so i'm leaving it be, until all my hair gets to APL.

in the meantime, i've been doing curly-updos, so no one gets to see the shorter parts of my hair :sekret:
Mine broke off in the nape area due to psoriasis that inflammed the follicles. I wear my hair up in protective styles, baby it, and will slowly trim/dust until it catches up with the rest.
My hair is broken off also. Especially at the top. However im not cutting my hair to make it even. If so I would only have 5 inches of hair. I don't worry about it and eventually it will grow with the rest. Sometimes if I don't use gel or a moisturizer it stick out like I put my finger in a socket.
I have had a troubled spot above the nape of my neck since high school. I have had two drastic hair cuts in the past because of it, the last one in 2006 after I had my baby (postpartum hormones?) and my hair was shoulder length. I ended up with a short "Halle Berry" cut because of the breakage. Well.. here I was again with the same issue, breakage and my hair was touching my shoulders. After self-styling my hair for so long, I decided to go to a stylist who cut my hair in layers since I wanted to save some of my length. So I am starting over but with healthier ends.
I didn't vote because I wouldn't cut it off.. What I did was waited until the shortest part was the length that I want then I cut the longest to the length of the shortest.. My hair is not as long as before, but it's even and it looks uniform and healthy.
ladies i suggest cutting the shorter damaged hair.. why because it most likely has split ends and its going to keep splitting up the hair shaft and its going to stay short no matter what.. you use growth aids.. welp its still damaged and beaking odd. you blend it.. welp when you style and run that comb through your hair those split ends on the short hair will continue to snag and break.. need i say more.. i clipped my damaged hair ends and keep those ends moist and i dont manipulate them a lot and its growing like it should WITHOUT SPLITTING AND DAMGED.. only set back it cutting off some length but its all good once its taken care of sooner then later.. TRUST
My right side had this broken off area in the back that is shorter then the rest of hair and also I have some patches in the front and through out. Looks like I am gonna have a setback when I finally get it trimmed. What do ya'll do about your broken off areas?
I used to get them, but to no avail, nothing worked. Until I found out I had a thyroid disease (Grave's) and had that treated. Then my hair slowly stopped breaking. Also because of having a thyroid disorder I notice my hair is dryer than it used to be (so is my skin), so moisturizing shampoos and eating right (diligently) has turned it back to almost "normal" so to speak.
I leave them be.


See that section that is all black on the side in the middle of the red? All broken off, because my hair HATES color. *sigh* I left it alone, and trimmed the color off until it was all even.
If I didn't have the color handing me the breakage, I would have still left it alone, just made sure to carefully baby that area - start there with conditioning, and if you relax, be sure to esp. protect those areas when you do touch-ups.

I'm philosophically opposed to cutting off healthy hair though, so that's just me. :lachen:

Oh no...
I noticed a broken area tonight! I felt sooo sad, because my hair has been doing do well...however, I have had issues with this area before. I plan to pay special attention and care to this area...
I was about to ask the same question but I saw you asked first. Until tonight, the right side of my hair in the back was APL and the left side (about 3-4 inches wide) was broken off about 2 1/2 inches shorter and puffy on the ends. My DH said don't cut, no one will notice. I could'nt stand looking at the two lengths so I've gradually (over a few months) cut more of the longer healthy hair and a little bit of the damaged hair. Tonight I didn't even off my hair but made the lengths close enough that I won't go bananas looking at it.
i trimmed.. i had damage to due to hardwater, and it was all over my head, mainly starting at the ends. I had to cut off pretty much 1" to 1 1/2" (just the damage), and wear my hair in the usual bantu knot out.. It reverts to about 3", so i really don't think anyone's is going notice the difference anyway..
It depends on how much shorter the spot is and of course, how big the area is as well. I recently had a small patch on the left side of my head, about an inch or so above the nape that was broken off. I was going to just nurse it and leave it be, but whenever I tried to blend it, it didnt really work out. My right side was so full and left side looked so thin and sparse, so after a few more weeks, I had the back cut to even it out. However, the area wasnt too short and it wasnt a big loss for me. My hair looks soooooo much better because its all evened out.

In the past when I had broken areas in the front though, I left them alone and nursed them until they grew out enough to even it out bit by bit.
I'm wearing my hair straight for the first time in a while and notice that the back left side is definitely shorter than the right. The right side is past APL in the back, the left side looks at least an inch or two shorter. Since I don't wear my hair straight often I'm not going to cut it even right now. My plan is to wait until it is all APL or longer and trim all of it to be an even APL.