What do you do about broken off spots or hair shorter in places?

What do you do about breakage?

  • Blend in with rest of hair and pretend there's no problem

    Votes: 94 44.3%
  • Get it slowly trimmed til it's even with rest of hair

    Votes: 45 21.2%
  • Use a growth aid to catch up

    Votes: 66 31.1%
  • Just cut it all off

    Votes: 7 3.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
My right side had this broken off area in the back that is shorter then the rest of hair and also I have some patches in the front and through out. Looks like I am gonna have a setback when I finally get it trimmed. What do ya'll do about your broken off areas?
I have tons of hair so it usually doesn't really matter that much if some hairs are shorter b/c it's only noticeable to my stylist and me. I just blend. I've never had a whole area break off, but I have seen other ppl who have had that happen and just braid or weave it up. Personally, if it were an instance where it was NOTICEABLY shorter in some places, I'd do layers or something.
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It's not like a huge area ..lol but I mean I notice it cause when I straighten it it's poofy on the ends and shorter, or even when it's wet I can tell.

Layers don't sound like a bad idea though. I like layers anyways.
Girl, if it isn't a huge area, blend. You can always nurse it back to health :)

Yeah layers are crazy hot. I have my hair in layers like all the time. . .well I used to lol
I leave them be.


See that section that is all black on the side in the middle of the red? All broken off, because my hair HATES color. *sigh* I left it alone, and trimmed the color off until it was all even.
If I didn't have the color handing me the breakage, I would have still left it alone, just made sure to carefully baby that area - start there with conditioning, and if you relax, be sure to esp. protect those areas when you do touch-ups.

I'm philosophically opposed to cutting off healthy hair though, so that's just me. :lachen:
I'm waiting for those areas to catch up:ohwell:, crown, nape, front hairline. I refuse to cut, my ends aren't damage, and I don't wear my hair down often so you wouldn't notice it really. my mother cut hers to all one length last year, but it was a very large, almost palm sized area in the back. it's filling in nicely now, though.:yep:
girl you read my mind. I have the same question. I am at work so I cant upload a photo of my problem area, cuz I have been trying to catch up my crown area for years. I had my hair cut in layers a few years ago butI didnt know how too care for my hair back then, so I am hopeful that with lots of TLC I can grow that area out
There's a very small section on my crown, not even the size of a penny, that's been overprocessed and breaking.

I just moisturize extra, relax that section last, never really comb or brush that part, and don't put any extra tension there.

It's coming along.
I leave them be.


See that section that is all black on the side in the middle of the red? All broken off, because my hair HATES color. *sigh* I left it alone, and trimmed the color off until it was all even.
If I didn't have the color handing me the breakage, I would have still left it alone, just made sure to carefully baby that area - start there with conditioning, and if you relax, be sure to esp. protect those areas when you do touch-ups.

I'm philosophically opposed to cutting off healthy hair though, so that's just me. :lachen:

Ouch! Wow that picture made me cringe. thanks for the advice.
Instead of wearing it bone straight, try wearing with some curls :yawn:.

I don't curl my hair and I don't like the way rollersets look just yet so yea... Those pics in my siggy are after a relaxer and the works. it's wrapped so it's not to straight but it had that swang even though it doesn't look like it there.
I once grew my nape and sides from literally being BALD. I had a really bad eczema flare up on my scalp caused by that terrible orange bottle, purple cap relaxer.

I didn't cut my hair or use growth aides.

I wore my hair straightened and down, and just took care of it the same way I took care of the rest of my hair. Today those are my longest layers of hair :yep:

Last year as a natural I ripped a small section of hair down to an inch detangling to roughly, it has all grown back, totally even with the rest of my hair.

One coil in my crown is like half the length of the rest of my hair for some unknown reason, but I'm sure it'll grow too.

Don't cut it off! Just leave it or baby it... it grows back faster than you'd think.
I'd start by not paying it any attention. I notice that when people get freaked out about unevenness and try to fix it immediately they tend to get scissor happy. What I would do is take really good care of my hair, wear it in a bun or in protective styles that don't reveal the unevenness, and when my hair has gained a couple of inches in length I would trim it a little. Eventually the hair will even out.
I have 2 areas of damage. One of them, which is displayed below shows breakage at the crown. I scratched all the hair off my head in that area. The other is a coin-sized bald patch in the back of my head. Thankfully, I have enough hair to conceal the damage. I can just do a combover in the crown. I don't know where that one came from (maybe from overprocessing, or medications or nerves) who knows. All I know is... I want my hair back! :wallbash: I am using MN mixture and BT to grow hair back.
Since the area broke off because it was drier than the rest of my hair (and, as a result, wasn't getting moisturized as often), I started off by keeping the area moisturized. As luck would have it, this area grows slower than the others. :rolleyes: I've had to do some trimming to keep everything from looking thin.
I do a combination of the first three...I baby that section to nurse it back to health, maybe using growth aids; slowly trim off any damaged hair that is beyond repair; and until everything is even, try to blend the area in...
i voted just cut it all off....but ummm i'm scissor happy:perplexed

I would really just get some layers/ and or bangs to keep it looking good and keep most of the length while growing it out...

I have had this happen several times when I colored...and I always cut:yep:

I know whatever you decide, you will be back to hair health in no time...good luck:yep:
G, we're in the same boat...I've been wondering what to do about mine too. I have broken hair in three areas. The back I'll leave alone. I've decided to cut the front, yes, cut. And I've been trimming the middle, but decided to leave it to let it grow.

I will start using a growth aid to keep me from doing a bc. I just like starting over, and hate to have my hair in less than perfect condition. I may even braid it to give my hair a break. If I do that, I'll do a nice bc to give my hair a fresh start.
i have a section like this too but its starting to grow back since Im literally over moisturizing it. No more doing deep cuts and trims, Ive been here since 03' and Im tired of being the same scissor happy length. I believe that it will even out on its own since ALL hairs on your head do not grow at the same exact time. It will eventually compensate some sort of way.
Try figuring out if I put more stress on that area. If you tie your hair up at night, is it too tight where the breakage is? Do you always sleep on that part where the breakage is? That might be the problem.
You have to treat it special. I have had short broken areas on my head and I didn't use either of the methods listed on the poll so I didn't vote.

1. I added more product to that area. When I was DCing or moisturizing, I would make sure to add more product to that area and treat it special.

2. I treated the hair as if it were a baby's head. No ruff combing or detangling.

3. Regular protein treatments.

4. I relaxed that area last.

Growth aids are fine to use to grow the area, but you need to find out what YOU are doing to cause the breakage. "Fast" growth from growth aides are done in vain if you haven't discovered what broke your hair off in the first place and you hair breaks right after it grows.
Thanks everyone for all the responses.

Blessed- you are considering BC? WOW that's exciting. I wanna big chop in my future right now I am on a dif hair journey.

MizaniLocs-It looks like my breakage happend because my hair was underprocessed and I had to many textures in it and it broke off when a demarcation line was. I am gonna start using MTG all over. I am going for a trim and just didn't know if I should let her cut it even of just trim off a lil cause my ends aren't too bad. My right side is just uglier. If that makes sense.
Blend it in and go :yep:

Since it's broken off, it needs a lot of extra TLC. So I'd slather it in conditioner on wash days and keep it saturated in moisturizers and oils, to help it along.
I just did that 2day...I am suppose to reach BSL on July 14th and I did but I've been so lazy with my hair that it slowly broke off and my ends were horrible...so I cut about an 1 1/2 off...but I think I should make BSL by Christmas...I actually want to transition real bad tho so I may just make full bsl and just keep cuttin there.:grin:
Do layers - I had BSL and because the right side of my hair in middle was significantly shorter I opted to get it cut in layers - so now my longest layer is shoulder length. I was happy with my decision.