What do u say when friends,coworkers ask...


What do u say when coworkers and or friends ask when r u going to wear yr hair out so we can see how long it is?

u guys know that I just relaxed after 4 months post. I got a 1.5 trim and am my hair is looking healthier but I refuse to have my hair out until I reach my goal. I wanted to put my half wig on but I want to give my hair a rest for 1-2 weeks and just dc and cowash and protect until. My goal is brastrap so I am pulling out all the guns.

All I could say was well I don't want to wear it out:nono:
Well, I just tell people that I take really good care of my hair and that I don't leave it loose. That's what works for me. I tell them that it's grown, but I won't say its "Long" or "down to there" or anything. I just say its "Much longer than before."

That may come off conceited to some people but I could care less, yo. I can't please everyone...
I just give some vague answer like "Oh, I will one of these days".

I'm not an animal in a zoo to be stared at. "Ooooh, look at the long haired creature!" :eek:

I wear it out when I feel like it not to satisfy people's curiosity. If they happen to catch it when it's down, then they do. If not, then they'll just have to wait until I feel like it again, whenever that may be.
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tell them you wear it down when you feel like it... i hate annoying ppl like that.. but then again.. maybe they just want to see so they can ask you for tips... u never know
well the shirts at my job are VERY rough. It consists of a sweater with a threaded jacket over it which is double rough. So i am honest- I dont like my hair breaking or rubbing on the uniform
I've never encounter this before....but people know I'm quick to go off ( I'm working on that ....trying to become more mature and more spiritual ) So I think people keep they're comments to themselves!!
I usually say something like "one of these days". It usually works and they forget to ask for a while. When they ask how long it is, I say "it's not that long" and leave it at that. When I reach MBL, maybe I'll wear it out more but for right now, it's up most of the time whether others like it or not.
I have to wear a lab coat at work, so whenever I wear my hair down I end up with a ton of tangles and knots in the nape/kitchen area. I tell people that I don't feel like hearing my hair snap all day or detangling when I get home. The women always understand, so they don't bother me.
I currently have a co-worker whose been "waiting for months" for me to wear my hair down..she's never seen the length before but others have told her that my hair is long, so she wants to see it for herself. But, I wear my hair up 99% of the time in the fall/winter months, in order to protect it from inclimate weather and rough outerwear. However, when Spring comes, I do plan to get a trim and wear it down more, so she'll have to wait 'til then.:drunk:

ETA: So to answer your question, I say something like, "I'll wear it down one day."
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A co-worker just walked into my office - petting her thin, see-thru over relaxed hair - talking about how LONG her hair is getting! :spinning: I didn't even comment, so then she goes " I never seen you hair out, You need to wear your hair out so I can see it!"

Why would a grown woman NEED to see another woman's hair? :blush: It seems really freaky to me.

WTF!:rolleyes: Silly rabbit...don't you know it is not about YOU!
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damn! they ask me that all the time. I just tell them "when I feel like it" then I quickly change the subject.
Aco-worker just walked into my office - petting her thin, see-thru over relaxed hair - talking about how LONG her hair is getting! :spinning: I didn't even comment, so then she goes " I never seen you hair out, You need to wear your hair out so I can see it!"

Why would a grown woman NEED to see another woman's hair? :blush: It seems really freaky to me.

WTF!:rolleyes: Silly rabbit...don't you know it is not about YOU!

This just makes me laugh. :lachen::lachen: Why does she need to see your hair? :lachen:

My co-workers and friends are pretty cool about the whole hair thing. But my mom is constantly asking me "when you gonna wear your hair down?"
I tell her the truth since she knows that Im all up in this hair thing, but that doesnt make her stop asking.
When they ask me why don't i wear my hair down more often i just tell them that it is much easier and convenient to keep it in a bun everyday.
I just say, oh it's too much work and they usually leave it at that. I don't feel it's any of their business. They only want you to wear it down so they can get their hate on :yep:
A co-worker just walked into my office - petting her thin, see-thru over relaxed hair - talking about how LONG her hair is getting! :spinning: I didn't even comment, so then she goes " I never seen you hair out, You need to wear your hair out so I can see it!"

Why would a grown woman NEED to see another woman's hair? :blush: It seems really freaky to me.

WTF!:rolleyes: Silly rabbit...don't you know it is not about YOU!

:lachen::lachen::lachen: See through over relaxed hair. haha that is too funny. I was wondering about these women clamouring to see another women's hair. I can't imagine asking another women to take her hair down so that I (not being her man and all) can see what her hair looks like.
My coworkers don't press me on the issue, but they seem so ridiculously excited to see it out of braids or out of a bun that it makes me wonder how much of a hot mess they think my hair really is-LOL
My coworkers don't press me on the issue, but they seem so ridiculously excited to see it out of braids or out of a bun that it makes me wonder how much of a hot mess they think my hair really is-LOL

I was just saying this same thing to a friend of mine today. We even have GUYS in our office who comment about me wearing my hair down. It doesn't surprise me when the women do it, but the guys?! Then when I do wear it down, they go on and on about how much they like it so much better when I wear it down and how I should do so more often. Umm ... hey guess what? Bite me!! I'm on a hair growing mission, so I will be bunning it most every day, pal. Deal with it! :yep:

The funny thing is I just got it flat ironed this afternoon (I always do that once a month), so it will be down tomorrow. I'm sure they'll have plenty to say. :rolleyes:
I've never encounter this before....but people know I'm quick to go off ( I'm working on that ....trying to become more mature and more spiritual ) So I think people keep they're comments to themselves!!
:lachen:..sounds a little like me CTHU @ spiritual!
When they ask me why don't i wear my hair down more often i just tell them that it is much easier and convenient to keep it in a bun everyday.

I agree. A question like this doesnt deserve any more then a simple response.

I mean seriously...most people have a very honest curiosity