What do I tell the host when hubby doesn't want to party


Well-Known Member
I was wondering how should I handle situations when my hubby doesn't come to events with me. What do I say to the host? I've been married for 16 years and my hubby is a homebody does not like to go to social gatherings. I have clients and friends who invite me and my husband but my husband never comes. I getting tired of people asking me where's my spouse. I just want to say stop asking me to bring him he's not coming. Is that too much information or should I continue making up excuses on why he's not there. It's kind of an ackward sitution to be in. I need help, I have two events this week-end.
Tell the truth. "He's at home. Is that spinach dip???"

The situation is only going to be as awkward as you allow it. Your hubby isn't a party social guy. There's nothing wrong with that. (It would be if he expected you to sit on the couch with him but he doesn't so enjoy!)

No explanations are required. Folks need to stop with the expectations. An invite is nice but it doesn't mean you get control of a person's actions. They invited him and he declined. They'll either enjoy your attendance or not. And if not - that's their issue.

Enjoy the parties!
Tell the truth. "He's at home. Is that spinach dip???"

The situation is only going to be as awkward as you allow it. Your hubby isn't a party social guy. There's nothing wrong with that. (It would be if he expected you to sit on the couch with him but he doesn't so enjoy!)

No explanations are required. Folks need to stop with the expectations. An invite is nice but it doesn't mean you get control of a person's actions. They invited him and he declined. They'll either enjoy your attendance or not. And if not - that's their issue.

Enjoy the parties!

Wow, if there was ever a need for a lachen with two snaps in a circle then this would be it.:lachen: ITA You know your spouse better than anyone and that is all that matters. You do you and let the rest of them settle. There is no reason in causing a riff between you two if both of you are fine with the way things are and others do not either agree or understand.
Tell the truth. "He's at home. Is that spinach dip???"

The situation is only going to be as awkward as you allow it.
Your hubby isn't a party social guy. There's nothing wrong with that. (It would be if he expected you to sit on the couch with him but he doesn't so enjoy!)

No explanations are required. Folks need to stop with the expectations.
An invite is nice but it doesn't mean you get control of a person's actions. They invited him and he declined. They'll either enjoy your attendance or not. And if not - that's their issue.

Enjoy the parties!

excellent points.

i understand it may be frustrating for you when you want him to be there but he has a right to decline. however, i think you're allowing the 'situation' to be more of an issue than it really is. the people who invite you and your partner to events should really just appreciate that you turned up.

honestly, you never did owe them any explanation to why your husband doesn't want to come out. "he's at home," is a decent enough one. going out of your way to create a bunch of different excuses at each event must be so draining and if people haven't worked it out by now, they will eventually realise that your explanations are lies and will be wondering exactly what it is that you're hiding. they may even think twice about inviting you out because you cannot be honest.

your hubby may miss out of the fun but that doesn't mean you have to. enjoy yourself!
My husband is the same way. I stopped asking him to join me to events years ago . He loves being home and theres nothing thats going to change that. Heck now i like it that way cause he would just sit there quiet anyway. He's a quiet person anyway so it would more trouble explaining why he is this and that.:rolleyes: