What do I do now?...I threw out all of my Petroleum Hair Oils


New Member
I've been wearing twists since late last year. So far I've enjoyed them but as of last week, I've thrown out ALL of my petroleum based hair oils. :ohwell:
I would twist my hair with them and the twists came out great, but now I'm more conscious of what it does.
My hair doesn't seem to like the change with light oils...:perplexed
Any ideas please?
What do you guys use to twist and at the same time keep in moisture and hold?
PS. I'm natural :look:
You should try Lustrasilk Cholesterol Shea + Mango Condish---its moisturizing and gives good hold for twists...If you are looking for something more oil based, you can maybe try Hairveda Vatika Frosting or Qhemet Alma Oil & Heavy Cream-- I've personally never used them solely for moisture and hold on twists--but i have used them on my ends when doing twists.

You should try Lustrasilk Cholesterol Shea + Mango Condish---its moisturizing and gives good hold for twists...If you are looking for something more oil based, you can maybe try Hairveda Vatika Frosting or Qhemet Alma Oil & Heavy Cream-- I've personally never used them solely for moisture and hold on twists--but i have used them on my ends when doing twists.


Thanks. It sounds very good. I should have mentioned though that I'm seeking something more on the natural side. My hair is very funny when it comes to conditioners. I find that my hair will fall out (no joke) if I use most un-natural conditioners.
I use Soul Purpose Haitian Vetivert Pepper Body Balm (made with organic, wild crafted shea butter) on my twists. At night I apply it to my ends. It worked so well on my skin I figured it'd be good on my hair too. :yep:
I second the shea butter idea. Just make sure it's all natural, unrefined, etc.
I use Soul Purpose Haitian Vetivert Pepper Body Balm (made with organic, wild crafted shea butter) on my twists. At night I apply it to my ends. It worked so well on my skin I figured it'd be good on my hair too. :yep:

Pepper balm :lick:
Anything with spicy stuff in it!!!
Does it make your scalp tingle?
Where can you buy this Soul Purpose?
I second the shea butter idea. Just make sure it's all natural, unrefined, etc.

Yep. That's what I want.
I'm in search of this. I don't care about it weighing my hair down, I just want to lock in moisture after I wash or rinse.
Thanks for the tip.
My suggestion is why stop using what is working? What works for you may not work for some and visa versa. Mineral oil and petro is not necessarily the the devil so I wouldn't throw away something that has always worked, for something else that I only heard about. But it's cool to try something new but why trash what worked?

tis all .... Hope it works out, good luck.:yep:
Shea Butter, castor oil and aloe vera gel. Moisturizing great hold soft hair.
I think I may like the shea butter idea. I used shea butter a few years ago before I learned how to do twists and loved the outcome. It gave my hair a nice wavy texture. I think I'll have to order now because I can't find the natural stuff where I live.
I have castor oil and use it ocassionally, but not for twists.
Don't like light oils? You can try castor oil and/or avocado oil. Castor is the least expensive of the two. If you're into butters, you can try shea butter. Shealoe (shea butter, oil and aloe vera) is great for moisturized hair. It's been awhile since I've gotten a hold of some shea butter, but I mainly use castor oil on my hair. I lloovvesss me castor oil :yep:.
My suggestion is why stop using what is working? What works for you may not work for some and visa versa. Mineral oil and petro is not necessarily the the devil so I wouldn't throw away something that has always worked, for something else that I only heard about. But it's cool to try something new but why trash what worked?
Because I found that many diseases are linked to common things people use and don't know the long term consequences. I've suffered from a long term illness which affects my blood and hormones (all my life)... due to environmental (moth balls, benzene, terpentine, etc.) in the home where I grew up. I'm working with an herbalist to get well.
I just learned that the petroleum we use on our hair is not only linked to coal tar, but also nephtalene which is in moth balls.
So I know I have no business working against progress (now that I know better).
I don't know about anyone else, but I've had enough doctors visits and hospitalizations to last many lifetimes. I'm over-done!!!

tis all .... Hope it works out, good luck.:yep:

Thank you. LHCF people are the best. No matter what there's always great people with great ideas here. :yep:
Don't like light oils? You can try castor oil and/or avocado oil. Castor is the least expensive of the two. If you're into butters, you can try shea butter. Shealoe (shea butter, oil and aloe vera) is great for moisturized hair. It's been awhile since I've gotten a hold of some shea butter, but I mainly use castor oil on my hair. I lloovvesss me castor oil :yep:.

I love the idea of avacado oil and maybe shea.
Your twists in your fotki are very nice. :yep:
What exactly did you use to make them look so nice?
I use Soul Purpose Haitian Vetivert Pepper Body Balm (made with organic, wild crafted shea butter) on my twists. At night I apply it to my ends. It worked so well on my skin I figured it'd be good on my hair too. :yep:

I researched and found the Sould Purpose Hatian VEtivert Pepper Body Balm....$22.00 / 5 oz. quite expensive. My hair will suck that up in no time and look for more. :yep:
But thanks
Wow! It looks great. My hair sucks up all moisture...especially this time of the year here.
Did your twists stay together for a few days though?

I don't have a problem with my twists unraveling. If your experiencing that either decrease the size of the twist or use a little gel on the end of your twist and twirl your finger around to form a coil.
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I don't have a problem with my twists unraveling. If your experiencing that either decrease the size of the twist or use a little gel on the of your twist and twirl your finger around to form a coil.

:blush:You know, I will try some Giovanni hair gel that's been starring me in the face for over 1 year. I'm so afraid of my hair drying out. I'll try mixing it with my Apricot oil until I can get some butters.
Thank you for the suggestion. I wash about 2 times a week, so I will give it a try this week.
Much appreciated :thankyou:
Thanks for the tip. I researched and saw a blog on Qhemet Burdock root butter. Have you ever used this?

i use this and i like it a lot. the heavy cream is really good too if you are looking for something more thicker. castor oil is great. i like because it is thick and it makes me feel like i put something on my hair, if you get what i mean.
:blush:You know, I will try some Giovanni hair gel that's been starring me in the face for over 1 year. I'm so afraid of my hair drying out. I'll try mixing it with my Apricot oil until I can get some butters.
Thank you for the suggestion. I wash about 2 times a week, so I will give it a try this week.
Much appreciated :thankyou:

My friend uses the Aubrey Organics B 5 hair gel (she's natural) and her hair always feels really soft. I believe it gives more of a light hold. JASON also makes an aloe vera gel that's pretty natural and gives a light hold.
Qhemet products are very concentrated, so a little goes a long way. i twist with Jamaican Mango and Lime Locking gel. you could twist with the Qhemet cream and use aloe vera gel at the ends of the twists.
I researched and found the Sould Purpose Hatian VEtivert Pepper Body Balm....$22.00 / 5 oz. quite expensive. My hair will suck that up in no time and look for more. :yep:
But thanks

You can get it for $15 and you only need a little bit - even on the thickest hair. I use mine on my body and my hair and that jar lasts me for like 2 months. :grin:
Qhemet products are very concentrated, so a little goes a long way. i twist with Jamaican Mango and Lime Locking gel. you could twist with the Qhemet cream and use aloe vera gel at the ends of the twists.

Sounds interesting.

i use this and i like it a lot. the heavy cream is really good too if you are looking for something more thicker. castor oil is great. i like because it is thick and it makes me feel like i put something on my hair, if you get what i mean.

Yes. I love anything thick that will coat my hair and hold moisture in when it's wet.
Now I'm leaning toward adding castor oil as well. People here have said that it's thickened their hair over time.