What Do I Do About Moisture?


New Member
Hey Ladies!
Had to come to you again for more hair advice. I got my hair cut to chin length on Saturday, I love it by the way. Obviously, I can't do the bun thing anymore, so how do I go about retaining length and moisture? Should I just moisturize at night so that it will be dry by morning? Or should washing and deep condition twice a week do the trick? I hope you ladies understand what I am trying to say...

Do you wear your hair down? I use elasta qp mango butter every 2 days. If I moisturized every day my hair would be a greasy/cowlicked mess since I wear it out.
Now, at first when I used it I didn't like it. I thought it was too heavy. But the trick to this stuff is moderation! I part my hair in about eight sections take the smallest dab I can, rub it between my two finger (thumb and pointer), get it to melt almost into oil consistency, then apply to the hair concentrating on my ends. I know you didn't ask for all this information so I am going to just restate my point. :lachen: Elasta Qp Mango butter and NTM serum to seal in the moisture or sweet almond oil.
Ps: What part of Dayton are you from. I am from Dayton too
Hiya SinCi,

I'm not sure how you plan to dry, but I would suggest Jane Carter Solutions Nourish & Shine or the Nourishing Hair Creme. I put the N&S (all natural butters, essential oils & vitamins) on my ends 3x a day and before I wrap. It's THE MOST awsone stuff for keeping my relaxed, flatironed 2x a week ends supple and moist. Can't say enough good things about this stuff. Smells yummy, too.

Good luck..Do you have pic of the new cut? I'm dying to see!

MizaniMami said:
Do you wear your hair down? I use elasta qp mango butter every 2 days. If I moisturized every day my hair would be a greasy/cowlicked mess since I wear it out.
Now, at first when I used it I didn't like it. I thought it was too heavy. But the trick to this stuff is moderation! I part my hair in about eight sections take the smallest dab I can, rub it between my two finger (thumb and pointer), get it to melt almost into oil consistency, then apply to the hair concentrating on my ends. I know you didn't ask for all this information so I am going to just restate my point. :lachen: Elasta Qp Mango butter and NTM serum to seal in the moisture or sweet almond oil.
Ps: What part of Dayton are you from. I am from Dayton too

Yeah, I have no choice but to wear my hair down. I mean, it can fit in a ponytail but its so small. lol. Thank you for the advice and I need all the info I can get. I am from Greenwich Village, u?
I never heard of Greenwich village.
I am from west Dayton, by Dunbar high school.

Back on topic, I think you should try the Elasta Qp Mango Butter
MizaniMami said:
I never heard of Greenwich village.
I am from west Dayton, by Dunbar high school.

Back on topic, I think you should try the Elasta Qp Mango Butter

I kno your familiar with Gettysburg? House of wheat funeral home is right off of Gettysburg on Blueberry, thats Greenwich village....

Ok, I am going to try it! Thanks again!
Yeaa! I am familiar with that. My uncle lives on Dewitt. I have never heard of anybody calling it "Greenwich" lol. I gotcha now