What did Jesus Look Like?

i'm not sure what he looks like but that pic that most people accept as Jesus is actually Cesare Borgia the son of one of the earlier popes, although many men/women have been pictured as Christ thats why i prefer the make no grave image route
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sbg4evr said:
does it really matter?

I just thought that the series they are doing is interesting and that it's cool that the mainstream is finally portraying the people of that time as something other than pasty. Wow... no need to be so serious...
I don't think it matters in the sense that you can be saved through Jesus no matter what color He was.

However, it's high time some other folks got the recognition for accomplishments and leaders besides Europeans claiming everything and acting like they are the only folks on earth that God loved and everyone else on earth is useless.
DelightfulFlame said:
I don't think it matters in the sense that you can be saved through Jesus no matter what color He was.

However, it's high time some other folks got the recognition for accomplishments and leaders besides Europeans claiming everything and acting like they are the only folks on earth that God loved and everyone else on earth is useless.
:weird::clap: !
DelightfulFlame said:
I don't think it matters in the sense that you can be saved through Jesus no matter what color He was.

However, it's high time some other folks got the recognition for accomplishments and leaders besides Europeans claiming everything and acting like they are the only folks on earth that God loved and everyone else on earth is useless.

Amen to that! I agree with every word.
I wish I'd seen the show, but I was so tired last night I went straight to bed. There was a time I used to really be into what color Jesus was and what He looked like and what His facial features might have looked like, etc. It's very fascinating. But after I saw The Passion of The Christ, I came out of that movie theater not caring anymore. I still cry whenever I think that He was willing to lay His life down and die for my sins when He Himself was innocent and knew no sin. Just amazing. . . :)
I saw part of it. It was interesting, but I can't say that I know a whole lot more than I did before watching it. It seemed to have a LOT of speculation.
They had him looking Middle Eastern/Arab. From some sculls that they found over a hundred miles away, and some people who live in the area now and claim to have been there since the time that he lived...they made some scientific program of what the people might have looked like. It was all speculation and assumption.

No where in the conclusion was Jesus thought to be black. Only tanned skinned like the people of the middle east are today.
DelightfulFlame said:
I don't think it matters in the sense that you can be saved through Jesus no matter what color He was.

However, it's high time some other folks got the recognition for accomplishments and leaders besides Europeans claiming everything and acting like they are the only folks on earth that God loved and everyone else on earth is useless.
AMEN!!! :up: :weird: :clap: :clap: :clap:
As Kirk Franklin put it, "It doesn't matter what color [Jesus was], as long as [his] blood was red."

Besides, I worshipped Jesus as a young person thinking he was white with straight, blond hair and blue eyes. Though I no longer believe he looked like that, there is still a large portrait of Christ looking like that in my house.

Considering where Jesus lived, I would think he was tan (he didn't have to be dark but his skin was probably not white like the fallen snow). His hair texture was probably curly or kinky. No telling what the color or shape of his eyes were.

Isn't there a scripture in the Bible that basically says that Jesus was not a physically attractive man?

As I said before, it does not matter what Jesus looked like. Each and everyone of us have our own image of him in our minds. There is no way in this physical life to know who is right or wrong. Also note, there is no description of Jesus in the bible. What matters is that we live the life Jesus instructs us to do.
Ugh... why do I even talk in here? I've loved Jesus since before I ever saw any physical representation of Him also. I did not intend to put any emphasis on His skin color or hair color... or any color... That was just the name of that segment of the show. The whole series was about much more. And yes, it does fascinate me to see all that researchers have managed to find. And it was interesting to see some written sources (other than the Bible) from that time that contain records of the family and friends of Christ. I agree that there was a fair amount of speculation, but that is to be expected. Overall, I thought it was well presented and I did learn a few things about a time that is of interest to me and I appreciate that. The end.
Naw, it doesnt really matter, but it would be interesting to know. He could have looked like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle for all I care, I love him for his scarifice of his life and the blood he shed for me. Anywho...
I'm not sure, but I thought there was a passage in the Bible thay described Jesus physical characteristics. I remember learning something about skin the color or copper and hair like sheeps wool. Dont really recall the specifics of the scripter. Can someone point out this?
honeycomb719 said:
Naw, it doesnt really matter, but it would be interesting to know. He could have looked like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle for all I care, I love him for his scarifice of his life and the blood he shed for me. Anywho...
I'm not sure, but I thought there was a passage in the Bible thay described Jesus physical characteristics. I remember learning something about skin the color or copper and hair like sheeps wool. Dont really recall the specifics of the scripter. Can someone point out this?
Hi:] Not sure if this is the only passage, but it is the one I know of:
Revelations 1:14-18
This is interesting, I was wondering about this yesterday with some friends. I was curious as to know what colour he was and where christianity originated from.

I've been doing a lil research for my self and from what i've been reading he wasn't white.

There was something I was reading about where it states in the Bible that when King Herrod (sp) was looking for Jesus God told Mary to take Jesus to Eygpt where he knew he would be safe. If He was white or mediterean looking wouldn't he stick out in Eygpt?

There's also another scripture where they described him having having hair like wool and feet of burnt brass. does that sound like any white person? just asking cuz you have to wonder why where even talking about this now. why have we been seeing a missreprensentation of Jesus for so long. why has his true identity been confused for so long?