What did I to my hair?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I'am a bit shocked and dumbfounded I was experimenting with my hair a bit and...
*****Come on just come in my thread and read on....******

*****I'am serious*****

Ok so I'am a bit shocked and dumbfounded I was experimenting with my hair a bit.
As many of you now I'am not relaxing my Nape and I love playing with it and doing silly stuff to it.
Today after I DC and put the rest of my hair in a bun i put some conditioner in my nape and worked it in.
I was a bit heavy with the condi and all over sudden my 4b hair has curl definition...:confused:
I added some gel to it to preserve it and the curls are still there...
I'am REALLY confused since my hair doesn't grow curly(not that I'am aware of) at my nape.I have a little patch on my crown that is 4a or 3c but the rest of my hair just grows without any definition.

What did I just do?Is that what those threads are about with curl definition?How can that be?I don't have any... NEVER HAD

And is that my natural hair type and I just brought *out* the curl or did I do something similar to shingling and simulated a curl pattern that isn't naturally mine??

That's my nape how it always looks



One of the curls still has a bit relaxed hair on the end but that's the AFTER

I'am REALLY confused b/c I KNOW I'am a 4a/b mostly b and I thought we don't have curl definition.
I also looked into curl definition threads for help but they all say 4b's don't have curl patterns so please someone enlighten me:)
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My sister, who recently did a bc and is now natural, has curls. She's always washing, then adding products to lock them in. Her hair is 4a/b. And it makes sense that there would be some curls, because 4a/b hair happens to be VERY coiled. I think that the conditioner just loosened them up a little, and the gel set it into place.. Because it was a deep condition, maybe it penetrated the hair shaft to the point where the hair became so saturated that it began to expand a little.
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CAPlush said:
I don't know, but have fun with your lil curlies, they are too cute:)

I agree! :yep:

Now you're gonna have me putting conditioner and gel in my nape and new growth to see what happens... :look:
asubeauty said:
I agree! :yep:

Now you're gonna have me putting conditioner and gel in my nape and new growth to see what happens... :look:

Please DO!
I really wanna know what happens:)

Thank you ASU and CA,I like them it's just really unexpected and they are SOOOO tiny too:lol:

Honii thank you for answering:) ,
that sounds interesting but isn't the MAIN characteristic of 4b hair that there are NO curls or coils for that matter?
So how can they expand?:confused:
I don't know what you did Ella but your hair is pretty. Your pics really tell the story too. Isn't our hair amazing? Have you been natural before for any length of time? I think you just may have more 4a than you realized. The longer you go without a relaxer your hair will often show it's true personality. When I first bc'd my crown was all waves, not one coil in sight, then after a few months here they came popping all over the place, I was so excited.
hopeful said:
I don't know what you did Ella but your hair is pretty. Your pics really tell the story too. Isn't our hair amazing? Have you been natural before for any length of time? I think you just may have more 4a than you realized. The longer you go without a relaxer your hair will often show it's true personality. When I first bc'd my crown was all waves, not one coil in sight, then after a few months here they came popping all over the place, I was so excited.

Oh thank you hopeful:) :)
Yes our hair is amazing... and confusing!!!!!!!:lol:
I was natural till I was about 14 and then I was slightly texturized till I was 21.
However my sides,napes and most of my head never had any curlpattern,my hair always grew out like in my first pic.
If you look closely you will see that the roots still have no curl definition:confused:
4a/4b coils can have definition. My hair is extremely coily yet undefined because my coils don't clump together. It seems as though you were able to get your coils to clump and create definition. From the pictures it also appears as if the curl is actually looser in the bottom pics. I've never seen anything like that before. No matter how many products I put in my 4b hair, you won't see a defined coil anywhere. Enjoy them while they're there.
Mestiza said:
A person's hair type can change, too. Whatever is the reason, your hair is pretty. :rosebud:
Thank you Mestiza:) .

@Cheetarah yes I think that would make sense,I got them to clump together.
Now why did that never happen before?You're right I've never seen anything like this either...
The curls are very pretty Ella. I'm not sure why that happened either, just wanted to tell you they are pretty. :)

* Maybe I won't relax my nape and see what happens.:scratchch
ella, your texture looks more like a 3c to me, even in the 1st pic.

are you thinking of going natural all over? that would be pretty. :)
Mom23 said:
The curls are very pretty Ella. I'm not sure why that happened either, just wanted to tell you they are pretty. :)

* Maybe I won't relax my nape and see what happens.:scratchch

Thank you Mom23,I'am not relaxing my nape cuz it always causes me problems and never grows if relaxed.
Lol,I'd gladly welcome you to the *NAPPY NAPE WEARERS*:lol:

me a type 3c,now it get's interesting because I REALLY don't think so:lol: ,
I wonder what other people have to say about that.
I think most 3c's and 4a's have the hair growing out curly at least somewhat... I just have one patch of hair in my crown that grows out curly*a pic is in my fotki - I relaxed it but the curl pattern is almost intact*

Yes I def. wanna go natural eventually,I thought about transitioning from BSL to WSL.
Now I don't even know what I'll deal with,I seriously thought I had my hair figured out for the most part...:lol:
DSylla said:
ella, your texture looks more like a 3c to me, even in the 1st pic.

are you thinking of going natural all over? that would be pretty. :)

I was thinking the same thing. Looks like a 3c/4a to me. Either way, your hair is beautiful! :yep:
Mestiza said:
A person's hair type can change, too. Whatever is the reason, your hair is pretty. :rosebud:

Oh, I didn't know that... but what I was gonna ask is if you happen to be taking the MSM supplement?
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I don't know why it suddenly curled but my stylist identified 3 curl pattern in my hair my front is 4a the center 4b and my nape 3b.:ohwell: :ohwell: ,maybe your the same?
My hair does the same thing. After a wash and DC, if I add any heavy product such as grease, wax, or a thick gel my 4b parts form coils and look 4a. If I add something light like an oil or a liquid leave in, it looks like 4b. I like that I can switch it up when the mood hits me.
Here is my guess:

I have 4B hair and I went natural about 8 years ago for about a year or two. When I was ready to add chemicals back to my hair I got a texturizer. This texturizer made my hair look like 3C curls. It only stayed like that for like a day or two but none the less I had those curls:lol:

In any event I hypothesize that when you were rinsing your relaxer out you may have texturized the hair at the nape of your neck:look: This may be what is causing your 3C curls:ohwell:
i've noticed this too since going natural. and at first i thought i was seeing things:eek: i was always raised to believe i had the roughest of the rough nappy hair. (thankfully i've educated myself out of that backwards thinking) yes, my nappy hair doesn't naturally show curl definition. but if i take a wet 1 inch square section of hair and apply/smooth a slippy leave in & some flax seed gel, ta da i have curl definition -- curls poppin everywhere:lol: i don't buy that whole anti-shingling rant. you can't make something out of nothing, in other words, curls pop from nappy hair because nappy hair is curly to begin with. they're just real tiny curls -- i call them tc's for short -- and they're naturally frizzy and separated. so now i know with the right product & right technique, i can have curls that are more defined and clump together. they still shrink up like a mug:lol: but you can definitely see some curl action going on.
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You probably just have a looser texture at the nape. It's very common. I remember reading on some website that it's common in black people that the hair in the nape is a looser texture. That might explain why a lot of us have breakage or our nape is shorter than the rest of our hair. My hair is looser in the back and the very front. But the rest is nappy. It's the nappiest in the crown of my head. :lol:
tkj25 said:
i've noticed this too since going natural. and at first i thought i was seeing things:eek: i was always raised to believe i had the roughest of the rough nappy hair. (thankfully i've educated myself out of that backwards thinking) yes, my nappy hair doesn't naturally show curl definition. but if i take a wet 1 inch square section of hair and apply/smooth a slippy leave in & some flax seed gel, ta da i have curl definition -- curls poppin everywhere:lol: i don't buy that whole anti-shingling rant. you can't make something out of nothing, in other words, curls pop from nappy hair because nappy hair is curly to begin with. they're just real tiny curls -- i call them tc's for short -- and they're naturally frizzy and separated. so now i know with the right product & right technique, i can have curls that are more defined and clump together. they still shrink up like a mug:lol: but you can definitely see some curl action going on.

Yes that makes sense,b/c I wasn't so heavy handed with the condi on the right side of my nape and you can LITERALLY see the coils forming into little curlies there.Also they have waaaaay more shrinkage then then the ones in the pics.
So there is a clear connection between how much product I used and the curl definition I got as result.

Thanks to everyone that responded,I still don't think I'am a 3c or 4a at my nape.I do have 4a hair at my crown but it GROWS out looking curly/wavy whatever.
I think I just got my 4b coils to clump together and to from curls.:)
bmoreflyygirl said:
You probably just have a looser texture at the nape. It's very common. I remember reading on some website that it's common in black people that the hair in the nape is a looser texture. That might explain why a lot of us have breakage or our nape is shorter than the rest of our hair. My hair is looser in the back and the very front. But the rest is nappy. It's the nappiest in the crown of my head. :lol:
Mine is the other way around,it is the nappiest on my sides and nape and I have 4a hair on my crown and one single strand of 3c that drives me nuts:lol:
trimbride said:
Here is my guess:

I have 4B hair and I went natural about 8 years ago for about a year or two. When I was ready to add chemicals back to my hair I got a texturizer. This texturizer made my hair look like 3C curls. It only stayed like that for like a day or two but none the less I had those curls:lol:

In any event I hypothesize that when you were rinsing your relaxer out you may have texturized the hair at the nape of your neck:look: This may be what is causing your 3C curls:ohwell:

I better not,I was coating it with vaseline and oils for days prior to the relaxer:lol:

@Diva no I'm not taking any kind of MSM(I even don't know what that is:ohwell: )

yes I think that's what's happening here.
I think 4b's can have curl definition too:)

@secret and precious
thank you,I think those curlies are cute too

Again thanks everyone for answering,I think I'll experiment further now with my coily curlies i even have a section in my fotki dedicated to them:look: :lol:

Everyone that thought about experimenting with their nape please do and let me know how it goes:)
ella said:
Yes that makes sense,b/c I wasn't so heavy handed with the condi on the right side of my nape and you can LITERALLY see the coils forming into little curlies there.Also they have waaaaay more shrinkage then then the ones in the pics.
So there is a clear connection between how much product I used and the curl definition I got as result.

Thanks to everyone that responded,I still don't think I'am a 3c or 4a at my nape.I do have 4a hair at my crown but it GROWS out looking curly/wavy whatever.
I think I just got my 4b coils to clump together and to from curls.:)

lol @ the 1 3c strand comment... 4b's don't have curls ella. You're probably a 3c/4a. People see curls in their hair when it's moisturized the most. For me that's when it's soaking wet now that my hair is in good condition. When it was jacked up and dry it just looked like a mass of frizz. For some people, it's with certain products. Some people's hair never has curls or coils no matter what. I also think that when we have mixtures on one head it makes it look different. I have 3c bits mixed all through my hair. Those pieces clump in bigger curls and have less shrinkage than the rest. If I airdry with no product you see all the 3c pieces sticking out longer than the naps.
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bmoreflyygirl said:
lol @ the 1 3c strand comment... 4b's don't have curls ella. You're probably a 3c/4a.
But doesn't 4a hair grow out curly?My hair grows frizzy like in the first pic.And I had a huge fro at least twice in my life but never curl definition... Maybe b/c we didn't use the right products?
Maybe I'am not understanding the hairtyping system... do the hairtypes apply BEFORE or AFTER you added product?:confused:

Y'all gonna make me go to napturallity and post my pics and ask some questions:lol:
ella said:
But doesn't 4a hair grow out curly?My hair grows frizzy like in the first pic.And I had a huge fro at least twice in my life but never curl definition... Maybe b/c we didn't use the right products?
Maybe I'am not understanding the hairtyping system... do the hairtypes apply BEFORE or AFTER you added product?:confused:

Y'all gonna make me go to napturallity and post my pics and ask some questions:lol:

Are you relaxed or natural? I think it's hair before you add products. As far as growing out curly I think it depends on length. Some people's hair looks different as it gets longer because of the length weighing it down. I didn't see curls until I was about 3-4 months post relaxer. Before that it looked like waves kind of. After I chopped it was fuzzy mess until after I DCed. Since then I've had curls all over. I believe that came from me taking better care of my hair overall. Your hair probably looks different now than in the past because of all the good hair tips and advice you've gotten from being on here. :)
ella said:
Ok so I'am a bit shocked and dumbfounded I was experimenting with my hair a bit and...
*****Come on just come in my thread and read on....******

*****I'am serious*****

Ok so I'am a bit shocked and dumbfounded I was experimenting with my hair a bit.
As many of you now I'am not relaxing my Nape and I love playing with it and doing silly stuff to it.
Today after I DC and put the rest of my hair in a bun i put some conditioner in my nape and worked it in.
I was a bit heavy with the condi and all over sudden my 4b hair has curl definition...:confused:
I added some gel to it to preserve it and the curls are still there...
I'am REALLY confused since my hair doesn't grow curly(not that I'am aware of) at my nape.I have a little patch on my crown that is 4a or 3c but the rest of my hair just grows without any definition.

What did I just do?Is that what those threads are about with curl definition?How can that be?I don't have any... NEVER HAD

And is that my natural hair type and I just brought *out* the curl or did I do something similar to shingling and simulated a curl pattern that isn't naturally mine??

That's my nape how it always looks



One of the curls still has a bit relaxed hair on the end but that's the AFTER

I'am REALLY confused b/c I KNOW I'am a 4a/b mostly b and I thought we don't have curl definition.
I also looked into curl definition threads for help but they all say 4b's don't have curl patterns so please someone enlighten me:)

Hi Ella,
I'm 4 B natural but when i cowash and use a lot of my moisturizer I Have big Z patern kind of curls !
ella your nape hair looks 3c to me. and yes 4a hair grows out curly, but they're naturally frizzy-separated-nappy-type-curly. i'm gonna post some pics later to show a curl definition test i did on my hair. it's soft, hydrated, 4a, nappy, frizzy hair. but i've also found that if i apply product to wet 1 inch sections of hair, smooth through, and let air dry w/o touching it, my 4a hair dries in tiny curlyclumps. this works for any part of my hair. it's mostly 4a with a band of 3c at the nape.