What damage do tight braids/cornrows cause??


New Member
I just got my hair cornrowed after deciding to transition. I had finally gotten into my regimen and just knew my hair was on its way. Well I cant braid for anything so I let a friend of mine cornrow cause I figured she couldnt do any damage. She basically ripped straight from the root and up all over my head without any detangling or mercy and on top of that its been 6 days and my scalp is still screaming for mercy because they are so tight. So Im wondering what type of damage control I need to do and how to soothe the pain...
I know this may sound crazy, but you may need to remove those braids.

You can lose the hair around the edges or where the hair is tight. I see you are in Kuwait so I am not sure if you can have you friend redo the ones that are tight.

Until you make a decision get something like conditioner and water and spray those braids and your scalp so that you won't develop sore scabs on your scalp.

Please do something immediately to get rid of the pain. I have heard others use some witch hazel. Also spraying some type of oil like braid spray that has oil or even a type of braid spray. I don't know what you have available to you.
I know this may sound crazy, but you may need to remove those braids.

You can lose the hair around the edges or where the hair is tight. I see you are in Kuwait so I am not sure if you can have you friend redo the ones that are tight.

Until you make a decision get something like conditioner and water and spray those braids and your scalp so that you won't develop sore scabs on your scalp.

Please do something immediately to get rid of the pain. I have heard others use some witch hazel. Also spraying some type of oil like braid spray that has oil or even a type of braid spray. I don't know what you have available to you.

Thanks...yea i was considering taking them out because while examining some i saw some hairs with the root attached sticking up.
This is one of the reasons I stopped getting braids.

I had cornrows done once when I was a child around 5, and she braided it so tight, that side broke off the less than an inch. it grew back but it took YEARS.

maybe you need to take them out.

sorry you're going through this.
I'm not sure if its the same with regular loose braids being too tight but you run the risk of damaging the follicle (sp??) I believe. Too much tension on the hairline could result in hair loss. I think that's where they say traction apolecia comes from... I don't know. It's late I"m probably rambling. Let a real pro come in and answer! :rolleyes:
Ok I'm late... while I was thinking of a response, others posted. :ohwell: disregard my post.

I just got tree braids and I always get them done by my brothers gf. She never does them tight or use too much hair. It always feels light and I've trained her on how to deal with my hair now that I'm natural. :lachen::rolleyes: There were a few braids around my hairline and at the nape that felt too tight for my liking. I took them out and just finger coiled them.
I agree with mscocoface completely.

I under stand you want to do damage control to curb the pain, but honestly, if it were me, I would be worrying about damage control for my hair too. Even at the tightest I've ever had my hair pulled back or cornrowed, the pain's never lasted that long.

I've heard witch hazel and oils help, and that GENTLE scalp massages that might put some extra space between your roots and your scalp help too.

Like mscoco said, you can lose hair wherever the cornrows are tight, but that isn't always. If it keeps hurting for a long time though, I say take them out. Don't cause yourself prolonged physical pain or possible hair loss / knots (if the tangles set) over a hair style.
TAKE THEM OUT!!! Traction alopecia (pulling of your hair from the roots at the sides, front back wherever) is one of the results of too tight plaits. If you have scalp like mine, you'd break out in rashes, along the hairline too, I've got a fragile hairline which wasn't helped by too tight left too long Ghana braids a few years ago took almost two years to get me regular widow's peak back!

ETA: For the pain if you don't take them out stick your head under cool water for a minute or so but I'd take 'em out
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I just got my hair cornrowed after deciding to transition. I had finally gotten into my regimen and just knew my hair was on its way. Well I cant braid for anything so I let a friend of mine cornrow cause I figured she couldnt do any damage. She basically ripped straight from the root and up all over my head without any detangling or mercy and on top of that its been 6 days and my scalp is still screaming for mercy because they are so tight. So Im wondering what type of damage control I need to do and how to soothe the pain...

Ouch!!! This sounds very painful. I would remove them. This can cause severe breakage and possible scarring of the scalp, preventing your hair from ever growing back in that area.

ALWAYS REMEMBER...No matter what it is, if something hurts, then it's not a good thang!
Take them out! is not worth the damage

The only time i got cornrows i guess i wanted to try it....I understood why people would slap their heads:look:

Never again...
I'm sorry you had such an ordeal. But at least now you know not to trust her with your hair. The ripping hair from root to ends reminds me of how I used to comb my hair--how just about everyone I knew growing up in Kenya (including my mom fairly recently) combed their hair. I think this is one lesson that everyone that works with natural hair needs to be taught: to handle hair like it's a silk garment ie with extra TLC.
Alopecia which may mean permanent hair folicle damage. You know how some ladies get tie zillions and their hair line comes back further and further until they've done permanent damage and their hairline stops at the top of their ear. You don't want that to happen or would you rather have wasted $X amount of money with your hairline in tact or keep the braids in with a weakened possibly permanently damaged hairline.
traction alopecia:

The reason for the increase is Traction Alopecia, a hair loss condition caused by damage to the dermal papilla and hair follicle by constant pulling or tension over a long period. It often occurs in persons who wears tight braids, especially "cornrows" that lead to high tension, pulling and breakage of hair.

It cases damage to your hair follicle. Once you papilla is gone hair cannot grow anymore. .

Hey I'm totally running back and forth on what to do. In the same situation as we speak! This is day two and I have a wedding to go to in two days. I'm spraying with witchhazel solution and will get a braid spray soon. But is it worth it to stick it out till then? Just went to the beautician and got it blown out :( now this!

I wish sometimes I could explain that I really take care of my hair! Probably going back to doing it all myself so I don't have to worry