What cured your pj'ism?


New Member
I bought a line of products the other day that makes me want to throw out everything under my sink. It's Christophe Robin's Colorist line. This stuff is amazing. My hair feels like butter, it shines, looks healthy. My ends feel wonderful, and it stays like that for days, without me needing to add more products:yep: Also I've noticed an improvement in the elasticity of my hair, I'm also not shedding as much as I use to. I'm only 2 weeks post retouch so I'll see how it does throughout the whole relaxer cycle. If these products can hold it down on these newgrowths at 8wks I'll be cleaning out my closet. I already have them in a bag ready to go to the trash. :lachen: Even my Kerastase :blush:
Discovering that my methods/techniques were just as important as the products, my homemade concoction, and redken products. I'm cured!

I'm not even being tempted to try new products anymore. :yep:
Two reasons:

1) I unofficially joined the Buy Nothing for May Challenge. I have officially joined the June Challenge

2) I was directed to Jazzi's fotki...AMAZING...her routine was sooooo incredibly simple...exactly what I needed for the summer months and hopefully beyond!
Two reasons:

1) I unofficially joined the Buy Nothing for May Challenge. I have officially joined the June Challenge

2) I was directed to Jazzi's fotki...AMAZING...her routine was sooooo incredibly simple...exactly what I needed for the summer months and hopefully beyond!

Whats her link?
I bought a line of products the other day that makes me want to throw out everything under my sink. It's Christophe Robin's Colorist line. This stuff is amazing. My hair feels like butter, it shines, looks healthy. My ends feel wonderful, and it stays like that for days, without me needing to add more products:yep: Also I've noticed an improvement in the elasticity of my hair, I'm also not shedding as much as I use to. I'm only 2 weeks post retouch so I'll see how it does throughout the whole relaxer cycle. If these products can hold it down on these newgrowths at 8wks I'll be cleaning out my closet. I already have them in a bag ready to go to the trash. :lachen: Even my Kerastase :blush:

Girl don't toss the stuff donate to a women's shelter. They could use it.
Finding products that for my hair loves and sticking with them. I try not to enter any 'new product' threads. It comes down to finding what works for you and discipline.
In December 2006, I started feeling too overwhelmed with all the products in my house and the compulsion just kind of faded from there. I later realized that I still did not have as many products as some that I read about in the threads titled How Many Products Do You Have? I started about June 2005 and stopped in December 2006.
A true PJ can never be cured. She can only shift the Ps in PJ to something other than hair. Thats my story and I'm sticking to it! :spinning:
A true PJ can never be cured. She can only shift the Ps in PJ to something other than hair. Thats my story and I'm sticking to it! :spinning:

I agree there are too many products out there and new and better ones keep coming. To find out what works on your hair you have to keep looking and trying. I'm trying to limit my PJism to the seasons, but now I'm on an organic and natural cycle I keep looking for chemical-free alternatives!

I'm on the "Buy Nothing for June Challenge", but in all fairness I've got about a years worth of products to get through! I don't believe you can cure PJism, it just lays dormant until the next new wonder product appears, in my case chemical-free!
I went through and organized all my products, accessories, and tools. I realized how many I hadn't even tried and didn't want to because I have stuff that already works. Once I had everything that I do use all nice and neat I didn't want to mess up my new neat system.
Finding out what works for my hair and just using that. There are still a few thing I want to try, but it's not like that was before. I used to buy everything in sight, but my products I use on a daily basis are down to 4 things.
nothing has cured it but
  • organizing my hair stuff
  • noticing how much i've spent
  • finding a few things that REALLY work for me
  • joining the june buy nothing challenge
have all curbed it.
There's a cure:scratchch....WHERE CAN I BUY IT :lachen:

LOL :lachen::lachen: I feel the same way!! :lachen: But seriously when I realized that I could probably live a year without buying any new hair products...I knew it was time for me to slow down lol....plus....gas is almost $5....that's a bottle of con right there!

I love this thread!

1. I am perpetually Broke ( I am offically a Grad Student as of Today!)

2. Finding that more in my PANTRY works much better than Stuff at the BSS. This has been pretty effective!:grin:

I love this thread!

1. I am perpetually Broke ( I am offically a Grad Student as of Today!)

2. Finding that more in my PANTRY works much better than Stuff at the BSS. This has been pretty effective!:grin:

Yep. I'm using food products more and their a lot cheaper too.