What color highlites look good on black hair?


New Member
About a month ago I dyed my hair black with textures and tones and I really like it but being the color chameleon I am, I'm getting a little bored and think highlites would be cute. Problem is I don't know what highlites would look good on black hair. My daily hairstyle when it's not braided is a curly braid out. Whenever I've done it before my hair has started out at dark brown. Also since I did take it darker with a permanent color, I know lightening again can somtimes be a problem. I really didn't want to do red, been there, done that. And brown I don't think will give me the contrast I"m looking for. So I was thinking honey blond or bronze but I wanted to know if anyone has ever gotten that done on black hair. Does it look weird or does it work? I don't want streaks! Just subtle thin highlites. Any suggestions and pics would be appreciated. Thx! ;)
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I have natural black hair (1B) and I just recently got highlights for the first time. Mine are a caramel color and it looks really pretty. You can look in my fotki if you want to see the contrast.
Your highlights are very pretty Blessed.

Has anyone ever used the red (not the plum/purple) of the african pride highlighting kit? I know that red would look good but I'm just wondering how fast it would fade. I know red fades fast and then I'm not going to use a red rinse to freshen it up because I've had bad experiences with red rinses. It gets EVERYWHERE :(
i was wondering this too...i have seen a few ladies on here with gorgeous pics of henna'd hair and its making me want to go and get some because their colour looks great....i darent use any type of highlighting other than henna im chicken i know!