What color do u take ur hair during the winter.


New Member
I am thinking about coloring my hair. I want to go lighter. I have had a black rinse all summer and now want something different. I have thin sides so I am wondering if I go light brown with highlights how will that work. During the winter I get lighter and I want to bring out my brown eyes,but I also want it to be a warm tone.

What do yall think? What color do u go during the winter?
I have brown hair and keep it the same color year round. I play around with brown rinses to hide grays and clear rinses to help prevent the dull browns. Brown can get brassy so clear rinses help to make it pop!
I don't color my hair, but I color my Gram's mostly to hide gray but she always wants a richer more chocolate brown in the winter.
First off, you need to do you! If you feel like coloring your hair, then I say go for it.

However.... it is more common that most people will color/highlight their hair in the summer and go darker in the winter. I plan on coloring/highlighting my hair in the summer right before my goal of APL!!:grin::grin: