What can I put into boundless tresses...


New Member
to mask the smell?

I used it once for 20 something days, then gave it away becaue I couldn't stand the smell. This was the scented version too. It gave me a lot of gorwth in that time.

Not that it smells horrible, but the sulfur undersmell (hehe, not a real word) kills me. It got in my pillowcase and I just couldn't take it.

Has anyone sucessfully gotten the smell out?

I don't want to smell minty or like winterfresh either, lol so I guess rosemary and peppermint is out.

What are some of stronger, perfumey, sweet smelling essential oils (or lawd, something even stronger if something like that exists) that I can add to it to mask the smell?

It'd also be great if you could point me in the direction of a site that I can order from...

No offense to anyone, I know it's just me. I have a very sensitive nose.
I baught the unscented and (to me), it doesn't have a smell. I know you can get some essential oils at the General Nutrition Center or even at gnc.com. Other ladies know of other sites. You could also pm the BT person Naturallady for some answers.
Well if your nose is that sensitive you still may be able to smell it-LOL, but I like to add orange e.o. to my sulphur concoctions for a clean, citrusy scent. I couldn't smell the sulphur but dh could so I've put it down for a little while :ohwell: