Scented Boundless Tresses Rave!

Mahalialee4 said:
Are you getting the growth results you hoped for? Great to have an alternative to MTG, right? bonjour

I've only been using it a week or so so it's kind of hard to tell. But I have atleast a month until my next touchup so I will keep progress and let everyone know.
sassyhair said:
WOW I would like to try this but whew at that price. Must go on my wish list, shoot maybe even christmas list..geesh.

I actually thought it was reasonably priced since many growth aids cost and arm and a leg and everything else:lol:. It's a pretty big bottle and it should last for quite awhile. Also the non fragranced one is cheaper.
I can report on the growth. I used NTM deep mask so the new growth was more defined. I will tell you that I am extremely happy. This product (well I have the odorless) is truly working on my hair. I have growth for sure and it's less than a month of use. I don't know how to measure, but I have already trimmed my hair -an inch off and it's grown back to the same area even with the NG. If I was reading this I would say it's an exaggeration but living it, i'm a believer. It was definitely well worth the money. I just need to get a camera so I can have proof of life pics LOL
I have been using the unscented version for about a month now (I think,) and I am obsessed with it. I use it almost everyday. I just ordered the scented version on Fri after I got paid. I haven't seen any length yet, but I honestly believe it is making my hair thicker. If nothing else, it helps my new growth feel softer and more manageable and my naps to not play. I will continue to buy it for that alone. I'm really happy w/ this product and the fact that it's made by a sistah, and a LHCF member is the icing on the cake.
ITA: I love the smell of the scented freshly brewed green tea and cucumbers!!! I ordered both scented and nonscented about 2 weeks ago, can't wait to start using them more. THank you naturallady!!!:)
I received my bottle and I really like the smell. I've only been using it for about a week, so it's a little early to tell, but it seems as though something is happening. My hair, especially at the hairline is thicker. I can't wait to see the results in a month or so!
I ordered mines on Saturday and I can't wait for it to come. I'm gonna have to start putting some heat on the mail lady if it doesn't come soon.:lol:
I have to add this to my: Best products in the world list :D

It is truly amazing...I love the oil, even if it didn't have the sulphur in it.

Good stuff!
One thing's for sure: it's got to be the sulfur. Sulfur is a natural growth enhancer, a la, Sulfur 8 when we were kids. For those who are combining BT and using MSM, that's a lot of sulfur intake. The new growth is softer and the hair is stronger and thicker. Incorporating Biotin seems to be working as well.
i ordered mine. i can't wait for it to come. i just got cornrows put in too. then i'll really be able to see the growth. so excited!
seriously if you haven't purchased it yet BUY IT!!!

downsides--tarnishes your jewelry and your hair grows SUPER fast and you'll be addicted to putting it in your hair

upsides -- your hair grows super fast, new growth is SOFT and your head smells good!

i can't wait to take this weave out and see how long my hair is by the end of summer.
Does anyone have before and after pics of their progress with BT besides KBragg? Just curious, I've seen so many raves but very few pictures.
I'll be following my progress after relaxing and revealing.

I got mine yesterday (unscented). After nearly mowing down the mailman :lachen: (YAY!!!!) I shook it up, smelled it, felt the texture, and applied it to my scalp. :eek: It was great in comparison to the horsey bbq meat juice yall. I was shocked to see how light it was.... I guess I was expecting something heavy and ultra greasy. I put it on my scalp and after a few minutes my hair sucked it up and the new growth was UNBELIEVABLY soft (even in da kitchen!) A little big goes a long way and I can see one bottle lasting for a good while. I used a regular thumb tack to puncture a hole in the bottle and BT came out with just a gentle squeeze. I was still wondering how it would work on regular old relaxed ends so I gave it a squeeze on them too.... then I baggied last night. :look: How bout today my ends are soft and pliable without being greasy. I lubb dis schtuff.:D I really like the softening properties. I'd buy it even if it didn't promote expedited growth on account of how it made my new growth feel.

I'm going to test it for two months then I'll post before and after pics. If I like what I see, I'll definitely be buying some for my mom (natural diabetic) and sister (relaxed head like me.) So far this product gets a big thumbs up.

In all honesty, because you don't need to use TONS of it, the price of the bottle is very reasonable with how long it should last.

:) Support a sista and her awesome products. :)
misskris816 said:
Does anyone have before and after pics of their progress with BT besides KBragg? Just curious, I've seen so many raves but very few pictures.

don't have many before pics (camera was down) but I do have and will reveal on April 1st. I have to say, this is the only stuff that I have ever used as a hair growth supplement that works. Lenzi's Request works though, just not as fast.
See, just as I was whipping my PJism inot submission! Darn it!!!!! :lol: Oh well. Just ordered some. Can't wait! I am graduating from college on June 2nd, and I would like to get a least another inch by then. Also, getting married in June of '08, and I want BSL at the least by then. I'm counting on you Naturallady!!!!!! :weird:
I just might order this for my two daughters especially my youngest one. Her hair is always dry and it sheds if she doesn't put any oil on it.
I just received my first bottle of the scented Boundless tresses yesterday. I was so excited I almost didn't go to the gym, I wanted to go home right then and try it out. I washed my hair, and styled it as usual, and then before i went to bed I put some on my scalp between my twists and braids. LEt me say the smell is lovely, I love it!!!:clap: It smells so good! The texture wasn't runny, and it spread through my scalp, it was great. In the morning I usually have to add extra moisturizeer, but my hair was oft and moist I love it. GREAT PRODUCT! Also a much bigger size than I expected. Can't wait to update on hair growth.
I know I can't wait to get mine, I am so excited My Twa is already growing out and BT can help make my wash and go's look better, I mean it look good now LOL!! But the price in Great and you get an 8oz. bottle so that mean it should last you awhile, I think it is a good investment. I mean look at WGO you get 4oz. for like $8.00 add afew more and get BT something that smells better and works and you can talk directly to the owner.

Boy I just can't wait to get started LOL!!!!!
Glamgirl! In another thread I asked what happened to the fly pic you used to have in your siggy. I didn't realize that for some reason I can't see some pics on my work computer!:lol: Anyway, your adorable as usual. lolol I did love the diva pic you used to have up too. You had on sunglasses and had a handbag on your arm. Such a starrah! :D

PS Yes, that was off topic. lol I'm waiting on my boundless tresses patiently. :)
Why did I come into this thread?? :lol:
I will buy this when I can. I don't ususally jump on everything recommended on the boards but THIS is something I have got to try.

Has anyone had any adverse effects while using this? I ask because I've heard a few stuff about MTG (the skin around the hairline changing color, your scalp will burn if you use it before a relaxer touch up;etc) and I want to make sure this is pretty safe to use...
bellesocialite said:
Why did I come into this thread?? :lol:
I will buy this when I can. I don't ususally jump on everything recommended on the boards but THIS is something I have got to try.

Has anyone had any adverse effects while using this? I ask because I've heard a few stuff about MTG (the skin around the hairline changing color, your scalp will burn if you use it before a relaxer touch up;etc) and I want to make sure this is pretty safe to use...

I have been using it since January and I haven't had any problems except that its turns my silver earrings black, but that can be remedied.

The other thing is's growing, that's about, jump on in!
Cayenne0622 said:
Glamgirl! In another thread I asked what happened to the fly pic you used to have in your siggy. I didn't realize that for some reason I can't see some pics on my work computer!:lol: Anyway, your adorable as usual. lolol I did love the diva pic you used to have up too. You had on sunglasses and had a handbag on your arm. Such a starrah! :D

PS Yes, that was off topic. lol I'm waiting on my boundless tresses patiently. :)

:lol::lol: That's too funny! Oh the last pic you saw was the one with the the glasses and missed the other two I had up...that's okay I'll rotate them back up again just so you can see them!:lol: