What Can I Do About Dry 'Looking' Hair?

Exactly! How often do you henna/indigo? My indigo rinses off really fast. I cowash almost daily/every other day, so that may have something to do with it.

Previously I didn't really have a set time to do it, just whenever I felt like it, but it didn't seem to last long.

I just did a henna & indigo this past Sunday and before that I did one in June.

Let me tell you my hair is jetblack! I'm very happy about it. I added some Amla powder and a pinch of salt to the indigo mix.

I think the Amla powder made a difference but then again I just did a henna/indigo back in June.

I'm interested in seeing how long this lasts. I have to add though I don't co-wash as often as you do. I wash or co-wash once a week, sometimes I throw in 2x.
Nice thread. I definitely needs some of the tips in here. My hair could be moisturized but look really dry. I hear it all the time.
Have you clarified latley? Try that since your hair just has the appearance of looking dry..or maybe a clear rinse.:perplexed

Thanks. The thing is that it doesn't feel dry. It's really nice and moisturized, but it 'looks' dry.
Normally if hair is lacking shine you've probably damaged the cuticle of the hair, or perhaps your hair is so curly that it just doesn't reflect shine naturally. I can see from you siggy though, that you hair is not that curly. Those rinses, while they may temporarily make your hair look good, may not be "jiving" with your hair. For example, if you use a flat iron, you get straight shiny and silky results, but over time it just is not good for the hair. It could be the same case for your henna treatments right now. What works for some, may not work for others. I'm a a proponent of letting the hair shiny through. I don't like a lot of products, and I dont' overtreat or overprocess my hair.

In this case you may be over treating your hair. Give yourself a good clarifying poo and then deep condition. Moisturize and seal with any oil of your choice. That should be enough to make sure that your hair is well moisturized, but also that the natural shine is unhampered. Perhaps a protein treatment will help to rebuild the cuticle a bit and enhance shine. I don't think dyes, and indigos will help in the long run if you want TRUE SHINE.

i think some naturals have this problem, and I did too. I tried a lot of things, and I think my shea butter mix helped. I also did a dark black rinse i got from sally's (that totally didn't last but one week) gave me some shine it seemed because it was so dark.