What can help lengthen hair growth phase?


New Member
I've been reading up on this and it sound very interesting.
I have a few questions:

1. Do you know how long your growth phase lasts?
2. What are some good hair vitamins?
3. Is it possible to have long hair with out vitamins?

Thanks in Advance.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Kamilla16 said:
I've been reading up on this and it sound very interesting.
I have a few questions:

1. Do you know how long your growth phase lasts?
2. What are some good hair vitamins?
3. Is it possible to have long hair with out vitamins?

Thanks in Advance.

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1. no, i dont know *my* growth phase. It varies by individual, i understand.

2. i hear that fo-ti, msm, kelp and biotin is good

3.yes, it is.
I dont know how long MY growth phase is.
hopefully it lasts more than 4 years!!!

Well i take the vitamins in my signature, and i think they're pretty effective... i take a multi for my base vit and the others to produce Extra results

Yes, it is possible. I had hair 2 inches above brastrap before coming to the boards.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Kamilla16 said:
1. Do you know how long your growth phase lasts?
2. What are some good hair vitamins?
3. Is it possible to have long hair with out vitamins?

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1. I have no idea, but I would assume everyone's is different.
2. I take MSM, Biotin, Silica, Pantothenic Acid, and Super B Complex.
3. Yes.
Thanks ya'll... Okay have any of you heard of Skin,Hair&amp; Nails vitamins. They're by Nature's Bounty. Well I got them from wal-mart. (A Pink-label)

I think I'll start taking them next month /images/graemlins/smile.gif

~It'll be hard to be consistent, but If it will help me reach my hair goal then I'll do it for sure.

It contains Biotin and a whole bunch of other vitamins as well!

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
1. Do you know how long your growth phase lasts?
2. What are some good hair vitamins?
3. Is it possible to have long hair with out vitamins?

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1. I have no idea. But I'm trying to pay closer attention to it now.
2. I think MSM, biotin, B vitamins, calcium, zinc and iron help with hair growth.
3. Hair will grow w/o vitamin supplements, but not w/o proper nutrition. I know I don't eat like I should, so supplementation is important to me. Keeping the hair moisturized plays a big part too, IMO.
Sassygirl, I was just thinking about how you pointed out that your hair goes along with your diet. Yeah, I think this gives me more of a reason to take supplements because I do not eat anywhere near healthy /images/graemlins/nono.gif
Your hair can definitely grow without vitamins. My hair was long all my life, I just started taking vitamins after I discovered this board (i got a haircut up to my ears/jaw)
MSM. Can lengthen the growing phase. It reduces shedding that I do know. The longer it stays on your head the longer it can grow.