What bootleg things do you do to your hair?


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who stays doing bootleg things, that no one else will ever notice?

For example, right now I have my hair in cornrows with a stocking cap on. I have 3 pieces of tracks that I cut, that are pinned using multicolored clips to my bang area to make it look like a symmetrical cut. It looks crazy, but once I put on my hat, I look pretty cute, like I have short cut underneath.

...Now if somehow my hat blew off, oooh lawd, I would be running for cover.

Does anyone else do really bootleg things that if they were revealed would be embarrassing?
:lachen::lachen::lachen: LOL!

I'm feeling you on that one.

I've done something similar before. I put my hair in individual braids but thought they made my hair look too thin for a style. So I put plaits in an old half-wig, cut them out, and used them in my ponytail with the plaits from my real hair.

And I've worn all kinds of aborted and half-done hairstyles under a headwrap.
LMBO - I wore a ponytail to my prom that I made myself with 2 - $1 packs of Kanekalon. This was before I knew about phony ponies, if they had those in '96, and it took like a half pack of bobby pins to keep that thing on. I was tyring to make a faux bun, but struck out and had to go the pony route.

I wore pink so of course half the hair was pink too. :look: Yeah, that was bootleg, and I try to keep from doing things like that now that I know GOOD and better! :)

No photos exist of that monstrosity!
:lol: OP- can you post a pic?

OK, I must confess that I have deep conditioned while driving. It was winter so I had the heat on with a plastic cap. I know I looked crazy but I was running out of time. It was a good DC too.
Oh man, this subject made me LOL, cause back in the day I was the QUEEN of bootleg hair styles! Now lemme see...

I always liked the look of fluffy afro hair that had been stretched or blown out, so I once, after taking out some braid extensions, took the unbraided hair folded it in half and tied a small knot in it. I did a bunch of pieces like that and then bobby pinned them into my hair, tying a scarf around the front and leaving the hair loose in the back so that it looked like I had a huge, fluffy braid out! I guess I could have just braided the hair back in and left the ends loose, but I was just going to run out to the store, so I didn't have time for all that! :lachen:

I'm sure I have TONS more stories of bootleg crap I've done to my hair, but I don't want to write my life's story. Plus I need some time to think back and remember some of the crap I did. I'll post some stories as I think of them.

Oh, and I don't know if this counts as bootleg or not, but I plan on using Crisco as a moisturizer/sealant for the upcoming fall and winter! :look::lachen:

ETA: JinaRicci, now that's what I call hair dedication!! DC'ing while driving!! That's not bootleg! That's sheer BRILLIANCE!!! LMBAO!!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
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I DC in the steam room @ the gym.

sometimes I go to the gym JUST to use the steam room, but then I feel guilty so I go on the cycle for 30 mins or so before ... then spend 20 mins in the steam room LOL

I also go on the road with a DC in my hair under a plastic cap and a beanie - thats a regular thing for me to do.

I always liked the look of fluffy afro hair that had been stretched or blown out, so I once, after taking out some braid extensions, took the unbraided hair folded it in half and tied a small knot in it. I did a bunch of pieces like that and then bobby pinned them into my hair, tying a scarf around the front and leaving the hair loose in the back so that it looked like I had a huge, fluffy braid out! :lachen::lachen:

That actually sounds cute!

I know I used to take that jumbo marley braid hair, the one for kinky twist. Well at the time I had like 1/2" of hair, so when I went out to clubs I would take that hair and pin it on my head like a frohawk/last of the Mohicans style :nono:, I don't know who I thought I was, but I think it looked cute in a wild way. :look:
Lol back in the day for prom I put in long braids around the edges and bunned it loosely on top...with a few pieces hanging down LMAO!
The crown and then some was a ragged mess! I prayed all night my hair didn't fall...and after prom my boyfriend and I....well...yeah...the whole time my head was up off the pillows! Sorry TMI but the style was cute
I wear cornrows under a wig. Thing is the wig looks so real,people think it's my hair.

I'm guilty of going shopping with a shower cap on so I could dc all day. I covered the shower cap with a towel turbie & a wig.

that's about it.in high school I put baby lotion in my hair because it smelled good & it made my hair lay down.
dcing with plastic bags. the ones from target were my favorite but they changed them recently :rolleyes:

leaving flat twists/twists in the front of my hair when wearing a half wig because i was too lazy to blend. just threw a wide headband on and kim
:lol: OP- can you post a pic?

OK, I must confess that I have deep conditioned while driving. It was winter so I had the heat on with a plastic cap. I know I looked crazy but I was running out of time. It was a good DC too.

this is straight wrongness, but here you go. Mind you todays my mothers birthday and we're going out to dinner tonight lol...wrongness. I need to trim the bang a bit...bootlegery! I'll just make sure my makeup and outfit look good!



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this is straight wrongness, but here you go. Mind you todays my mothers birthday and we're going out to dinner tonight lol...wrongness. I need to trim the bang a bit...bootlegery! I'll just make sure my makeup and outfit look good!



I was WEAK when I saw that first picture!!!!! OMG!!!!!! I busted out laughing! That is hilarious!......but it does look cute with the hat. Had you not told on yourself noone would ever have guessed what was going on under that hat!:lachen:
Oh, and I don't know if this counts as bootleg or not, but I plan on using Crisco as a moisturizer/sealant for the upcoming fall and winter! :look::lachen:

ETA: JinaRicci, now that's what I call hair dedication!! DC'ing while driving!! That's not bootleg! That's sheer BRILLIANCE!!! LMBAO!!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I agree, DCing while doing something other than sitting under the dryer is just "multitasking". I did it a few weeks ago when my mom wanted to run to the store -- just slapped a synthetic lace front over my plastic bag (as in a Wal-Mart "thanks for shopping" bag) and put a scarf around the hairline so I didn't have to worry about taping or clipping it down.

Girl there is a huge thread on BHM about using Crisco on curly hair. It's highly recommended for BoBraz. LOL

And you best believe I'm DCing under another shopping bag this weekend! I already got my tube of Matrix Biolage conditioning balm, and I forgot to bring shower caps. Why go to Dollar Tree when I can use this bag I got the other day?

Side note, my SO is REALLY gonna be shocked in a few weeks when I bring my standup dryer over! Hey, you want me to move in, you gotta accept me and my stuff :yep:
i dc with grocery bags too that's why i save them lol. & i used to add a few tracks to my hair just to make a ponytail when my hair was too short :/ oh and i remember i tried to make a quick weave with a stocking cap and it was almost done but i had to space the tracks out and it was kinda see thru but i rocked it anyway.. so embarrasing lmao
this is straight wrongness, but here you go. Mind you todays my mothers birthday and we're going out to dinner tonight lol...wrongness. I need to trim the bang a bit...bootlegery! I'll just make sure my makeup and outfit look good!




LOL! OMG CLASSIC! You ladies have given me a good laugh this afternoon. It's no one's business what's going on under the hat! :lachen:
lol dutchess i do that all the darn time!!!! funny!

in high school, i put my hair in a pony tail and braided ONLY the hair in the pony with kanekalon hair a diff color from my hair.....LMAO yikes!!!!
this is straight wrongness, but here you go. Mind you todays my mothers birthday and we're going out to dinner tonight lol...wrongness. I need to trim the bang a bit...bootlegery! I'll just make sure my makeup and outfit look good!


Okay, I usually try to avoid quoting pics, but YYYEEEEEESSSS MA'AM!!! this is exactly the kind of bootlegery I would do in a New York Minute!! In fact, now that I see exactly what you were talking about, I'm pretty sure I've done this before! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I think I used a scarf instead of a hat though, I'm not much of a hat person! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Bring on the bootleg stories! This is hilarious! Great thread OP!!
why in the h-e- double l have I been buying shower caps when I can just use one of the zillion plastic grocery bags I have stored in my pantry?? lol! Ya'll have taught me something.
why in the h-e- double l have I been buying shower caps when I can just use one of the zillion plastic grocery bags I have stored in my pantry?? lol! Ya'll have taught me something.
Thats the only 'bootleg' hair idea that I have. I only use my Kroger bags to DC/Henna my hair. Works just as good, if not better (it holds the heat together, and does't slip around) and the bags are "free" I have like 50 bags under my sink right now :grin:
^^ lol!! I keep plastic bags under my kitchen sink too! Never thought about using them to DC with though... :scratchch
I always deep condition in grocery bags. Shameful part is I never thought of it as bootleg, just normal lol. I've also had a friend that glued tracks to the beanie type hat so it always looked like she had a style going.
I always use grocery bags to DC. I only use shower caps when I steal em from hotel rooms.

I leave the house with a bag and scarf or hat to cover it on the regular.

I didn't finish twisting my hair once, and the area was right on top of my head, so I put a crocheted beret on top.
(Raising my hand) yep, I too use grocery bags to DC my hair :yep:. Can't remember the last time I bought conditioning caps.

And, like Andromeda, I relied heavily on those sturdy Target bags until they changed them. All of a sudden I began having red circle print on my forehead. Not cute and not so easy to remove lol
this is straight wrongness, but here you go. Mind you todays my mothers birthday and we're going out to dinner tonight lol...wrongness. I need to trim the bang a bit...bootlegery! I'll just make sure my makeup and outfit look good!




I love it!!! :grin: Thanks for posting. It's very cute.