What Are Your Holiday Hair Plans, Ladies?? :)


Well-Known Member
I'm sitting here about to rinse & cowash this overnight pre-poo and I'm STILL not sure what I'm going to do with my hair. Decisions, decisions...

Either way, I'm still excited about my non-plan :lol: & was wondering what you ladies will be doing with your hair this holiday season??



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I'm looking for inspiration pics... & here are a few that did not make the list :lol:






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Well, it's looking like I'll be kicking off 2012 with a twist out! I have no plans to straigten my hair until mid-January, so I suppose that's that!!
For Christmas Day, I'll be wearing some type of updo because it's easy, cute, and I don't want my ends rubbing across the sweater that I plan to wear.
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Since its still straight from earlier this week...I'll put rollers in and have half in a mini ponytail and the other half down to let my curls hang and flow I might post a pic later!
Well my hair is still straight (straightened it last week)....I NEED to wash it, as it's beginning to smell :look: :lol: sooo I guess I'll do that soon. I don't know how I'm gonna style it yet.
I'm going to throw in some flexirods before bed and finger comb for church in the morning.

I did that for a Christmas party a couple days ago and it came out surprisingly good and only took me 2 hrs (set to take down).
I'm getting ready to wash this henna out, do an indigo treatment and then I "plan" on flat ironing my hair before tomorrow morning... Not sure how that's gonna work out though, I'm already tired lol :nono:
I thought I was the only one trying to get their hair together. I need to braid and flexirod the ends x 2, I need to do DD's hair too.

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I'm DCing today with molasses and coconut milk, then I'm shampooing. Just planning to twist it up and wear my hair out tomorrow since I'm going away for a few days.
I've got no hair plans for Xmas because I'll have my Santa hat on all day. For NYE I'm thinking of rocking this hair style. I'll have to employ some clip in extensions in the back to get the extra length/fullness.


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I copped that Creta Girl wig last night. I tried it on for a pre holiday fab dry run and she was fierce! So I will be rocking hair today.
Okay, I detangled and braided the back of my hair last night, but I still have to do the front before Christmas dinner.
I went to a Christmas Eve party and I pinned my new lace front wig on the back of my head and it was so cute. Then I came home and massaged my scalp with my jbco sulfur mix and GHE overnight. Today I will wash/dc and wear my afro puff. I been feeling my 1970s Pam Grier look. Right on, right on.