What are your hair plans for 2006?

Thanks to LCHF I'm not afraid to use my wigs as a protective style, in addition to my french roll and '40's updo.

I will be attempting to go 4 months before relaxing in April 2006.

I will be using the products I already have and just adding carrot oil or cholesterol to the ones that are less than wonderful.

I will pre-treat with carrot oil or Lotion#9 because my hair always feels better when I do.

I will use moisture every single day morning and night.
I plan to go back to some of my basics. I came to the board in mid August, after having a stylist "cut" my ends instead of clipping them and also seeing why after going to this stylist for after an entire year, my hair wasn't growing at the rate it had been in past years, I have learned a lot......

For one, I got highlights for the first time last year and didn't realize that I need to pay extra attention to keeping my hair moisturized. I will continue my daily moisturizing techniques I have learned here.

For the past 3 weeks, I have been CW'ing simply to control new growth (at 13 weeks now), but found that while CW'ing is good for moisture and controlling new growth, it takes too much of my hair out.....I rollerset this past weekend and flat ironed my roots and everything was lovely...Also noticed that since I have taken my rollers out and have been combing my hair daily, I have not been losing hairs like when I cw, bun and air dry.....I will probably still bun a lot of times to protect my ends (especially this winter so they are not rubbing against wool coats, sweaters, etc), but will do it after I have rollerset....No more bunning wet hair; my hair is too fine and can't take it and I get really freaked out from seeing so much come out....When the summer comes though, I may rethink my plan and try to air dry and do more wash and go air drying and twists, etc. (still afraid of air drying in bun though)

So, I will:
-Extend my stretch to 20 weeks instead of the 16 I originally planned. (Get touch up on January 10, 2005; if everything still looks good and hair is still manageable when that time comes, may go an additional 4 weeks for a total of 24 weeks!!)
-Shampoo and Deep Condition once a week, followed by rollersetting. Flat iron my roots to extend my stretches.***flat ironing the roots will only kick in 12 weeks post perm though. This is my winter months routine; will do more cw during summer months, maybe twice a week.
-Continue to use some of the staples I have learned about here -the ones I had great results with (WGO, NTM Silk Touch Leave In, Jojoba Oil for my ends, Surge, S-Curl, Rusk Smoother,)

Bottom line is that I will try to keep it simple. Think the main thing for me was getting back in touch with my own hair after letting stylists be in touch with it for so long!!:lol: Also will continue my healthy eating and exercise routine....
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blackbarbie said:
For the past 3 weeks, I have been CW'ing simply to control new growth (at 13 weeks now), but found that while CW'ing is good for moisture and controlling new growth, it takes too much of my hair out.....I rollerset this past weekend and flat ironed my roots and everything was lovely...Also noticed that since I have taken my rollers out and have been combing my hair daily, I have not been losing hairs like when I cw, bun and air dry.....I will probably still bun a lot of times to protect my ends (especially this winter so they are not rubbing against wool coats, sweaters, etc), but will do it after I have rollerset....No more bunning wet hair; my hair is too fine and can't take it and I get really freaked out from seeing so much come out....When the summer comes though, I may rethink my plan and try to air dry and do more wash and go air drying and twists, etc. (still afraid of air drying in bun though)

Girl i feel the exact same way! after about 8 months of experimenting, i'm done with airdrying all the time! for some reason i feel like my hair got a bit thinner with alla that... too much hair lost b/c the cuticle isn't sealed so it can't hold in moisture. I'm so excited about going back to rollerset so that i can be able to enjoy my hair.

I also wanted to add that i'm not going to attempt to stretch my relaxers out for long anymore. It makes no sense to me. Relaxing at 20 weeks or relaxing twice at 10 weeks each time, brings the SAME amount of growth AND it's easier. So none of that loooonng stretching stuff for me anymore. My hair will dry out too much. The longest I will go is 14 weeks :ohwell:
I hope to be bsl when stretched by the END of 2006. Here is the game plan: It's all about braids, Surge, MTG, co washes. I will be avoiding cutting as much as I can (last cut was in June when I BC'd). Between braids I will wear scarves, fros or twists. I will also continue to mull over the idea of...shhhh.....sisterlocks :sekret: though I probably won't go through with it--still nice to think about though!
I'll also be increasing my water intake and try to lay off the sodas...I may try to hop on the vitamin train, but I have trouble swallowing pills so I dunno how far that will go. I am bout to kick my journey up to full speed.
I hope to be at bra-strap length by the end of 2006 BUT right now im focusing on thickness...

I will continue to use MTG
start taking Biotin again
relax every 4 months
be paitient...
I plan to return to braids in the beginning of 2006. They were so great in growing out my hair, and now I'm addicted to the growth I get. :)
I too am getting back to what worked in the past.

A sew-in weave--re-done every three months
Oil scalp and underneath twice/weekly
wash every three weeks (sounds bad, but it works for me)
vitamins everyday.
Do the bun thing for the whole year. MTG at least twice a week. Use a leave in homemade spray Air dry my hair with the ponytail one roller method and then oil the ends and bun. This is as simple as I can get it. Oh I will shampoo once a week, do a steaming deep conditioner and rinse twice a week, if the hair seems stiff. I want to try for at least 5 inches of growth by the end of December 2006. Bonjour
dontspeakdefeat said:
I am going back to my roots, washing every 2 weeks and trimming every relaxer. My hair seemed to thrive with this method. I will try this for a few months to see how it turns out!!

DSD, I was just looking at your portfolio. I can't help but say you look like that girl from Girlfriends. The one who plays Toni. BTW, you did a great job on weave. You did exactly like the Breslin Weave video showed. Good Job!;)
i'm going back to what got me to armpit
protective/low manipulation styles:cornrows 3+wks, wigs, phony bun
surge, worlds of curls activator,
rare use of heat to blowdry or flatiron maybe 1x every 3months to measure
sleeping in a plastic cap

what i have added
mtg, virgin temple balm for temples and ends, i'm trying to be consistant with vitamins
water, exercise and higher protien in my diet
NO BATTLING SPLIT ENDS 2-3TRIMS PER YR the focus will be prevention
basically i'm gonna keep it simple

--i'm not sure of my texturizer status i may transition no chop the textures are very similar
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My plan for 2006:

:) Start taking my vitamins again. I need to get consistent.
:) Drink more water and watch what I eat. I'm already off of the sodas but I need to increase my fresh veggie intake.
:) Relaxers every 8 to 10 weeks. I just sustained too much damaged whenever I try to stretch it longer than 10 weeks.
:) Conditioner washes 2-3 times weekly. Deep condition with heat once a week. Shampoo only when I feel I've gotten build-up.
:) Moisture, moisture, moisture...especially my ends...probably morning and night.
:) MTG-WGO oil concoction and maybe re-intruduce Surge but only in my "stress spot". I had one before on the back of my head and, I think, the Surge really helped to stimulate the growth in that one spot that would not grow.
:) Protein shakes and fresh carrot juice.
:) Protective styles (buns and wigs mostly) and I will not sleep on my hair. I will tie it up or put a sleep bonnet on every single night.

I think that's about it. I really have to work on developing a good regimine. Lately, I've just been flying blind and have been really blessed in-spite of myself. I also am going to cut back on some of my obsessive PJ-ism and I may look to start unloading some stuff. But I need to get to what works for me and my hair and stick to it. Last but not least, I need to get in a better place emotionally and spiritually. I tell you what, if there is ever anything wrong with me it shows in my skin and my hair. I break out and I start losing hair by the handfuls. I need to learn how to be happy with myself regardless of my weight, the length of my hair, my job, my relationships, just whatever. I thought growing hair would make me happy but I think I need to be happy for my hair to grow (if that makes sense to anyone besides me).

Anyway, ya'll know I tend to ramble. This was a really good topic. I think putting it out there for everyone to see will make it more likely for me to actually do it.
No plans. I'll be doing the same thing I'm doing now. Either washing my hair every other week or going to the stylist (as my $$ allows).

I may try this conditioner wash-thing everybody here seems to rave about.
I feel like I've spent way too much time this year obsessing over my hair. Therefore, next year, I will stop being soo obsessed over my hair and I will to continue to maintain the hair techniques that have worked:

- moisturize 2x daily
- stretch my relaxers to every 12 weeks
- continue CW
- wear my protective styles, but in the event I feel like wearing it out, I will.
- use staple products that work (Nexxus, NTM)
I plan to deep condition more, frequently (1x per week), wash less (1-2x's per week instead of daily) and to wear more "loose" hair styles (less puffs). Hopefully get my hair in tip top shape. By the end of the year, I would love my hair to look a little something like one of the curve sisters: http://www.curve-salon.com/images/blackcurlytee2aphotoshop%20(1)small.gif .....hey a girl can dream :)
december 2005:
get my first perm ever to merge my relaxed strands with my natural strands so the texture is as similar as possible..mtg still to finish getting my 4 inches by 2006..do larger cut to remove coarse ends (about an inch which can be "replaced" by new growth...smaller perm rods on the top part of hair slightly larger rods on bottom of hair to show length

february 2006, april 2006, june 2006: continued permings (if necessary) to attain desired texture. full transition to natural/organic products be this time. hennaed hair for black color instead of any other hair dyes

june 2006:
i should now be at almost waistlength curly- mid to lower back acceptable (curly now because 4 complete perms should be done by now to renew old texture) having enough trims in the between since december 2005 to rid of coarse and badly split hair (should be 2 inches removed)

those are all my plans...sighhhh i cant wait!
I just want to keep my hair healthy as it grows. I have decided to avoid unnecessary trims. I also hope that the tip of my "V" will be brushing BSL. Coming home for the holidays was fun because the first thing that everyone noticed was my hair--even my dad's first words were "oh boy, look at that hair." :weird: