What are your hair plans for 2006?


New Member
For me...

8th January - One year transitioning. Will use methods/products for curl enhancing to see how my natural parts of my hair look without me forcing it straight!

19th February - 3 months of taking Silica, will take photo and compare with 'before' shot to see if it made my hair grow fast. If it did, I will buy some more. If not, I won't. Will do mini chop to somewhere between chin length and shoulder length.

8th July - 1.5 years transitioning... big chop... hopefully! (If I have enough natural hair!)

And... I'll probably dye my hair a few times ;)
hm.. December 3rd 2005: touch-up and probably at midback. New regimen should be in full effect: using mostly Nexxus products... will probably get a rinse as well. I will start roller setting from now on:)

March 11, 2006: touch-up at 14 weeks or so... probably get another rinse. One year of hair care. Hope to be at 26" which was originally my ultimate goal when I first came here :look: might get a nice haircut without sacrificing length, and maybe bangs as well.

May 23rd 2006: touch-up for senior graduation. Hmm i'll be at my "second" ultimate goal of 27", maybe a little more but I'll do a trim...

Late August: touch-up to go to college. Might be at my ultimate goal of 29" or maybe just 1/2" above that.

IF i decide to go to waist, i presume i'd hit there in November, for like, Thanksgiving or something. So, that's actually a year away. But i dont think I want to go for waistlength.
I want to find the perfect product for my natural puff. I wanna look like Joan Clayton and roller set more often, not straighten at ALL, don't go to the stylist AT ALL, and see tremendous growth. Also, I want to discover more variety in protective styles outside of my bun. I do the protective style (bun) for convenience more than anything else. Once I get my puff going, I'll probably do that most often.
Grow, grow, grow! I don't have a specific timeline but I have my regimen already so 2006 is all about seeing results.
I am going back to my roots, washing every 2 weeks and trimming every relaxer. My hair seemed to thrive with this method. I will try this for a few months to see how it turns out!!
Cut my hair! I will be two years natural in April. I may get highlights and a texturizer too. I've never really done anything exciting with my hair.
My Hair plans for 2006 :

Use mainly Nexxus haircare products as my "main line of haircare"
Neutrogena Triple Moisture as my alternate line of haircare
Continue to always deep condition w/heat - my hair loves it !
Professional trim only once a year by a stylist - July is my trim month ( I can dust my ends myself only if they need it the rest of the time)
Stick with my regimen and rollersets, buns, updos and protective styles as much as possible.
Try not to let the Baltimore Winter winds / cold weather touch my hair---silk scarf and hat to work fix or bun my hair once I arrive at work.
Co-wash every day starting Early Spring / Summer 2006 !
Great thread topic. :)

My plans for 2006 is BRAIDS, BRAIDS, & MORE BRAIDS!! :yay: Protective styles is the key for hair growth. :yep:

Since I've done the BC in June my hair is stronger and the curl pattern is wonderful. :love:

In between the braids I plan on using all natural products like African Black Soap & Shea Butter. And then putting my BRAIDS right back in. ;)
I plan on wearing sew-ins as my protective style.

Continue to use more natural products like oils and shea butter and natural hair care lines.

Continue taking my vitamins daily

That's all that I can think of so far
I'm going to keep it simple and just enjoy my hair.

Since joining this site, I've been putting all kinds of stuff on my hair.

But I don't like my hair being heavy or oily. I not going to MTG. I'm not going to do any extreme end treatments. I'm not doing protective styles. I'm not going to pack on stuff when I go to bed at night (I'll just let my hair be free on a silk pillowcase). I will not try any new products.

I AM going to:
- condition wash daily
- shampoo/acv rinse weekly
- deep condition with protein followed by moisturing conditioner weekly
- Use a dab to Always Oil Moisturizer as I air dry and spritz a little of Kenra leave-in.
- Hot oil treatment biweekly.
- Relax hair every two months.

That's it.
This obsession. Must. End.

Seriously, I've grown my hair out before without all this craziness ...so I have no idea why I'm pouring a bunch of stuff on my hair.

I am so sickened by the smell of MTG and having oil all over my pillowcases!

And really, I'm content with regular monthly growth. I'm not going to go to extremes for quick grow products/strategies.

And I like when my hair feels conditioned, moisturized and NAKED. I like it fluffy and bouncy not weighed down with MTG and other crap.
I plan to get some serious growth in 2006! :weird:
As far as changes, I'll be paying more attention to diet and exercise. Otherwise, I'm sticking with the tried and the true: Jason haircare products, daily washing, and weekly deep treatments; and I'm going back to my old vitamins cause my Naturemade multi isn't cutting it and doesn't seem to agree with my system. I might continue with the flaxseed oil though.
let me see for 2006

  • braids,braids and more braids,cornrows,buns twists whatever protective styles u name it
    baggy method
    simple routine
    keep my vits
    reach bra strap in April 06(hehe i can dream)
    use mtg, masketi,wgo to help me
    reach waistlength dec 31,2006 or midback is cool too (hehehe i know i m crazy but u already know) :grin:
and january 1,2007 maxiglide the whole thing :D :p :grin:
*Protective natural styles during the week
*Press on the weekend only during winter
*Twists, finger coils, pony puffs in the spring/summer
I am planning to due the big chop in February 2006. The last time I had a relaxer was February 15, 2005. I want to go natural. I want to be able to grow long thick brown hair. I plan to get back on my vitamin regimen, use my MTG twice a week, drink lots of water and massage may scalp to help with the blood flow to my hair follicles. I want to continue the crown and glory technique while I finish transitioning. I did mini chops over the summer 2005 I did two. I just have to post the photos for you.

I am definately thinking braids, 2 strand twist and sew in as a protective style to keep my hair safe from relaxers.
Ladies I will keep you updated.
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Synthia said:
Since joining this site, I've been putting all kinds of stuff on my hair.

I will not try any new products.

That's it.
This obsession. Must. End.

i agree with the quote I selected. That is my purpose too. I want to enjoy my hair in 2006, not keep it hidden like it did something bad, ya know? Yes I want to grow it out, but you know, there's time. I'm sorta going back to basics, about halfway, and incorporating new things that work into the regimen as well. I've been saying for the past few months, " i wanna be done with experimenting already!" well now i'm glad i'm done, whew. Now, I have my satisfying products and I know what to do. So the crazyness will slow down, if not end, i hope, lol.
I was supposed to be at waist length by Dec 2006 but I think I will just change my goal to Healthy, Beautiful Hair :weird:
OKay November 13 of 2006 have 9 inches of natural hair. BC somewhere between May 13 and November 13 of 2006. Continue with my long transition and stay away from fad products (except the ones with tried and true photographic documentation) and stick to my plan. No more color. Way less heat. Alot more care. KEEP IT SIMPLE! ENjoy my hair.
Jan 2006 will be a full year and will I will have freshly relaxed hair and a trim.Hopefully length will be in between collarbone and armpit- WHAT LENGTH IS THAT???? :confused:

Apr 2006 Relax my hair, should be mid-back
July 2006 Relax my hair, should be bra-strap
Oct 2006 Relax my hair, depending on the condition of my ends, I will either have a cut back to bra-strap or let it grow!

In between all of this, I will use my first love Nexxuss Con & Leave in.
My Oils and MTG. I will stick to my simple vitamin regime and will take my shake Of PROTEIN, PROTEIN AND MORE PROTEIN.


I will protect my ends, but I will not beat myself up about using my flat iron when I want to, having my hair out when I want to and COMBING IT.

This board has taught me so much, but next year it’s really time not to take this hair care thing so seriously. A few weeks ago I was in tears about the ends of my hair!! And I had a VIP function this year and instead of washing and then flat ironing my hair and having it out like I love it. Out of guilt I bunned up!

Not doing that next year!!!

I will keep looking after it, but it wont be so intense.

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I will wear weaves for the rest of the year. Leaving it in for two months at a time
I will use MTG 3 times a week
Up my protien
continue taking my multi adding protien suppliments, silica, epo, and b complex
drink more water
exercise everyday for blood circulation
Eat more vegetables
My hair plans for 2006 are to keep it simple I plan on wearing some type of braids the whole year and apply MTG every other day. I have 2 full bottles of MTG and I am going to get 2 more bottles just to keep my stock and that is it Keeping it Simple.
Jan 2006- Shopping for a new line of products. Keracare and Sebastian Skinny Line are my top picks. Same regimen as 2005- washing 2 times a week, deep con after every wash and hot oil treatments once a week. Incorporate EVOO as a pre-poo.

April 7, 2006- Marks 1 year of transitioning. I will get a blowout and a 2-3 inch trim of relaxed ends. I also plan to begin using NTM Hair Mask once a week and Aphogee once every 6 weeks for protein.

July 2006- Continue using my no heat method and regimen to retain as much length as possible. I will continue this until Sept. 2006 for 3 months without heat

Oct. 2006- Use heat occasionally by pressing/flat-ironing. I will get a 1-2 inch trim to get get rid of more relaxed ends. Start testing out buttercreme and and curl enhancing products on the natural parts of my hair. May try a sew in weave to match my natural hair to add temporary length. Doing this through Jan 2007. :)
I plan on doing more deep conditionings with heat. Using my Redkin products as my main products NTM as my secondary. Using MTG 3x's

Sticking with Rollersets and maybe getting braids for a couple of months.

December 16th get a perm ( 12 weeks since last relaxer) Hopefully I will have reached my goal of shoulder length hair! we will see.

March 2006 relax again trying to go for 14 weeks this time.

July 2006 next relaxer so its looking beautiful for my trip to England!!! hope fully I will be mid back and on my way to bra strap by then:look:
January '06- going back to using Surge on my hairline

More deep conditioning treatments
Experiment with more butters for my hair
Try out black soap in my hair
Stick with taking vitamins

Fall '06- straighten my hair
I would like to see 2-3 inches of growth.

my hair care regimen
-shampoo and condition once per week
-roller set with hooded dryer
-daily multi-v
-oil the hair (especially ends) eveyr other day
-alternate between wrapping and ponytail at night
chocolate01 said:
Grow, grow, grow! I don't have a specific timeline but I have my regimen already so 2006 is all about seeing results.

Same here. I want to see more results in 2006. I also may go to the stylist more often for more creative styles. It will be a year of being natural in March.
Jan 06: 6 months of Transitioning

Btwn that time i will continue to use sew ins as my protective styling.

May 06: Big Chop!

August 06: 1 year since last relaxer
BC somewhere between April 2006 (18 months transition) to October 2006 (2 year transition) and rev up the hair growth utilizing consistent protein shakes.