What are your hair goals for 2008


New Member
i dont know if there is a thread like this but if there is just ignore me lol

* Cut all the permanent dye out of my hair
* get my hair all one length and healthy
* retain all my length after my cut

I should because when i didnt have dye on my hair it was growing like crazy and after the dye its been sitting in the same place breaking. So i said hey i might as well cut it..its not like i show my real hair anyway.
I want to be BSL by Christmas....or very very close to it...:gorgeous:
I want to learn how to do nice protective styles other than rollersetting
I want to continue to stick to my regimen
NO MORE NEW HAIR PRODUCTS FOR ME (unless necessary)!!
* reach bsl this year
* keep split ends to a minimum
* overall healthy hair
* perfect my rollersets and flexirod sets
* stick my one regiment
  • To have healthy hair
  • Make APL
  • Thicken up my hair
  • Find a good Regimen and good products I can stick to
  • Experiment with more styles
  • Help my mom get healthy hair again
My goals are:
  • Grow my hair back to BSL (hopefully by May 2008)
  • Determine whether or not to just big chop at that time, or
  • Keep growing it and cut off 1 inch at a time
I would like to grow 6 inches of hair. I usually only get 3. I have to cut off 3 inches of thin ends though. I'm tired of being ashmed to wear my hair down because of my ends.

I want to grow my nape back and thicken up my hair My goal for this year is thickness. And if I can retain 2 inches after cutting off the bad ends I'll be very happy:yep:
Make it to MBL this year
maybe do another major cut for the more blunt look
try some more protective styles
find a way not to have to comb my hair everyday
To reach APL this year, maintain my healthy hair, and learn how to style my hair (like braiding).
To find a regimen that works for me and stick to it. Thick and healthy hair. Master roller sets. Continue wearing protective styles. To be patient and consistent. To not put my hair through all of the abuse, that I use to before lhcf.:nono:
- perfect my rollersets
- make MBL (think I'm reaching with this one, but a girl can hope right!?:spinning:)
- find a solid regimen
- Master the insanely maddening rollerset :wallbash:

- Get to BSL, but I gotta make APL first :ohwell: I relaxed today, and I'm pretty sure I made APL, but stupid hubby couldn't take a dang decent picture :swearing: Since he was acting slow, I asked my 4 year old dd to take some..... You can guess how those pics turned out :rolleyes:
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use sulfate free shampoo more
Keep retaining length
Keep hair moisturized properly
only buy staples:perplexed
*By Christmas I want to be at least nearing BSL.
*I want to be full APL by summer
*Also, I want to officially stop pulling out my hair. (OCD is a *****!!!!:wallbash:)
To reach BSL and for the hair in the back/crown area to catch up tp the length of the rest of my hair and for my bangs to grow past my chin
+to maintain a moisture/protein balance
+to stay in protective styles for the rest of the year
+to stick to the products/methods that work for me
+to retain most of my growth
+to be APL/BSL by the end of the year

(i say both apl and bsl because my hair isnt even)