What are your hair goals for 2008

I only have two goals this year:
  • to grow out my hair from the haircut I gave myself back in December to relieve postpartum hair shedding.
  • to dust my ends every four months
My main 2 goals are to reach WL by my deadline (June 30/Jul 1 2008) and to perfect/master rollersetting.

My other goals are to retain length, develop a set regimen (the PJ in me keeps trying new things), and keep healthy ends.
To make full BSL
To make MBL
To have healthy thick ends
To stretch relaxer for 6 months to see if I really wanna transition
Lay off the heat and protective styling!
  • To grow my hair to Tailbone Length. Well I'm gonna try at least :grin:
  • Even it out a little.
  • Find way to decrease my hair expenses through cheap stores that carry my favorite conditioner etc.
  • Find a new staple style instead of the ponytail :)
+ To grow my hair to APL by the Summer
+ To have BSL by the end of 08
+ For my hair to continue to become healthy
+ To grow my edges out
My goals are:

1. Find my staples, haven't done that yet, sigh...
2. Get to Brastrap, I spent all of last year working on the health of my hair
and cutting off bad ends. This year just simply grow dangit grow.
3. More scalp messages.
Full healthy APL - texlaxed and coloured light brown/ blonde. Stay in braids alternated with LF for 6 months- so full protective and no colour or relaxing in that period unless I think I'm APL.
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To find simple new things to try to keep from getting bored with hair
To re-visit phony ponies/baggying
To get the thickest hairline possible
I want Mid-Back by end of 08.......If I could do it by this summer I would be so happy...

Grow out my bangs .....at least to shoulder length by end of the year:yep:
To retain length in my crown area.

To retain length, period.

To buy less products. To stick with what works for me and my hair.

To love my hair as it is:grin:, because it could be worse, I could have involuntary baldness. :perplexed
My hair goal is:

(1) to be able to put my hair in a pony tail by the end of the year (crossing fingers).

(2) retain length

(3)keep my hair healthy.
My goals

*reach BSL by Fall
*focus on strengthening my hair
*minimizing breakage and split ends
*resisting temptation to straighten too often
*keeping a minimal hair regime
*staying with the same products
*wearing it natural 99% of the time
*find a hairdresser that can straighten my hair very straight (my hairdresser moved to Italy :sad:)
I have two goals:
  • Take 2" off to thicken my ends (in March) which will leave me just below Full Brastrap
  • Full Waistlength (by Christmas)
:yep: **To keep my ends healthy ** Retain all 6 inches of growth and hope for more ** Be full BSL by December 08- Kissing MBL would be even better. :grin:
if I get the average 6" of growth this yr...I'll be at apl.....wow that's insane!!! I hope it can happen

I just want to see my hair continue to grow and be healthy
  • stop breakage
  • stop shedding
  • full SL/grow out layers
  • get rid of the tanglies

This is pretty much me in a nut shell except I also want to solidify my regimen (so far the only keepers are Keracare Humecto and Moisturizing Shampoo, Joico Kpak Intensive Reconstructor,and some oils). I still don't have a leave in :wallbash: And figure out the PROPER way to detangle my hair (sigh).
My aim is to:

-thicken up my hair more than anything else
-grow my hair close to BSL by December '08
-do more protective styles until the end of the year
-trim at least an inch or 2 of my thin ends in July this year to accomplish my thickness
Show my hair off for Christmas this year - I haven't done this in ages.
** Reach BSL (!!!)
*Trim off the bone-straight ends (:wallbash:) and transition back to fully texlaxed while maintaining my length

*Be CONSISTANT with my products and regimine! I can't be on the wagon for 2 months and then fall off for the next 2 and wonder what happened!

*Fight the temptation to wear my hair down all the time and do rollerset/flexirod sets now that it's back to APL. APL is nice, but BSL is the prize for now, and I can't reach it if I'm constantly fighting mechanical damage. :lick:
To get a great regimen that I can follow all the time.
To set up a Fotki page
To abide by and complete each challenge i'm apart of.
To Make APL, anything extra will be a blessing.:yep:
I'm growing out a layered pixie cut from july. My goals are to

1. Have hair one length all the way around. Reaching for shoulder length
2. Stick with one regimen
3. Buy less products
4. Stretch to 6 months (At 10 wks now)
  • Get to SL by the end of the year.
  • Transition to natural & resist the creamy crack (relaxer).
  • Moisturize daily or at least every other day.
  • Prevent breakage as much as possible.
  • Try more natural & cost-effective methods.
  • Wear cute protective styles.
My Goals Hoping to be completed during or by end of 2008:

  • Be Finally Natural!!
  • Be able to put ALL of my hair into a puff.
  • Try Rollersetting on Natural Hair and it comes out great.
  • Be Neck Length at least, being even longer than that like SL would be a plus LOL!
  • I want to be grazing APL by December
  • I want my ends to get to the "I-don't-need-a-trim" phase
  • I'd like to get rid of all the perm and only texlax
  • I'd like to finally conquer my dryness problem and figure out the protein/moisture balance
  • I'd like to just be happy with my hair for once...