What are you giving up for Lent...

Koreanblaq said:
I'm not Catholic or even Christian, but I usually give up something for Lent. It's just a good excuse to try to change or break an unhealthy habit, and I can just say "I gave it up for Lent" to avoid having to make lengthy explanations to people. I like the idea of giving up white bread. That might be too hard though :ohwell: I don't drink alot of soda...I told myself I'd give up AIM (it's like crack to me). Maybe I'll stick with that plan. When does Lent start? This Friday?

today :look:
I still have no clue, b/c I'm not really abusing anything right now. I'm thinking that instead of giving something up I'm going to make an action plan. Maybe clean up & organize a room in my house once a week or something like that. I'm also thinking about working on improving communication w/loved ones. I have so many friends that I just don't make the time to call and I need to do that. So maybe my goal will be to call someone at least twice a month that I don't talk to on the regular. :)

I can't wait to go to church later. It starts @ 12:10!!!!
I already don't eat meat, and I eat organic foods. I have always loved healthy foods, even when I was little. For this reason, I always have a hard time deciding what to give up for Lent as far as food. I decided that I will not eat anything after 6 PM.

I will also be increasing my prayers, and I will continue to help the needy.

I really enjoyed Mass today. :yep:
My mother had the idea of going out of your way and doing something nice for someone every day of Lent. So I may do that. I also may give up potato chips.
Coffee it's going to be a long 40 days. I hate tea and I drink at least 3 cups a day. I need to give it up anyway.
I have given up "treats". I didn't remember that yesterday started Lent, but was reminded by a coworker. I did really well yesterday, no treats, no junk.
I have consistently given up red meat and sex for over 10 years but since I am engaged and living with my fiance, giving up sex is out of the question soooo....I stuck with red meat but added junk food, and buying haircare products.
blkmaryland said:
I have consistently given up red meat and sex for over 10 years but since I am engaged and living with my fiance, giving up sex is out of the question soooo....I stuck with red meat but added junk food, and buying haircare products.
:lol: Okaaay! :lol:

No one betta say a word! :look:
I was just going to give up pork but since I haven't eaten meat since Lent started anyway, I'll just give up meat. I'll also do the master cleanse but not for the whole forty days of course. I think giving up meat will be good for me so the master cleanse won't be too hard on me when I do start.
All junkfood!!!!! I am a sugar addict. :mad: Starburst, airheads, chocolate, skittles, and countless other sweets don't stand a chance in my house. I really need therapy:lol:. I am going to try my hardest to give them up.:crying3::crying3:
How's everyone doing? I'm struggling. Haven't slipped up but the cravings are driving me nuts. I guess I'm a sugar addict. Hope everyone is staying strong.
I gave up coffee and espresso a few days into Lent - after not being able to think of anything before Lent, I realized how much I was looking forward to having coffee on the train in the morning for the "lift" - I'm going through some serious s*** with my family right now - and thought it was probably NOT a good thing to be relying on a chemical for a pick-me-up like that. Decided on that without realizing that I have to go to Seattle for my job for 4 days in March - you know, coffee capital of the country, across the country from where I live, and where I've never been before!!! I like to think I would have made the same decision if I'd remembered I had to go there - I'd like to think that.....
All is well, it hasn't been hard. Although, I have been looking forward to picking up a doughnut soon. But sometimes I have thought about giving up sweets for good.
I slipped the Saturday after ash wednesday so I decided to start over. I haven't slip on food since but I'm also doing daily bible reading. I've slip big time with that one. If I have to start over on that, I'll be reading the bible till the end of the year.
Still doing good, haven't had any choclate or sweets. Less than 2 weeks left, then I'm eating everything in sight (guess that's wrong but ohwell)
I did very well. I am eating some chips & drinking a Pepsi now. But I didn't/don't miss the junk food as much as I thought I would.