What are you doing to your hair this weekend?

I am going to deep clean with Benzonite Clay and deep condition. After I am done I will put my hair in 5 to 6 bantu knots and let it dry. Right now this is my favorite alternative to doing an actual rollerset. I may trim it also because I am well overdue.
ooh ooh, i know. I'm putting in a sew-in for 6 weeks to finish my 12 week stretch. I've been waiting for this weekend for about two weeks. It's hard to maintain NG with minimal to no heat. And then having to work out 3 times a week (which is not by choice. On my job, they make us work out 3 times a week). So, I'm excited. I get to hide it for a while.
We haven't done this in a while ..

I'll probably keep cowashing and doing braidouts, but I'm considering doing a rollerset Sunday. We'll see.

Either way, washing and DCing.
I think I may have changed my mind on the Henna. I'm thinking about doing an Aphogee treatment and a DC. Not sure if henna will give me the results I want. I'm thinking ordering some Indigo. If I get it during the week, I'll probably do a Henna/Indigo next weekend.
I'm gonna give myself a touch up, but I haven't decided whether to do it tonight or wait until tomorrow. I also haven't decided whether to texlax again or just go bonelaxed....choices choices. I'm getting a lot of frizz and I initially thought texlaxing would be better because I have fine hair but I'm having the same issues I had when I was natural (shrinkage, frizz etc). So I'm thinking bonelaxed is the way to go. I'm just a little nervous...hmmm
Aphoghee heavy duty protein treatment is in as I type this. I think they did something to improve the smell, it's not as bad as I remembered.
After rinsing I'll dc with Aubrey's Honeysuckle Rose my new best friend.
Later I'll dust my ends and rollerset.
I just did the Aphogee treatment (Man that stuff stinks!!!!) I am now deep conditioning and will flat iron with my Sedu.
I just did the Aphogee treatment (Man that stuff stinks!!!!) I am now deep conditioning and will flat iron with my Sedu.
I swear it seems better than when I first started using it about 5 years ago. I've only used it a couple of times over the last few years and this time just seems a little easier on the nose.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that I only have a small packet and in the past I had purchased the square plastic bottle.
i co-wahed my hair this morning and put it in 2 big coil-outs to dry.. nothing besides that... mayb later next week ill dc tho
I am wearing my hair cornrowed and my wigs on top of it:yep:. That will cause me to manipulate it a little less.
I haven't used my Pantene R&N Mask or Kenra MC in a while so I think I'll DC with one of those. Maybe I'll mix the two.

And rollerset after.
I washed and flat-ironed. I also tried the Giovanni Direct Leave-in. So far I like it. All of the oils in it make my hair feel really soft.

I'm sick as a dog. Right now my hair is all dry and matted on top of my head.

I hope I don't lose any hair at this time, but I'm really too weak to go through with a full wash day or even just moisturizing and detangling my hair.

that makes two of us :( my hair is so dry and tangled because i've been so sick :(
get better hun!!

Despite being sick i shampooed and am deep conditioning overnight. For some reason washing my hair under warm soothing water really calmed my sickness
I'm stuck in the house studying all weekend, so I gave myself a nice scalp massage and wrapped my hair on up! I had a rollerset Weds, so it will be nice and straight for church tomorrow!
I bought some hair so right now Im putting in some kinky twists and the are almost waist length. Fall is here so its back to protecting my strands.
nothing! (thank goodness - trying to curb my serious hand in hair syndrome)
i'm braided up, planning on applying my growth aid and putting on a scarf.