What are you doing to make sure you reach your goals?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone :)

what are you doing to your hair that makes you confident that your hair goals will be reached?

I have become more confident that my next goal of BSB will be reached because I am more consistent. I always PS atleast 5 days a week..sometimes longer. I have become good at hiding my hair and keeping it moistened by spraying my hair w/water mixed with conditioner and I have been baggying overnight.

So basically PS and daily moisture..

What is your next goal and what do you ladies do to make sure you reach your goal?
I feel doing regular co washes, DC's, steam treatments and protecting my ends are helping me achieve my goals:yep:... And like you remaining consistent with them is what is giving me most confidence and hair love right now:grin:
I have been keeping my hair on serious lockdown for over a year now. Either in cornrows, or individual braids. I am going to phony pony my way to MBL hair :yep:
Other than the typical stuff like deep conditioning, stretching, regular trims, keeping it simple, blahblahblah — positive thinking! Honestly, I think people underestimate the power they have within themselves via the mind. I probably could NOT be at MBL if I focused on other people's negativity when it came to my journey. It wasn't a lot but it was there and ignored it all regardless. The negativity they choose to exude is theirs and theirs alone, don't take ownership of someone else's bad vibes. One of my favourite quotes is by Henry Ford, "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't — you are right." :yep:
not giving into temptation! its hard. i resisted buying a straightener today, it was so cute and small the once you can carry in your handbag, i kept telling myself hey u need it in order to do you length check ur not buying it to straighten all of your hair. :rolleyes: ...i didn't tho, i resisted. So in short for me it's resisting heat.
I am protecting my ends by m/s and then wrapping in a plastic cap. I also massage every other night with my jbco/sulfur mix or my grapeseed/jojoba oil mix. Then I spritz with water/condish when my hair feels dry. But I think I really need to go low mani with my lace front wig, which I will be removing nightly. I will be braided down so I can still do all of the above.
I PS 7 days a week
uped my water intake
stickinig to my reggie
DCing regularly
being consistant with my vits
I'm being more consistent and have been really good since my BC. No direct heat, low manipulation, regular dusting/trims (bi-monthly on the new moon), daily multi-vitamin, moisturizing daily and will be PS 90% of the time when my hair gets to SL.

I also plan to get a steamer this year and have to get back to DCing weekly. I'm trying to learn from other members setbacks and I'm trying to avoid the 2nd BC I've seen some ladies do because of the learning curve after transitioning.
I just had to cut my SL hair to NL just could not deal with the fried, crispy ends anymore. I am hoping to reach full, healthy SL by summertime or by fall.

To reach this goal I
Stretch my relaxer
Hide my hair in protective styles
DC weekly, no exception
Shampoo weekly
Co-Wash 1-2x a week
Trim regularly
Use heat sparingly, the less the better
Take my vitamins
GHEing, scalp massages and protective styling. I'll also be having an overall healthier diet and focus on being less stressed out and more happy ^^
I dun nearly bought erythang ya'll recommended.

I am getting braids. Then I plan on emerging with a new and improved regi...with the help of my LHCF friends.
the challenges Im in for this year which involve taking my vits and supplements, not using heat and ensuring that I PS at least 5 days out of the week

and Im thinking I'll continue with my all HV regimen for at least 3 months
Just staying consistent with my regimen...when it was cold i was only washing,detangling every 3 days. Now that it's HOT i'm back to my co-washing every 1-2 days...still doing wash n go's on the daily. My hair is THRIVING:yep:

I just got my liter bottle of Oyin Honey Hemp that im gonna be using for detangling and deep conditioning, a bottle of Oyin Hair Dew for a leave in and refresher, and i'm using V05 Shea and Cashmere for co-washing. I should be good until August:yep:
*Protecting my ends like a mad woman with Celies and wigs or updos with ends tucked
*consistant reggie that includes an equal balance of moisture and protein
*healthy eating and increase water intake
*exercising to get the blood flowing
*vitamins daily
*minimal heat (once a month MAYBE)
i don't even know anymore. i just know i do to dang much. but staying away from heat and not combing my hair often has helped. i am just still trying to figure this retention thing out. if i can just stick to washing, dc, and roller setting once a week, life will be grand.
Avoid heat
Take vitamins
M&S daily
Dust ends
DC after each cleansing session
Wash twice a week to remove build up on hair/ scalp
Protective styling-wigs
Pay attention to labels
Keep protein to a minimal
Great post OP. This is the third year of my HHJ. Year one I was clueless, kept my hair hidden in box braids for the full year. Year two was a journey in figuring out what makes my hair tick. After jumping on many a bandwagon and buying a ton of stuff, I can say for that for the first time ever in my life, I understand what it takes to keep my hair healthy and growing. For me, the following are a must: weekly wash & DCs, steam treatments, regular use of light protein, tea/coffee rinses and a focus on scalp health not just strands and of course intermittent protective styling. Most importantly, I'm finally at peace with my hair. I now know the ingredients/styling technique that works so I can stop experimenting and be focused and consistent with my regimen. With time, patience and staying committed, I believe I will reach my goals.
-Only apply heat to my hair 4 times a year, by a trusted professional
-Low manipulation. I only use a comb or brush on my hair on wash day
-Carefully monitor my progress via pics and measuring and documenting whats going with my hair. if you don't pay attention your hair, problems can sneak up on you and blow up. By keeping up/paying attention to whats going on, I can start trying to make any changes early before I've ruined my progress.
-Weekly DC's under the steamer and careful/gentle (but thorough) detangling sessions.
To be honest, I don't really think of my hair in terms of goals. I get paranoid about split ends, though lol. To make sure my ends stay split-free and in good condition, I apply extra conditioner and oil to my ends and try to be gentle with my hair. Keeping up with trims gives me peace of mind. I just like for my ends to feel nice. But I do love reaching new lengths :) This is a good thread.
I'm staying consistant with my reggi which includes 24/7 ps, dusting my ends as needed, drinking lots of water and taking my vitamins.
Braid my hair into one cornrow around my head. Moisturize and seal 3 times a week, wash and dc every 3 weeks, blow dry, wear a wig daily atleast for the next two months. I have to take this in baby step y'all.
-Started drinking at least 1L of water a day: I used to go days without drinking straight water. I swear I have more NG than I usually do at this point in my stretch.
-Started taking a multivitamin
-Moisturizing and sealing daily: I don't wait until my hair feels dry 'cause I feel like it's the same thing as thirst. If I want 'til my hair feels dry that means it's been thirsty for moisture for a while.
-Detangling on dry hair
-Protein treat/DC on regular basis
-Low manipulation/no heat except for relaxer day
-Snip my ends pretty regularly: I stopped being afraid of the scissors. They give me nice, smooth ends. I feel like my hair flows better now, too.
Being super duper gentle with my hair
Using more protein
Drinking more water
PS 99% of the time
50% finger comb (which has helped me maintain my ends for a whole month which is new to me)
DC weekly
seal ends daily with castor oil or a butter
Get a new hobby :lol: My hair was MBL this past September and it was trimmed to BSL. I have been trying since 2010 to get to WL. As a matter of fact I was ready to give up. I have been so obsessed with investments and saving since October 2011, that I forgot about my hair. I have not really been messing with it much, and I just found out my longest layers are now WL.