What are you doing for your daughters??


New Member
I'm dying over how to care for my baby girls hair. My oldest girl has 3 b/c. My youngest daughter has 4b hair (I think). She used to have 3c but it changed somewhere between 2 and 4 yrs old. Her hair is extremely dry. I apply CDSoMM and S-curl EVERY DAY! Every single morning that stuff is dry again....its always soft tho and I love the wave/curl definition when I smooth it into ponytails. It's very thick...that's a good thing but its soooo thick that she has to have at least 6-7 ponytails or else that bottom is too much to twist.

Last week was picture day I wanted my mom to go over it with a hot comb. WELL....she went over and over AND over and that stuff would not budge :lol: Her shrinkage is out of this world. My question is WHAT DO I DO???? Its so much of it. I used to keep her in braids all the time, but I really want to start giving it more attention, especially her ends so that it can grow. Seems like its been the same length forever.

I'm a lil protective about it cuz my oldest has very long hair and she's made comments to Jailyn about how her hair is short....or not long like hers. People look at Teilese like she's the one with the "good" hair. I chastize her, but sometimes I find it hard to do so without killing her esteem because I get very angry. Hair is the last thing I want them to have a rivalry about. My ex's new girlfriend did their hair, and Teilese came home saying *IGNORANT NEW GIRLFRIEND* said Jailyn has kitchen. A few days later while I was styling Jailyn's hair she says "Mommy leave Jailyn's hair out like mine...OH you can't cuz she has kitchen" :angry2:

I want to accentuate her hairs natural beauty.

These are my girls, not so recent pics tho.


What type are your girls' hair? What do you do or use?
Her hair sounds like my daughter's hair. What had really helped with her dryness was prepoos(cheapie condish and evoo warmed) and deep conditionings(cholestrol) with evoo and honey. It may take time but it is so worth it!

The glycerin in the scurl my be robbing Teilese(pretty name!) oops! I meant Jailyn of the moisture she needs. Sure, it is a humectante, but when there isn't any water in the air, it will feed off of the hair itself. (that explaination thanks to Hair Prof. Iris... :grin: ) Her hair just may not be able to handle the glycerin.

I used SheaMoisture Leave-In(watered down some) on Ashley's hair in the beginning. When we began to see her retain moisture, we switched to using something lighter like a moisture mix spritz(a little evoo, condish, water, salerm) in a spray bottle.

What poos/condishes are you using?

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My 3 1/2 year old has straw & pen spring sized 4a curls. Her hair loves coconut oil. I'll braid it once a week and her hair will stay moist and not greasy. I only comb her hair while wet and not more than once a week. If she is wearing a puff or ponytails I only brush the edges. Her hair is healthier when braided all of the time. When I wash her hair I use diluted shampoo, mainly castile soap. Then I'll use some conditioner & comb thru with a wide toothed comb. When I spritz her hair I use a water & oil combo. I have NEVER used heat on her hair. On occasion I use grease on her ends to seal them. I'll take some pics when I remove her braids. The back of her head is about waist length & the rest is about midback on her when wet.
Thanks 1praying. I'm using kids organics and, I use the conditioning shampoo and the protein conditioner. So you're saying although its softer it may not be moisturized? I guess I could try something else. I'm just not sure what.
Mecca, I would love to see pics. Its becoming frustrating for me. I know she needs a new regimen. Even when it feels soft it looks dry...I HATE that.
My daughter is a little older, 8 yrs, but I've been shampoo and conditioning her hair since she was 2months. I always treated her hair no different from mine, I gave her a Vigrol when she was 5 to remove some of the bulk from the hair, and it did wonders, make everything a piece of cake. I only recommend this for parents who know how to definately care for the hair because it removes a lot of moisture and you have to do DC and Aphoghee treatments regularly to restore it back A.S.A.P. Plus it allowed me to stay away from the pressing comb and I was able to do flat twists and things like that using a little jam w/o the hair reverting. Cream of Nature seems to be a really good shampoo for 4a/b hair especially little girls, it make detangling sooooooooooooo much easier and it leaves the hair moisture soft. She may also need a hot oil treatment w/some EVOO put into her reginmen. along w/ regular DC, just let her run around the house for about 1-2 hours w/a good moisturizing conditioner and a plastic cap , you can also add some EVOO and honey to the conditioner, oh yeah I forgot about the homemade Avacodo and Coconut milk by Goya conditioner it is soo moisturizing, I like to do this to my daughters hair at least once a month and it's really inexpensive.
Take one avacodo and 1 cup of coconut milk
puree it in a blender and be sure to store what's left in the fridge. You can add EVoo and honey to this too if you would like. ACV rinses are really good to adds softness, shine and detangling easier. I can go on and on, sorry HTH's
your daughters are so beautiful, and I love their hair. I don't have children but growing up my mom used coconut oil (unrefined) in my sister's and I hair it made our hair really soft. Also shea butter is very good, I would look for products with shea butter, I think kid's organics have a shea butter moisturizer. S-curl left my hair dry, so I'd lay off it for awhile.
kisz4tj said:
What is Vigrol?

I would like to know too. My daughter's hair is just like your daughter's hair, kisz. Hopefully, the product is natural. My daughter is a TRUE TRUE TRUE 4b. I want to help my little girl so much, because her hair is so hard to comb but soft to the touch.


Kisz---Your little girls are such dolls! The smaller one's hair is the exact replica of my daughter's. The coiled ends and that tight Z pattern..it's so pretty but so hard to manage.
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kisz4tj said:
WOW BWE! That's alot of info.....thanx. What is Vigrol?
Vigorol is like a liquid relaxer, except it does more of a texturizing thing to the hair, removing the excess bulk, making styling and combing much easier, but like I said it removes the natural moisture and you have to restore it immediately so that the hair doesn't began to break. Looking at their pictures her hair looks good to me, maybe just incorporating some of the ideas you were given into a new regimen for her and see if you see progress before thinking of any chemicals, I say try the Avocado coditioner and let us know how it works.
My daughter is nine with 4a curls. Her hair is almost waist legnth. Its funny cause she was born with just peach fuzz on her head. I have alwyas used jojoba oil on her hair from the very beginning. I tend to stay away from heavy products on her hair. Absolutely nothing with petroleum! My daughter's hair is also very, very thick. Just this year I started letting her wear her hair out a little. I ususally do braid outs or braid out ponytails which she loves.

I don't comb alot but I do shampoo or cw every week. I always follow with conditoner. Sometimes with heat but usually with a plastic cap. Doing my daughter's hair soemtimes take 2 hours! :eek: I would recommend pure shea butter or jojoba oil for your daughter's hair.

I have always told my daughter how beautiful her hair is while I am doing it. I always remind her that this is her crown. My daughter has several friends of different ethnicities. They sometimes comment about her hair texture (never about legnth cause her hair is long). I'm always impressed at how proud she is of her hair and secure she is in the fact that it is different than theirs but just as beautiful. I would encourage you to talk to your youngest daughter the same way. If she feels good about her hair it won't matter what others think.

I've never pressed my daughter's hair. My mom tried and it just never took. However, I have used the maxiglide on her hair and it worked like a charm without damaging her curl pattern.

Good luck to ya. Beautiful kids!
Don't use vigorol if you wouldn't use a no-lye relaxer. Vigorol is basically a mild no-lye relaxer in liquid form. Depending on your hair type and how long you keep it on, it can give a texturized or full relaxed look just like any other relaxer.

imo, if you want to texturize your girl's hair, there are better ones out there.

Just wanted to give a heads up.
Actually, I wouldn't texturize such a small childs hair now that I think about it. She's so tiny! :)

Still, I prefer lye relaxers and feel that they keep the hair in better condition. I'd use something like pcj lye (which I use) or affirm mild... SOMETHING else :lol:

I really don't like the vigorol product. It's no good imo.

Plus, if you've ever thought that aphogee's treatment is bad, then you need to take a whiff of vigorol...
I'd recommend that you keep it natural & moist. If you stay away from heat & chemicals she'll probably be able to retain length better. I don't know if you keep it braided, but at her young age I think that this is the best protective style for her. JMHO ;)
Both your daughter's hair is really really pretty. The youngest one looks to have hair like me. I agree from personal experience that coconut oil/grease is really good for 4b type hair texture--right after a wash you can oil her hair and when you style it, maybe mist it w/some water mixed with some essential oils, then add a little coconut grease(that's what I use) It's just enough water to keep it moist and and the oil locks it in. She's a very cute little girl(both are gorgeous). she doesn't need any extra ordinary styling. The more simple her regimen the better for her hair.
buttafly said:
I don't have any hair suggestions but I just wanted to say your daughters are absolutely gorgeous.

I have really thick type 4a/b hair and I've found that styling or detangling when wet works great for me! Also coconut oil, shea/mango/avocado butters and Sta-Sof-Fro are LIFE SAVERS! They make detangling so easy and they also bring out the waves!
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simplycee said:
I would recommend pure shea butter or jojoba oil for your daughter's hair.

I have always told my daughter how beautiful her hair is while I am doing it. I always remind her that this is her crown. However, I have used the maxiglide on her hair and it worked like a charm without damaging her curl pattern.

Good luck to ya. Beautiful kids!

Thanks....This morning I diluted the drop of Scurl that was left, and I added some jojoba oil. This weekend I plan to get some shea butter, what brand has pure shea butter? I'll look for a maxiglide also. Is it expensive?
myhairandme said:
Both your daughter's hair is really really pretty. The youngest one looks to have hair like me. I agree from personal experience that coconut oil/grease is really good for 4b type hair texture--right after a wash you can oil her hair and when you style it, maybe mist it w/some water mixed with some essential oils, then add a little coconut grease(that's what I use) It's just enough water to keep it moist and and the oil locks it in. She's a very cute little girl(both are gorgeous). she doesn't need any extra ordinary styling. The more simple her regimen the better for her hair.
Thank you. I'll have to look for coconut grease too.
Alli77 said:
I have really thick type 4a/b hair and I've found that styling or detangling when wet works great for me! Also coconut oil, shea/mango/avocado butters and Sta-Sof-Fro are LIFE SAVERS! They make detangling so easy and they also bring out the waves!
Thanks...I just read the thread on SSF.....looks like my pj-ism is resurfacing.
kisz4tj said:
Thanks....This morning I diluted the drop of Scurl that was left, and I added some jojoba oil. This weekend I plan to get some shea butter, what brand has pure shea butter? I'll look for a maxiglide also. Is it expensive?[/QUOTE]

The only place I have found pure shea butter is in African or Carribean markets. I usually get a jar of the pure unrefined shea butter for $5. I have seen pure shea butter in health food stores for more than that. If you can't find it send me a pm. I would happily pick up a jar for ya and send it.

Maxiglide is a rather expensive flat iron ($80) that I'm told now is sold at Linen's and Things. I would hold back on the heat, except for special occasions for such a little one. There are many threads about maxiglide. If you do a search you should come up with at least one that has a link where you can purchase on online.

Thanks Simplycee...when things cost that much I hit my favorite online spot.....EBAY!! Maybe I can get a deal.
First I want to say that you daughters are adorable the youngest looks to me to have 4a hair. I don't have any daughters but I would not put Vigorol in her hair. The chemical used in Vigirol is thio the same chem used in jherri curls. Imo, I would totally stay away from applying chemicals to childrens hair. It also sounds like her hair doesn't like glycerin. It hard when you have two children with different hair textures. My sister and I are like that and I wouldn't make a deal about it because when we were young we knew people saw a difference and would make comments or chose not to take one of us if hair styling was going to be a factor.
Thanks Birdie...its funny her nickname is Bird. It is very difficult to deal with two girls who have different textures.....especially when there's a prejudice about good hair or bad hair.

I thought the scurl was a good thing. I thought thats what made her hair softer and less tangly. Who knows.
I dilluted my S-curl w/distilled water, EVOO, avocado oil, tea tree oil, carrot oil, Vitamin e oil, and some leave in hair strengthener, and it worked better on my NG then. Once my hair NG retained a certain level of moisture I was able to use it full strength. Remember back in the day just some old grease and water did the trick. I guess the water was the moisture and the grease was the sealer. (I'm not talking about applying it to the scalp, I know petroleaum isn't good, but to the hair it self).
kisz4tj said:
Thanks Birdie...its funny her nickname is Bird. It is very difficult to deal with two girls who have different textures.....especially when there's a prejudice about good hair or bad hair.

I thought the scurl was a good thing. I thought thats what made her hair softer and less tangly. Who knows.