What are/were the men of your generation like?


November 2020 --> 14 years natural!!!
I did a search and didn't find a similar thread so I decided to start my own, I've been thinking about this thread for a while now. When I look at men of my generation (and even men in their 40s) I often think: I'm missing out lol. They look so good and sessy but often fail in the personality department. Since we have ladies of all ages here I wanted to know what the men of your generation are/were like physically and personality wise? How do you perceive them? I encourage ladies in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and so on to answer. I'll jot my own thoughts down later. TIA
20's - pathetic, biotcharseness, borderline feminine in their relationship expectations, etc. Of course, there are exceptions, I just need to find ONE.

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20's - pathetic, biotcharseness, borderline feminine in their relationship expectations, etc. Of course, there are exceptions, I just need to find ONE.

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I know what you mean by them being feminine in their relationship expectations (I'm also in my 20's). What do you mean by biotcharseness?
I'm in my early 20's and most, not all, of these guys are lazy, refuse to act like men but still expect to be treated like one, looking for someone to be their Quain, have a ridiculous sense of entitlement, and only interested in "careers" that will make them rich quick but require little to no talent/effort/professionalism/education.

Physically - tattoos, dreads, decent faces/bodies.

Of course, this isn't all of them :lol:
Biotcharseness - Having thin skin, putting in a little but expecting a lot. Easily discouraged and unwilling to make necessary changes in behavior, career, or relationship when the situation calls.

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I'm in my 30's so the men in my generation were born after the feminist movement so many of them grew up being quite aware of the attack on masculinity yet things were not so PC either, so many men in my generation are kind in the middle of the road. From what I've experienced you get two different extremes............too feminine and whinny or too chauvinistic. They show clear signs of societal degradation and depreciation of masculinity. I can only imagine what they are like in the generation after mine.
Im in my 20's and lets just say im underwhelmed! I have decided to date outside my generation till further notice :giggle:
Not really. I have met some great men in my life but it was so few I can name them :lol: I don't really have anything positive to add which is why I hadn't posted before.
Gentlemen, masculine, open doors, pay for dates, dressed and still dress like men not rappers or prison inmates.
Don't get me wrong, there were always players, but it was not that hard to find a guy who wanted to be in a serious relationship with you. I love hanging out with my age group. We know how to party and have fun. No cellphones back in the day so brothers called you and came over to see you and most were not even thinking about yt women.
Funny, I was just thinking of this today post-participation in a discussion elsewhere where folks were eating each other alive. I thought to myself that men often have this dismissive attitude towards women and sense of entitlement to utilize them and then to discard them. For those men who are married, I found it strange that they didn't own up to the general male failure these days of non-committal and slack of responsibility. They don't see it but are quick to point out womens' faults lol.
Funny, I was just thinking of this today post-participation in a discussion elsewhere where folks were eating each other alive. I thought to myself that men often have this dismissive attitude towards women and sense of entitlement to utilize them and then to discard them. For those men who are married, I found it strange that they didn't own up to the general male failure these days of non-committal and slack of responsibility. They don't see it but are quick to point out womens' faults lol.
I used to think like that but I've come to realize that men/women don't seem to pay as much to their own sex and the wrongs they do. I also thinks it's realistic since unless your gay you dont really care as much what people you aren't talking to in that manner are doing.
I'm in my early 20's and most, not all, of these guys are lazy, refuse to act like men but still expect to be treated like one, looking for someone to be their Quain, have a ridiculous sense of entitlement, and only interested in "careers" that will make them rich quick but require little to no talent/effort/professionalism/education.

Physically - tattoos, dreads, decent faces/bodies.

Of course, this isn't all of them :lol:

I'm in my 30's so the men in my generation were born after the feminist movement so many of them grew up being quite aware of the attack on masculinity yet things were not so PC either, so many men in my generation are kind in the middle of the road. From what I've experienced you get two different extremes............too feminine and whinny or too chauvinistic. They show clear signs of societal degradation and depreciation of masculinity. I can only imagine what they are like in the generation after mine.

ITA with this! I'm in my 30's too and you never know what you're gonna get, some guys are too feminine and others are too chauvinistic. Every now & again you meet a guy with the right balance. I'd also like to add in immature, spoiled, irresponsible, lack of focus & players. In my experience, guys in my generation do not have levels of success or vision that match mine which is why I prefer older men.
20's - pathetic, biotcharseness, borderline feminine in their relationship expectations, etc. Of course, there are exceptions, I just need to find ONE.

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I'm in my early 20's and most, not all, of these guys are lazy, refuse to act like men but still expect to be treated like one, looking for someone to be their Quain, have a ridiculous sense of entitlement, and only interested in "careers" that will make them rich quick but require little to no talent/effort/professionalism/education.

Physically - tattoos, dreads, decent faces/bodies.

Of course, this isn't all of them :lol:

Biotcharseness - Having thin skin, putting in a little but expecting a lot. Easily discouraged and unwilling to make necessary changes in behavior, career, or relationship when the situation calls.

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Pretty much, especially the bolded :ohwell: