what are the differences in vitamin e oil?


Well-Known Member
i cannot find any information online...

can someone tell me the difference between vitamin e iu?




all 3 of these oils have different iu's and are different colors

[highlight]for hair use, what should i be looking for? should it be clear? does the brand matter? and what the heck is the iu? does it matter how low/high it is?[/highlight]

tia, ladies! :D
I.U. stands for International Units. It is the same idea as milligrams, though they are not equivallent.

International units exist in order to account for the fact that certain preparations of the same vitamin are not bioequivalent. Regardless of the preparation 1 IU will provide the same biological activity. Pretty much, the higher the IU the more potent it is. But you must also take into the account of the bottle. I think the IU is a measurement of the whole bottle not just one serving ( unless it states a serving, which usually doesn't happen) on the bottle.

The most most potent vitamin e oil is 70,000 IU. It is very thick and clear and can be bought off of Amazon.com. I have yet to find it in a store. It is very good for the skin ( clears dark marks and scars) but also may break you out if your skin is very oily or if you have very acne-prone skin.

I am no expert, this is just what I know based off of my use of Vitamin E oil.
This is a good question.
Thanks OP
I once purchases vitamin e oil from fromnaturewithlove (at least three years ago and about a gallon's worth), it cost me a lot now that I think of it but for some reason the price didn't matter then, talk about pjism at it's finest, anywaypoint is when I got it, it looked nothing like the vitamin e oil I've seen in stores, it's really thick and brownish in color sorta like palm oil ( any Nigerian knows what that is) but it wasn't that red. I still don't know if what I bought was vit e oil since there is no picture on the site, it was supposedly non refinded vitamin e oil, if I'm not home right now or I would have taken a picture.
Anyway has anyone used any vit e oil like that?
Well, the guy at Vitamin Shoppe said the higher the I.U. the more potent it is. However, I have the last Vitamin E pictured up top from Jason and it is super thick. So thick I can't even spread it comfortably. So I never really use it.
I've always wondered this too because I hear that some people have great results from using it and I haven't. I keep wondering what type of oil is Vitamin E oil? Like where does it come from and this is what I just found:

"Many Vitamin E oils are manufactured directly from oils such as soya, canola, or corn through a distillation process."

IMHO Those are oils I'm not really eager to use in my hair and I especially question the "distillation" process (I prefer more natural/unprocessed beauty products) so I think I would rather get Vitamin from one of these oils if I felt my really needed it.

Vitamin E content per 100 g of source include:

Wheat germ oil (215.4 mg)
Sunflower oil (55.8 mg)
Almond oil (39.2 mg)
Walnut oil (20.0 mg)
Peanut oil (17.2 mg)
Olive oil (12.0 mg)
Poppyseed oil (11.4 mg)
ladies thank you for your help :D

i'm planning to start back using this on my hair, and possibly my skin too. i wonder what difference potency makes? i suppose you get more of the benefits the stronger it is