What Are Somethings Your Hair Loves That A Lot Of Hair Gurus Say It Isn't Good For Your Hair?

@AgeinATL, I'm so hoping you're right about the bolded. They got me paranoid about using my KareCo Tangle Buster brush. LOL. I know in the short term it is GREAT for my hair. I'm hoping this holds over the long term. :smile:

I tried the finger-detangle only regimen....um, NO :perplexed: . My hair was matting at the roots and it was starting to dread. Gently removing sheds with a tool is key for my hair. Shed hair that is not thoroughly removed will wrap around healthy hair and cause TONS of issues trying to get them out. I finger detangle first and then go in with my TEK brush or wide tooth comb. Never again will I do a finger-detangle only regimen.
Shampooing frequently: I shampoo 1x a week, and might up it to 2x a week, and my hair is enjoying it. If you use a good shampoo that isn't drying, and moisturize well, your hair should be fine. I have low porosity hair that gets build up easily, and I'm starting to work out again, so washing only every other week, or monthly does not work for me.

Same here!!!!!!! This has been a constant for me forever. Ideally, 2x/wk washing is great for my hair. Especially if I were working out heavy, 2x a week would be a must for me.

Yes yes yes! When I use the correct shampoos I really enjoy it; my hair seems to do better with a twice weekly shampoo.

Combing is another one. I have to comb, especially if I'm deep in a stretch otherwise the tangles are just too much. I've learned to be very gentle though.

You've just got to do what suits you and not follow the crowd. It took me a while to grasp that.
I tried the finger-detangle only regimen....um, NO :perplexed: . My hair was matting at the roots and it was starting to dread. Gently removing sheds with a tool is key for my hair. Shed hair that is not thoroughly removed will wrap around healthy hair and cause TONS of issues trying to get them out. I finger detangle first and then go in with my TEK brush or wide tooth comb. Never again will I do a finger-detangle only regimen.

Yes, precisely! :yep: Woooo! :meditate:

So glad to have someone cosign on all of that!
Yes yes yes! When I use the correct shampoos I really enjoy it; my hair seems to do better with a twice weekly shampoo.

Combing is another one. I have to comb, especially if I'm deep in a stretch otherwise the tangles are just too much. I've learned to be very gentle though.

You've just got to do what suits you and not follow the crowd. It took me a while to grasp that.
Same here! I always comb, natural and relaxed. Comb, shampoo, use protein.
I shampoo my hair every other day, using a sulfate shampoo and co-wash on the other days. All the conditioners I use have protein and silicones.

I seal my hair, maybe 1x or 2x a month.
I miss buying/using the big tub of cholesterol but away from that I'm good. I'm natural and I've switched to Cream of Nature with Aragan oil shampoo and conditioner and see nothing wrong with using them. I will continue using my styler but I'm phasing out expensive shampoos, conditioners and protein treatments. They are too expensive and I'm quite sure there are better alternatives out there. I'm trying to find twisting creams that give me definition and help my hair hold in moisture.:afro:
I start mid-shaft. MUCH easier! And in the end, it results in my putting less tension on my ends.

Yes to this! Finger detangling and detangling from the ends does not do a thorough enough job for me to remove all of my shed hairs, so detangling mid shaft works a lot better for me
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Yes to this! Finger detangljng and detangling from the ends does not do a thorough enough job for me to remove all of my shed hairs, so detangling mid shaft works a lot better for me

Yay! I'm not the only one! I am happy for this affirmation from several ladies in this thread! :yep: :smile:
Alot of hair gurus say texlaxing is best for the hair, but it caused my hair to break due to the different textures. I relax my hair straight, and it's growing and retaining length just fine.

Another bad thing is shampoo. I shampoo my hair 2x per week, and my scalp is not dry.

Silicones are not the devil for my hair. My hair has better manageability when I use products with silicones.
Ditto to the shampoo. My scalp likes to be shampooed AT least weekly, twice a week is even better. I do try to stay away from sulfates too often though because I do find them drying eventually (although they don't bother my scalp at all..it's the hair that gets offended!). Cowashing is not for me, unless I'm using it between actual shampoo sessions to boost moisture (this more in the Winter time).
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