What Are Some Things That You Will Not Stand For ?


Well-Known Member
In A Relationship ?

Basically what I mean is that almost everyone has something that they absolutley will not tolerate in their relationship. For example one woman may put up with her SO going to strip clubs every night while for the next woman that would be the end of the relationship.

Whether it is infidelity, abuse, foul language, a non-cook, children outside of the relationship, unemployment or foul breath... (I don't know I could go on forever), but I am curious to know what is the one thing that would make you tell your man he has got to go ?

For me it would be verbal abuse, I can't be with anyone that is going to curse at me, because that shows me that he has no respect for me, and it could easily lead to physical abuse, so I'm gone before it even gets that far.:yep:
Disrespect and all of the things that fall under that HUGE umbrella.
To me, being disrespectful is a choice and a total disregard for the other person and their feelings.

I can put up with anything that is not blatant disrespect. Once a person expresses to their displeasure with a particular behaviour, some kind of conclusion should happen. Either it will stop, or a new light is shined on it and makes it acceptable.
i agree with verbal abuse
also kids
and all day-every day smokers (weed, cigarettes, cigars...it's all the same)
Being put down with negative words and or disrespect. Having a man put his hands on me, cheating, lying and always not willing to put 50/50!
Things I will not tolerate:

1.) Dishonesty
2.) Disrespect
3.) Drug usage
4.) Drama-filled baby-mommas
5.) Your drama filled momma
6.) Your boys hanging out at my house
7.) Your family in our business
8.) Smelly sneakers and/or boots...I will throw them in the trash.
9.) Long bouts of unemployment:nono:
10.) Spending countless hours on the PS3 playing Grand Theft Auto
11.) Passing gas in public and not saying "excuse me"
12.) Passing gas in private and not saying "excuse me"
13.) Hygiene. Need I say more here...

I'm sure I have other things, but I'm at work and people keep interrupting me.....BBL.


Lack of Respect

All those plus:

not working, laziness
unable to manage money (this one I can't stand cuz you aint about to ruin my credit)
drug use
always depending on others, doesnt show any type of self reliance
any type of abuse, verbal or physical
1. Disrespect
2. Lying
3. Abuse of any form
4. Cheating
5. Baby mama drama
6. Drug use or excessive alcohol drinking

I have dealt with all of the above and tolerated to my own detriment..but I won't again so that is how I made this list.
Lying and Physical Abuse.

The abuse is a no-brainer, but the lying is a recent epiphany. I mean, I don't care who you claim you can get to back you up or support your story, if I smell that it's a lie, yo' bad. :nono::naughty: And if I believe you'll lie to me once, you'll do it again. And if you think you can do it again, you'll think you can do anything.
Mind if I ask you ladies what you would consider verbal abuse? I ask because my ex has said some "things" during arguments while we were still together, that I thought were okay/normal.
My def. of verbal abuse is vocal behaviour that has or leaves you feeling afraid, ashamed, embarrassed and/or threatened. Someone up in your face screaming, pointing, cussing, accusing OR it can be the calm and quiet way someone can belittle for the purpose of chipping away at your self-esteem, your confidence and self-worth.
I can't even make a full list because I think I'd take up too much space...lol. I'm sooo happy we can learn from our experiences :)

I agree with pretty much all that was said & will throw in:

close-mindedness & manipulative personalities/behaviors
I agree with all of the above.

My personal deal breakers are constant criticism and abusive behavior in general.
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I would have to say that my deal-breaker is resentment. If he messes up so many times and/or so radically that I start to resent him, it's over. No more trying to work through that for me. :ohwell:
I agree what most of what these ladies have said. However I find that most men show some of these behaviors prior to even establishing a relationship with them but people either think it will magically stop once they are together or that they can change him.
First of all I wouldn't date a man with kids, that smoked, didn't have a job, was disrespectful, etc.

Being in a relationship I don't tolerate cheating and abuse. With cheating I would end the relationship as soon as I found out about it, I don't care if it happened yesterday or 11 years ago. When I find out about it Im gone.
First of all I wouldn't date a man with kids, that smoked, didn't have a job, was disrespectful, etc.

Being in a relationship I don't tolerate cheating and abuse. With cheating I would end the relationship as soon as I found out about it, I don't care if it happened yesterday or 11 years ago. When I find out about it Im gone.

Laziness, abuse in whatever form, and cheating. It is OFF.
here's a few from my list:
1. My faith is important to me, so he must be a practicing Christian
2. BE respectful and supportive of my dreams
3. BE respectful of my mother!
4. Believe in disciplining children
5. BE on time for appointments, dates, or outings with me
6. NOT have smelly shoes in the house or within 1000 feet of me
7. Have a career goal in life and the courage to see it through
8. BE happy with my physical appearance
9. Have excellent table manners and not chew noisily!!!
10. BE brave enough to stand up for himself, myself, his beliefs

Yes, it's a long list but i ain't afraid to add more cuz i know my worth :grin:
*SPINOFF from my prior comment on this thread*

14.) Asking me for money
15.) Paying YOUR bills (i.e., past child support, alimony, etc - see 14.)
16.) Smacking while chewing your food (Drives me up and ova the wall)
17.) Bailing you out of jail
18.) Posting bond
19.) Writing you letters while incarcerated, putting money on ur books, etc
19a.) Accepting your collect calls while locked up
20.) Foul smelling feet
21.) Horrid looking feet/hooves
22.) Bamafied clothing
23.) Foul smelling breath
24.) Dirty looking dreads

I'm sure there is more, but this is it for now.... prolly why my ass still single lololol:lachen: