What are some special things that your BF/SO/DH has done for you recently?

Jade Feria

Well-Known Member
I love reading positive stories of the special things that men do for the ladies in their lives, so 'fess up! It doesn't have to be anything major...most of the time it's the little things that speak volumes. It could also be something special that he said.

As for me, let's see...
Well, here's one of mine. He knows I'm very much into organic/natural living, so he recently surprised me by taking me for a (very expensive) mani/pedi at an organic spa. I felt so pampered!
*Surprised me with dance lessons (for us) for a Christmas gift.
*Gave me beautiful diamond and blue sapphire earrings and matching bracelet. This was a complete surprise.
*Then this Valentine's day he gave me the prettiest little necklace, more casual than the Christmas present, but it was in the same colors: white gold, diamonds, blue sapphires. I love it so much I started buying and wearing more blue just so that I could wear it more and show it off.
Okay, one more...

When we were first married I wanted a dog soooo bad. He kept saying no, :blah:.

But a few months into our marriage he surprised me one Saturday morning with the cutest little black poodle. She was the sweetest little thing in the world. Dh travelled a lot for work and she ended up keeping me really good company when he was away.
Okay, one more...

When we were first married I wanted a dog soooo bad. He kept saying no, :blah:.

But a few months into our marriage he surprised me one Saturday morning with the cutest little black poodle. She was the sweetest little thing in the world. Dh travelled a lot for work and she ended up keeping me really good company when he was away.
I love reading positive stories of the special things that men do for the ladies in their lives, so 'fess up! It doesn't have to be anything major...most of the time it's the little things that speak volumes. It could also be something special that he said.

As for me, let's see...
Well, here's one of mine. He knows I'm very much into organic/natural living, so he recently surprised me by taking me for a (very expensive) mani/pedi at an organic spa. I felt so pampered!

It's so sweet when they do something for you that shows they are really paying attention to what's important to you.

.. walks with with weekly around Stone Mountain.
.. seasons the meat for dinner.
.. attempted to make the bed.
.. made a Mexican dinner (Mexican is my favorite).
called me friday with a western union number for a hefty pick-up because i told him i was broke. TALKING ABOUT SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUDE HAD ME TEARY EYED.
My car is on it's last leg...and I've been worried about getting back and forth to work. So, he (DF) decided to switch cars with me. I've been driving his car for about a month now. He even fills it up with gas. In the meantime, he's looking for a car for himself, so that he can give me his car, and he'll be the one paying for a car. I love this guy!
My DH 8days after our wedding was my bday so knowing he didnt have much money consider the wedding and family-moon he still found a way to buy me a purple mountain bike topped with purple bow for my bday and a personal ice cream cake for Baskin Robins Ive been feening for for ages. Awww...the love...
Awwwwww you guyyyyys!! I love it! :hug:
Here are some more I just thought of:
When I was packing my apartment to move he brought me food from my favorite vegetarian restaurant
I was out of work for a while and worried about how I would pay my bills and he paid ALL of them (rent, cell phone, utilities, etc)

It's so sweet when they do something for you that shows they are really paying attention to what's important to you.

It really is!
On Saturday, SO drove me 5+ hrs one way to visit my dad who was admitted to the hospital on Wed (Dad is fine now and was discharged today- he just needs to take better care of himself). We were planning to go out of town anyway, but that would've been only a 2.5 hr trip. When I found out my dad was in the hospital, I bemoaned the poor timing, considering the trip we had scheduled, SO suggested that I go see my dad also, and I agreed. By Friday Daddy told me, "I'm fine, it really isn't that big a deal, you don't need to come and I don't want you making that drive." I was going to let that go. But, SO said, you should go see your dad, don't worry- I already said I'll go with you and I'll do all the driving. The drive going lasted 7 hrs because I ended up picking a route that was laden with traffic, SO was cool about the whole thing though. I was only able to visit with my dad for a few hrs because I had other obligations that evening, but I am glad I did go and I told SO as much when after the fact I realized that this was the first time I had ever seen my dad in the hospital. :sad:

SO is such a sweetie. I love him.:hug3::kisslips::2inlove:

Oh, and last week, I made steak, etc for him for dinner. I was surprised to later see that before he left my place he had cleaned the messy broiler pan that I had left in the sink to soak. :love:
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My Bf recently surprised me with Maxwell concert tickets!! He KNEW how much I wanted to go, and he got them about a month ago (my sister told me).

He is THE MAN! lol

The concert is tonight, and I think he has some other things planned....we shall see **so excited**
On Saturday, SO drove me 5+ hrs one way to visit my dad who was admitted to the hospital on Wed (Dad is fine now and was discharged today- he just needs to take better care of himself). We were planning to go out of town anyway, but that would've been only a 2.5 hr trip. When I found out my dad was in the hospital, I bemoaned the poor timing, considering the trip we had scheduled, SO suggested that I go see my dad also, and I agreed. By Friday Daddy told me, "I'm fine, it really isn't that big a deal, you don't need to come and I don't want you making that drive." I was going to let that go. But, SO said, you should go see your dad, don't worry- I already said I'll go with you and I'll do all the driving. The drive going lasted 7 hrs because I ended up picking a route that was laden with traffic, SO was cool about the whole thing though. I was only able to visit with my dad for a few hrs because I had other obligations that evening, but I am glad I did go and I told SO as much when after the fact I realized that this was the first time I had ever seen my dad in the hospital. :sad:

SO is such a sweetie. I love him.:hug3::kisslips::2inlove:

Oh, and last week, I made steak, etc for him for dinner. I was surprised to later see that before he left my place he had cleaned the messy broiler pan that I had left in the sink to soak. :love:
That was so sweet of him! I"m glad your dad is ok!
he had to go out of town for the weekend to supervise night jumps. he was on a boat so, i didn't hear from him much and was feeling pretty lonely.. until he surprised me and came home earlier than expected with a dozen roses and a coke lol..
I was highly upset about some things on our recent vacation... I almost ended up in a car accident on the freeway in Cali, and I broke down in tears and just lost it. We were at Comic-Con... it was the last day (yesterday)... and after I snapped on him and we argued, he pushed me to talk about what was REALLY going on and refused to leave me in the car like that even though I told him to "enjoy the last of the vacation."

I hate talking when I'm mad, I tend to be a ticking timebomb... and even in the middle of "nerd paradise" he was concerned, and actually persuaded me to open up and feel better about whatever it was that made me feel ill.
